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Цити: Национални парк Денали
Mon 23 Dec
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Mon 23 Dec
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Коментара (229)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Jun 2014
We took the bus to Denali and were disappointed with the crowd and lack of animals to see. The next day we took the Denali Jeep Excursion and were delighted. While not a huge amount, we did see wildlife. Probably too early in the season. However, what we saw, we saw up close. Jeff, our guide, was very professional. He had "secret spots" for scenery and wildlife. He offered great personal service including taking photos of the group and individuals with our cameras at no charge. I would do this tour again and again.
Jun 2014
I had a lot of fun on this expedition. Our group consisted of 3 jeeps, besides the lead jeep. My wife & I were able to have our own jeep because of the small group size. The tour was late starting, but that was from road construction along where the Jeep camp is and travel on the road by pilot car only. Our 1st stop was a marshy tundra to walk around & take pictures. After that we went to 4WD & went down the dirt path of Stampede Trail. We got to have a real Jeep adventure of going through water, driving slanted, and a Jeep driving game on the way back, which really worked the 4WD. When we got to the cook's camp he had a beef stew, coffee, water, and lemonade available. He showed us his camp where he's living and answered questions. Do not expect to see any animals on this expedition, but do be ready to have fun in avail Jeep while seeing another side of Denali. I would greatly suggest this for those who like to have fun in vehicles and are not scared to drive rough.
May 2014
We took a half day Denali Highway excursion and had two 4 door jeeps for our 7 person group. The way the excursion works is, they pick you up and shuttle you out of town to the launch site. The tour guide is in the lead jeep and the others follow, connected by CB radio. We drove about 55 miles down the Denali Highway which is a gravel road, stopping several times along the way for scenic views. The guide would periodically give commentary over the radio. While lunch is not provided, they do allow you to bring a cooler and they did provide snacks like chips and can drinks. Pros: great views 'off the beaten path', personal attention, smallish group. Guide with a lot of local knowledge. Neat to drive a jeep. Cons: quite expensive for a group of 7, road was very dusty which limited visibility (not their fault), we didn't see much wildlife (again not their fault). At the end of the day, if you have access to your own vehicle you can drive this stretch of highway yourself, pull over at the turnoffs for pictures, and save a ton of money and time. At your own risk though...while not an 'off road' experience, the gravel does kick up when another vehicle approaches. One jeep got a windshield damaged this way. Take special care if renting an RV.

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