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Денали Парк Зиплине Авантура

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Цити: Национални парк Денали
Thu 07 Nov
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Са почетком у $154.99
Thu 07 Nov
Са почетком у $154.99
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Коментара (442)
Aug 2021
Highly recommend this experience! It was me and my 10 year old son. Transportation from the tour office was in a comfortable van with a friendly gentleman from Hawaii behind the wheel. We were greeted by our tour guides at the edge of experience (Gavin and Kelly Sue). These two stayed with us throughout our experience and they were great! Friendly, knowledgeable, fun, with a relentless focus on safety. The experience starts with an ATV ride to the Zipline platforms. Bumpy ride over a mountain road but that’s why you need an ATV :). Super rough terrain but the ATV’s handled it with no problems. Next we went through a safety briefing and was fitted with our harness, gloves, and helmet. They walk you through your equipment, why you use it, dos and don’ts. They use a two lanyard system so that your harness is always connected to at least one secure point as your move throughout the experience. There are a variety of ziplines that you experience that differ in elevation, length, speed, and scenery. The last zip is a two person race which adds some excitement and competition to the experience if you want :). Overall we had a fantastic experience! The zips are awesome. There are some fun “obstacles” like rope bridges that you get to navigate as your move around the zip platforms. Kelly Sue and Gavin did an amazing job of keeping us entertained and safe. Highly recommend this experience! Some thoughts and recommendations: 1. Get the GoPro option for one member in your party. It’s $30 and you can capture all the cool moments on video for your party. It’s easy to turn it on and off so you capture exactly what you want. 2. Listen, relax, have fun. There are some basic safety protocols that are implemented throughout the experience. Knowing and using these safe practices will make you feel more comfortable in high places :). 3. Hats off to the staff. I left a personal item behind and they were kind enough to find it and mail it to my residence. Very thoughtful and customer oriented. 4. My last note if for the tour company. I can’t think of anything you could do to make my experience better but I do recommend some type of photo op at the end of the experience after everyone has collected their belongings. This would give folks a chance to take a parting photo but also time to chat briefly with their tour guides and pass on gratuities. 5 minutes would offer plenty of time. Thank you for a great experience! Best, Jim
Molly Z
Aug 2021
Johnathan and Gavin were awesome! They made the day great with their positive attitudes and really promoted a fun and collaborative environment. They also performed safety checks at each and every platform. All around wonderful experience!
Aug 2021
These guys are the best. First time ziplining, it was beyond my wildest expectation!! Gavin and Jonathan were our zip guides, they made it so much fun and most of all kept us safe!! The ride into the zip area was three miles in an adventure and was bumpy but excilerating....bad backs need not apply!! Loved it and would highly recommend it!!

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