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Цити: Национални парк Денали
Tue 19 Nov
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Са почетком у $154.99
Tue 19 Nov
Са почетком у $154.99
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Коментара (442)
Loribeth C
Sep 2018
Before booking with this company, we read reviews on several similar companies and were delighted with a ridiculous one for this company where the writer claimed this excursion unsafe and unsturdy. Since it was the only of its kind, we chose this tour. We are so glad we did! In addition to being very sturdy, we also had a short bonus ATV ride, a bit of local geography shown to us, and a really fun time. It starts at the storefront where you are weighed and loaded into a tour van and a driver talks about the area and tells jokes. When we got there, we were loaded into 6 person ATVs and driven a while into the forest. We are both heavier people, and it was good to know that we were both safe and comfortable while enjoying the adventure, as when we got there, we put on the harness and helmet and everything was completely adjustable. I am very short (5'2" and my partner is 6'2" ) and I always felt like everything fit well.The guides were both very kind and knowledgeable. We had pics taken with their cells and with our own, and for a small price, you can get the ones they take digitally. I recommend it, though our own pics turned out better. The weather was clear, and the zips were a good variety so it felt like a new experience every time. When we were done, we took a group pic and sat a while to view the local peaks with a guide telling us a bit about each one including the Mt Healy Quadrant. I would recommend this for most people. You do need to be physically fit enough to climb ladders and stairs, but otherwise it is not super physical. It is a short excursion to fit into a day where you do several things. Took about 4 ours from start to finish (including check in, get back, and fill up the gas tank at the station) Pro Tip: make sure you pee before you go!
Gail B
Sep 2018
This would be a lots of fun with your kids! We are two older mid and older 60's people and enjoyed the people and the experience of zipping along the pole to pole zip line . Enjoying the views, flora and fauna of the Alaskan wilderness . You must travel on dirt bumpy roads to get back to the zip line. It's not too bad a trip. The people running the zip line are careful to show you the safety gear and rules. Something fun to do near Denali Park .
Sep 2018
The only other time I've gone zip-lining was in Ecuador and I have to say, the views were definitely better there when we were literally zip-lining IN the mountains. Here, they built a course NEXT to the mountains which had nice views but honestly could have been done anywhere. Actually, the highlight for me was the ATV tour to the course because we were zipping through the mud and our guide Jennie was very interesting to talk to. The guides were safe, professional, conversational, and honestly made the experience when the scenery lacked some.

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