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Десолатион Цанион - Греен Ривер

Десолатион Цанион је можда наш најпопуларнији породични одмор на реци. Мање познато национално благо, Пустош је једно од најсликовитијих, историјских и живописних области пловних путева на западним рекама. Његове формације јарких боја су споменици сили мајке природе. Дивљи живот успева: можете видети јелене мазге, пустињске овце, преријске псе или водене птице и пустињске птице, заједно са јуком, жалфијом, бројним кактусима и дивљим цвећем. Огромна стабла памука изнад нетакнутих плажа нуде изузетне кампове. Осетите моћ реке која вуче док ваш сплав или весла плута дуж мирнијих делова Грина. Десолатион Цанион има обиље брзака; преко 60 укупно на овом путовању од 84 миље. Путовање укључује сликовити чартер лет од Моаба до места за смештај у Санд Васх-у.
Цити: Моаб
Fri 31 Jan
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $1597.00
Fri 31 Jan
Са почетком у $1597.00
Шта је укључено
Стручни водич
Сви порези, накнаде и накнаде за руковање
Оброци по плану (Б=доручак, Л=ручак, Д=вечера)
Локални порези
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Бебе су обавезне да седи у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Путници би требало да имају барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Молимо вас да обавестите о свим специфичним захтевима у исхрани у време резервације.<ли>Вегетаријанска опција је доступно, молимо вас обавестите у време резервације ако је потребно<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, молимо вас да се обуците прикладно
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Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Коментара (3)
Jul 2019
Back story: Our family has done one day rafting trips and we go camping. We figured we would try combining them into one memorable trip, so we did the 4 day Desolation Canyon Trip and would say that it is great for everyone! It was even better than we all thought it would be. From the beginning, Adrift was easy to work with...getting questions answered about the equipment and finicky eaters. Once we arrived in Moab, we checked in with Myke at the office and he provided dry bags and explained that the equipment was already on its way to the let in point. It was an easy and smooth check in experience that still allowed time to explore Moab. The next morning, two adults, two newly minted teenagers and another double digit kid started what would turn out to be a phenomenal 4 days that exceeded all expectations. After driving to the Moab Airport, we boarded a 6 seater (yes!) flight that would take us over the beautiful landscape of Moab so we could get to our put in point. The Green River was in view and we got a sneak peek of where we would be rafting. Once back on ground, we met our amazing guide, Everett. He got us loaded in the raft and we headed down the river. Everett was the linchpin to the memories we created and the good time we had on the trip. His focus was twofold; first and foremost the safety of everyone in the raft and then us having a fun tim. He has tons of experience on this section of the river, and this knowledge was shared with us through stories and things pointed out on hikes. The kids didn't realize they were learning something, but talking afterwards it was great to hear how much they retained. On the water, Everett took us through fun rapids (Class II and IIIs) that I think everyone would find fun. When in stretches between rapids, we had the green light to swim in the river and the kids loved floating along effortlessly. On land, Everett, Zach and Kat (two other guides on other rafts) made us feel at home. They worked to set up the kitchen, prepare tasty lunches and dinners and pointed out some easy hikes for us. Menus are different each trip, but first day, my family opted for sandwiches, day 2 was chicken caesar salad wraps and day 3 was taco salad wraps before traditional deli meat sandwiches on day 4. First night dinner was ribs with tortellini and vegetables, day 2 was chicken fajitas and the last night was steak with asparagus and potatoes. We took hikes to see petroglyphs, old mining homes and some unbelievable views in general. One big question Adrift answered, but still didn't make sense until on the trip was the bathroom. Away from camp, there was a toilet set up that gave privacy and views of the river and canyon walls. The simple system also make is clear if the bathroom was open or in use. Our family is already looking to do another multiday rafting trip, perhaps Cataract Canyon with Adrift, but in the meantime, Adrift will undoubtedly provide you and your group the best experience in Desolation Canyon.
Jul 2018
I was among a group of local friends who chose Adrift to support our Desolation Canyon trip. Our three guides, Charlie, Johnny, and Ian were fun, knowledgeable about the canyon and the river, were great cooks, and really had good chemistry. They expertly navigated our boats through almost historically low water levels, and did a good job selecting campsites. The equipment was first rate, as well. I would highly recommend doing a whitewater trip with Adrift!
Jun 2018
I have been using Adrift Adventures for over 20 years for the daily rafting they offer - Fisher Towers and Westwater Canyon. ALL of these have been excellent, well organized, and professional with great boatman providing safe and enjoyable passage down the river. Last week (June 10-13, 2018), I took my first multi-day trip with Adrift through Desolation and Gray Canyons on the Green River. Was it AWESOME! Zach, our boatman, was excellent. I cannot say enough good things about him. We did not have an assistant guide/swamper and Zach did a HUGE amount of work in leading hikes, rowing, pointing out interesting features, etc. He was friendly, had an amazing attitude, knowledgeable, and extraordinarily professional. The food was nutritious, plentiful, and excellent. I was always completely stuffed after every meal. Zach led us on several hikes over our 4 days on the Green River, mainly to look at petroglyphs and old pioneer ranch buildings. Adrift Adventures is a GREAT guiding service out of the Moab area. They are HIGHLY recommended.

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