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Авантура на санкању за псе у Виллов, Аљаска

Наша одгајивачница шампионских паса за санке је у породичном власништву и ради у Виллову, Аљаска, главном граду света! Дозволите нам да вас упознамо са нашим тимом паса Идитарод, доживите традиционалну вожњу саоницама на Аљасци и научите о нашем јединственом начину живота који воде пси. Желимо вам добродошлицу у наш дом, хуманитарну одгајивачницу са најбржим псима за трке на даљину у земљи!
Цити: Анцхораге
Mon 18 Nov
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Са почетком у $243.00
Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $243.00
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<ул><ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку
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Коментара (139)
Dec 2020
What an adventure! Being Alaskan and a dog lover I found myself taking a ride with Alaskan Husky Adventures and Matthew Failor. I arrived early for my ride and was greeted and treated to a chorus of howling huskies, the resident older dogs were out in the yard and came up to meet me with wagging tails and genuine smiles. Soon Matthew was outside and introducing me to his team and kennel. I had an up close meet and greet with his rockstars and after some kisses and belly rubs was settled in for my trail ride. Up, down and through the woods we ran dogs with the wind in hair and wearing smiles. The dogs seemed excited by my squeals as we rounded counters and came up over blind hills, they knew exactly what they were doing. After an adventurous and exciting run we arrived back at the kennel to more howls and and everyone excited to see us back. I spent some time hanging out at the kennel and hearing about adventures on the trail during races such as Iditarod and the Kuskokwim 300 where he and his wife Liz got engaged. It’s moments like this that remind me how lucky I am to get to do things like this, it was a perfect day.
Dec 2020
When we arrived we met Matthew and Liz. Such a fun couple that love their 60+ dog family. We were given the tour of the cleanest dog yard I have ever seen. The dogs are so well taken care of. They each have their own house. Some of the dogs that have participated in races have their name and races entered on their name plates on their houses. They were thrilled to have Matthew give them ear scratches or tummy rubs. They started getting the team together for our ride. Matthew had such patience with me! I asked a zillion questions, and he just kept answering me! (Thank you for this - I learned a lot) We left the yard and started through the trees. In front of us - a huge moose ran across the trail. We stopped, and Matthew went to verify that it didn't stick around. My favorite part of the adventure was being on the trail with the dogs It was amazing. You are moving along at a good speed. In the yard, they were barking and jumping - showing that they were ready to go. Once Matthew pulled the hook (musher terminology - lol), they were quiet and focused on their run, The dogs are happy to be in their element . We stopped about a mile out. The views of Denali were spectacular. My guide (Matthew) made sure we got photos with our favorite dogs - Love that Mr. Zeppelin! Once back at the kennel, we took more photos - and got to again love on some sweet dogs. Do I recommend this trip - YES. Would I like to go again - YES. Will we be back YES
Dec 2020
We loved this so much, we brought six groups of friends and family over the summer to experience this amazing adventure. Each and every group said this was the highlight of their Alaska visit! The tour offers something for all ages and interest levels. We learned so much about the world of dog sledding from Matt and Liz, we came back to cheer them on in the Iditarod! And now as boosters, the 17th Dog Team is forever a part of our lives.

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