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Делпхин Схеллинг Сноркелинг Крстарење у Тампи

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Цити: Санкт Петербург
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $78.32
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $78.32
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Коментара (140)
Mar 2020
Had a wonderful experience with captain Tim on our vacation! He really took time for us to see dolphins even though they weren’t very active during our cruise. Absolutely loved pulling up to shell key and being able to look for sand dollars. We had a great time! Highly recommend taking the couple of hours to experience the gulf in a different way.
Jan 2020
Tim is great! Super nice guy. Really friendly. The boat is new, clean and has a lot of space to relax. It was just our family of four, so we enjoyed the "just us" time. Our tour was a little "atypical" as it was a very windy day. Our ride down to Shell Key took longer than usual (due to the wind and needing to go the whole way on the intracoastal side) so we had less time on Shell Key. We enjoyed the ride and the time in the island. Kids went snorkeling (brought our own wet suits). Tim had flotation and very nice snorkeling gear. Found some nice shells but no sand dollars......too choppy. Tim was nice enough to give each of your kids some sand dollars he had found the day before. Ride back was fine. No dolphin sightings (but that was not due to lack of trying). Tim even radioed other boats to see if/ where they had seen some, but no luck..... we know there's nothing he can due to make them jump :) The kids both said they had a great time and really liked Tim and wanted to go again. Very nice excursion for the family. Great value for the price! Thanks.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2020
Thank You for the review. Happy to be a part of your holiday. Safe travels.
Dec 2019
Tim was a great guide and we had a very fun day. Weather was beautiful, the boat was nice, comfortable and clean. Tim was laid back, friendly and knew the area well. Shell island was nice and lots of beautiful shells if you’re into that. Overall a great day with cold beers, sunshine and good tunes. I recommend getting some food and beers at Sea Dogs after your trip. We will definitely book this trip on our next visit.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2019
Thank you for the review. Glad to hear you enjoyed the entire package. Cheers!!

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