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Гледање делфина и роњење - мала група - 4 сата

Представљамо лигње! Први путнички чамац са литијум-јонском батеријом који је одобрила УСЦГ у САД. Најтише искуство које ћете имати на броду док посматрате делфине. <бр>Радили смо са Дејвидом Волвортом, поморским архитектом и главним инжењером на МИТ-у, познатим по својим високоефикасним дизајном катамарана, како бисмо направили савршен чамац за наша путовања од нуле.<бр><бр>Нашу невероватну посаду пажљиво обучавају наши поштени еко биолози. Обука посаде почиње на копну истраживањем и усклађивањем мисије пре него што пређемо на воду где усавршавамо своје поморствене вештине и радимо да бисмо постали што ефикаснији у испуњавању наше Сврхе. <бр><бр>Радимо на ширењу вредности очувања дивљих животиња<бр>„Људи штите оно што воле.“ Жак Косто је то рекао и то нас инспирише у Хонест Ецо-у док радимо на томе да помогнемо људима да открију и заљубе се у окружење чији смо сви део.<бр><бр>Непрестано учимо и подстичемо себе да будемо еколошки одговорни могуће.
Цити: Кеи Вест
Wed 20 Nov
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Са почетком у $125.00
Wed 20 Nov
Са почетком у $125.00
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Вода у боцама за воду од нерђајућег челика за вишекратну употребу
Коришћење опреме за роњење
Свеже органске грицкалице из локалног кафића
Образовани водич за роњење
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (101)
Apr 2022
We had an amazing half day with Honest Eco! We loved the small group, the electric boat, the crew, what we saw .... Everything in facts :) We are a couple of experienced snorkelers and had with us our 5-year old for her first real snorkeling and her first boat trip. We wanted her to discover the sea and wildlife but not in an artificial setting with animals in captivity. We couldn't hope for better: she was able to very well see dolphins and a wide range of different fishes, learned a lot about the ecosystem, in a safe and fun way. We also quite enjoyed ourselves the snorkeling spot we went to and the dolphin spotting with the detailed explanations. We were impressed by the way the crew managed the whole afternoon and by how they were welcoming and knowledgeable. It was a pleasure to chat with them. The healthy snacks were also great! Don't hesitate: book with them!!!
Apr 2022
Highly recommend this excursion in Key West. Awesome crew and amazing experience. Not only did we get to soak in some great weather being out at sea, but we saw a pair of dolphins come close to the boat, enjoyed some sight seeing while snorkeling, and learned a ton about the ecosystem. Great snacks as well! Bring sunscreen!!!
Apr 2022
This trip was first class from tip to tail and to really convey that message I’m sharing my experience which I normally don’t do. The boat was pristine, all equipment provided seemed new and the education plus service from Rachel and Brady was impeccable. We saw a dolphin which interacted right alongside the boat and after awhile we were snorkeling in an area which felt like the middle of the gulf but I know it wasn’t too far out. This was my first time snorkeling and because of the confidence and expertise I picked up from Rachel and Brady along the way, I wasn’t as anxious as I anticipated I would be. We saw the expected coral and fish along with the unexpected sting ray (very large) and lobster too. Rachel’s passion for marine life and love of sharing her knowledge with others was very refreshing. It’s been 24 hours since my trip and I’m still struck by her excitement and sheer love for her job. I expected there would be a high level of safety awareness yet it was delivered in a way that left me feeling Rachel and Brady were not just checking the box. As if all that wasn’t enough, organic snacks were provided and the customized boat was environmentally friendly along with highly safe. I’ve been on numerous boats and catamarans yet I couldn’t tell the difference between this electric boat vs others. The entire trip truly exceeded my expectations and especially when considering the cost (very low for everything provided). If you only have 4 hours to spend on an excursion in Key West - this one is the best.

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