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Гледање делфина и роњење - мала група - 4 сата

Представљамо лигње! Први путнички чамац са литијум-јонском батеријом који је одобрила УСЦГ у САД. Најтише искуство које ћете имати на броду док посматрате делфине. <бр>Радили смо са Дејвидом Волвортом, поморским архитектом и главним инжењером на МИТ-у, познатим по својим високоефикасним дизајном катамарана, како бисмо направили савршен чамац за наша путовања од нуле.<бр><бр>Нашу невероватну посаду пажљиво обучавају наши поштени еко биолози. Обука посаде почиње на копну истраживањем и усклађивањем мисије пре него што пређемо на воду где усавршавамо своје поморствене вештине и радимо да бисмо постали што ефикаснији у испуњавању наше Сврхе. <бр><бр>Радимо на ширењу вредности очувања дивљих животиња<бр>„Људи штите оно што воле.“ Жак Косто је то рекао и то нас инспирише у Хонест Ецо-у док радимо на томе да помогнемо људима да открију и заљубе се у окружење чији смо сви део.<бр><бр>Непрестано учимо и подстичемо себе да будемо еколошки одговорни могуће.
Цити: Кеи Вест
Wed 20 Nov
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Са почетком у $125.00
Wed 20 Nov
Са почетком у $125.00
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (101)
Oct 2022
We enjoyed this trip beyond words! Captain Sara and Rachel were the best!! I learned so much about the marine life and ocean bed of the keys that I will never forget. Both are clearly very passionate about the environment and sharing their access to it and knowledge of it with others. We thoroughly enjoyed our snorkel and it was so great to have someone to help point out the amazing marine life for all guests to observe. They provided healthy and delicious snacks as well and were very attentive to everyone's needs on board. We loved it and would recommend Honest Eco to any and everyone.
Oct 2022
My husband and I had a reservation on a Tuesday afternoon but due to low signups, it was canceled the morning of. (It happened to be Fantasy Fest this week, so most people prob preferred to party on land hah) We were reconfirmed for the next morning, and to our surprise, we were basically given a private charter for regular price! We had Captain Sara and Rachel aboard for our trip. They were a joy to hangout with for 4 hours; truly an amazing and educational time! We learned so much from the both of them - personally and professionally - and their excitement for the water, marine life, and education was so contagious. One of the reasons we chose this company was because of their electric boat SQUID. We had *perfect* weather and water conditions. Their electric boat is quieter and can access shallower waters through the sandbars. We saw a turtle, a shark, a squid, sting rays, jellyfish, many lobsters, a cute shrimp, fish, lots of beautiful corals and oceans of sea grass. Unfortunately the one thing we didn’t see was dolphins, but they are wild after all and we knew it just would be a bonus if we did catch a glimpse of them. Rachel had a GoPro and sent us a gallery of our underwater photos - a very generous gesture! We were provided snacks like fresh hummus from Date and Thyme and a beautiful spread of fruits, both prepared by Rachel. 100% recommend this company! I only wish we had more time to do a longer trip. Both Captain Sara and Rachel made us feel so comfortable and welcomed. The work that this company is doing is inspiring and I know without a doubt that the research and educational outreach they’re committed to will be impactful to the dolphins and overall marine biology. I’m a fan!
Oct 2022
I had a great time on this trip! I loved the fact that it was a more eco friendly tour and the captain and crew member were both terrific. I felt that they were really passionate about what they did and were very knowledgeable. Wonderful experience !

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