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Обилазак уклетог Менхетна у Еаст Виллагеу

Уклети Менхетн нуди најтачније — и ЗАБАВније — обиласке духова у граду! <бр><бр>На нашој турнеји по Еаст Виллагеу, тајни подземни свет духова и духова открива се док вас кроз 13 уклетих станица води паметни, духовити и бескрајно забављајући Френки, бармен који је навикао да има посла са посетиоцима који само не желим да слушам Последњи позив. Од воза духова на станици метроа Астор Плаце, до уклетих вриска у ноћи у улици Бонд, до подрума у ​​којем један од највећих америчких писаца можда још увек пијуцка амонтилладо, видећете и знаменитости и ронилачке барове који чине Еаст Виллаге легенда да јесте — и слушајте приче о духовима који ову област називају домом.<бр><бр>Историјско, урнебесно и потпуно задивљујуће искуство, Уклети Менхетн ће вам показати највећи град који постоји, као да га никада раније нисте видели.
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Sat 11 Jan
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Sat 11 Jan
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МцСорлеи'с Олд Але Хоусе
Сазнајте о познатим личностима које су пиле у најстаријем бару на Менхетну који непрекидно ради...неке од њих можда никада нису ни напустиле...
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Еаст Виллаге
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Коментара (67)
Samantha K
Nov 2017
The Greenwich Village Tour with Professor Mortimer was amazing! He was very funny and very knowledgeable. My friend & I had so much fun! Between the two of us I am definitely more into ghostly things but he had a really great time too. The Prof. is very engaging and enthusiastic, it was never boring. I definitely recommend this tour for anybody looking to have some spooky fun & learn a little something along the way. When I go back to NY I am absolutely going to take the other tours offered, The West Village & The East Village.
Oct 2017
I typically don't give a tour like this 5 stars, even if I have a great time just because I feel even my favorite tours can't be perfect (and to me, 5 stars is for perfection). "Perfect" is subjective, but I will say this tour deserves 5 stars. I took the Greenwich Village Haunted Tour the Saturday of Halloween weekend. First, I'd like to say that it's as described on the website. It isn't meant to be scary. It's meant to be historically informative and a bit comedic. That it was. Professor Mortimer made his job look deceptively easy, due to how natural of a great guide he is, or well-seasoned, or both, can't tell which. He was always one step ahead of how the crowd might react, so he could appeal to just about any type of person - the jumpy ones, the skeptics, etc. so that everyone could get the most out of the tour. He was able to step out of character and return into character just enough and at the right moments, so that the tour could poke a bit of fun at other tours that take themselves too seriously, as well as tours that don't take themselves seriously enough. This may seem like an odd observation, but it showed me just how intelligently he handled the tour, which I appreciated. I liked that the format of the tour was like a "class" (yet am glad he didn't go overboard with that metaphor which could have been too much). When he gave us a "pop quiz", it helped me remember some of the information that we went over. While I enjoy these tours tremendously, I tend to space out :) The review of what we saw helped me take away more from the tour had he not done the pop/quiz and review. I didn't find the tour to involve a tremendous amout of walking, but I'm a walker. I can't easily estimate how far we walked, but I feel it may not be for those who get tired easily, but easily doable for anyone who typically strolls around Manhattan. I appreciated that Professor Mortimer reminded us politely yet effectively to leave room for passersby while we gathered around our various stops. As someone from the tri-state area and a frequent visitor to NY, I know the frustration of getting blocked by a tour group as I try to go about my day! I will probably sign up for at least one of the other Haunted Manhattan tours. I'm not big on long, detailed history tours, but this one seemed just about right in terms of the amount of detail given for the number of sites, for someone who wants to learn a bit more about New York history.
Oct 2017
We took a tour of the East Village with Frankie as our guide. We received an email reminder the day before to tell us where to meet and what our guide would be wearing so as to identify her easily. We love to take a ghost tour whenever we visit a city to hear local tales and see parts you wouldn't normally visit and this one didn't disappoint! Frankie is a wonderful storyteller and made me want to go back to visit some of the places we stopped on our tour and maybe take another if only it hadn't been our last night in the city and we had more time! Book on a tour, it's a really fun way to spend an evening!

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