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Роцк турнеја Еаст Виллаге (Роцк Јункет Тоурс)

Роцкјункет.цом ће поделити невероватан увид у свет рок и панка Ист Вилиџа. Домаћини су лиценцирани водичи који су живели и радили у музичком бизнису и живели животом. Истражићемо дивљу страну Њујорка и посетићемо места на којима су музичари свирали, живели и забављали се. Да ли сте се икада запитали где су Рамонес, Телевисион и Блондие звали дом у Њујорку? Где би Лед Зеппелин, Доорс, Анималс и Вхо свирали до раних јутарњих сати? <бр>Такође ћемо проверити:<бр>Рок сајтове, панк сајтове, поп сајтове радимо све. <бр>Пунк рок омоти албума<бр>ЦБГБ<бр>Рамонес<бр>НИ Доллс<бр>Патти Смитх<бр>Цласх<бр>Блондие<бр>Сјајна шетња Еаст Виллагеом коју су организовали бивши музички руководиоци и музичари .
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Sat 19 Oct
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Са почетком у $46.94
Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $46.94
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Све области и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Препоручују се удобне ципеле за ходање пошто на овој тури постоји умерена количина ходања<ли>Инвалидска и колица су дозвољена. Имајте на уму да област може бити закрчена саобраћајем, па се препоручују мања колица, ако је могуће<ли>Обилазак се одвија по киши или сунцу. У мало вероватном случају да турнеја буде отказана због непредвиђених околности, биће вам дата могућност да поново закажете турнеју<ли>Молимо вас да обавестите број телефона приликом резервације у случају промена у обиласку<ли> ли>ЕАСТ ВИЛЛАГЕ ТОУР се састаје на ЈЗ УГЛУ Источне 9. улице и 3. авеније у Схаке Схацк<ли>Маске су опционе.
Шта да очекујете
Еаст Виллаге
За обилазак Еаст Виллаге-а састаните се на јужном углу источне 9. улице и 3. авеније 10 минута пре почетка обиласка.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (147)
Sep 2022
We were interested in this area of town and the history of the rock scene however, it was a hot day and the tour operator seemed unenthused about the tour. He would say his part and then quickly march to the next spot not caring if his group was near him or struggling in any way. We actually held back to help others on the tour who eventually quit the tour early. No plans or flexibility for bathroom breaks or drinks along the way. Hopefully, if you do this tour he will be having a better day.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2022
Hi Amy we're sorry you didn't have a good time but we can't do anything about the heat, Our records say you took the tour on July 1st when the temperature was 95 degrees with 70% humidity, we keep notes for each tour, so we'll admit it was tropical but we try to make it as enjoyable as possible. Its been one of the hottest summers on record in NYC however we do find shade at every site and we do walk on the shady side of the street between sites. The sidewalks in the Village are narrow so our groups can't walk shoulder to shoulder but in a line so a few people will always be 10-15 feet behind the guide. On your ticket we suggest to bring water and wear comfortable shoes however if you need water just ask and we'll stop at a deli. I don't enjoy the heat and humidity either but our guides carry a 25 pound shoulder bag full of visuals, books and water so its rather exhausting and hot for us too. Retailers in the area are small boutiques and frown upon tour groups coming in to cool down and the bars usually don't open until 4pm well after the tour ends so we are limited with places to chill and go to the bathroom. If it's an emergency we'll accommodate for sure. I do remember the 2 people that left early and prior to the tour the husband emailed us to ask if it's a difficult walk with hills and such because his wife has problems walking. I said its a moderate walk, flat streets and an easy walk. I did speak to him about 30 minutes into the tour asking how they were doing and he said "Don't worry about us but I'm not sure we're going to finish but we'll give it a go." Before they graciously left the tour he said it was fun and interesting and that he wished he could finish but his wife was having trouble with her legs. He then tipped me $20 and said despite the heat we really enjoyed it and wish we could finish. We hope you did learn a bit about the neighborhood as its one of our favorites and perhaps we'll see you on a different tour when its cooler out. Thanks.
Sep 2022
Overall the tour was not good. Most places we were taken was about the punk rock scene. We thought it would encompass all genres. The tour had way too much walking for the small amount of places we visited. The tour guide was knowledgeable but not engaging with the tour group.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2022
Hi Vanessa we're sorry you didn't enjoy your experience as everyone else in the group expressed how much they loved the tour. You booked the "Rock n' Punk Walking Tour" so yes there were punk locations but we also spoke about Led Zeppelin, Hendrix, Clash, Stones, Bill Graham, Ramones, CB's, Iggy, Dolls and we even touched upon pop and jazz. Maybe punk rock is not your thing. Nevertheless we hoped you enjoyed your stay in New York City.
Sep 2022
So informative and really good fun. “Bobby” does a great job of painting a vivid picture. Will do more.

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