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Еаст Зион Екпериенцес 4-х Слот Цанион Цанионееринг УТВ Тоур

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Цити: Национални парк Зион
Thu 02 Jan
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Са почетком у $135.00
Thu 02 Jan
Са почетком у $135.00
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Коментара (332)
Apr 2021
We had a fantastic time with our tour guide Ted. He was not only friendly, but also very knowledgeable and skilled in canyoneering. He made it a great experience for the four adults and the two kids in our group, all of which had differing skill levels. He encouraged us, gave us tips on foot placement and so forth to make our experience successful. After spending 9 days in Utah, our 9 and 11 year old said this was the highlight of the whole trip. I have to agree with them! Oh yes and the UTV drive was fun too! Ted went the extra mile and captured some great photos for our family and airdropped them to me at the end of our experience. What a nice surprise!
Apr 2021
We had a great time with Hunter as our guide. His instructions were very specific and really helped us novices. My son and my husband are not too comfortable with height and Hunter made them quite at ease. He is an amazing guide, very efficient with his rope set up and time management. It was quite hilarious watching how he managed our group compared to the other 2 guides before us. We still can’t believe he is still in high school. The only reason we took off 1 star was the wait we had to endure beforehand (a late start of 18 minutes despite us coming in 30 minutes early ) and during (lots of groups all in the Ladder canyon). Just a suggestion, EZE should consider how all the age/number of people in the group ... etc into consideration and pace us out so we don’t have at one point 5 groups packing in one spot. It was like a sardine can and social distance was not possible. If it weren’t for Hunter we would have been so late to our next destination. Overall we still had a great time. Thank you EZE and Hunter. We will definitely call you if we are ever back to Zion.
Apr 2021
What an AMAZING experience - 10 stars!! We've been all over the world and have done all kinds of 'experiences' - with and without kids ... none come close to this one. First, our guides (Rob and Ted) were fantastic - patient, knowledgeable, encouraging ... just great guys who love what they do and love sharing it with others. The UTV rides were a major hit with the kids. But the rappelling + canyoneering were out of this world - beautiful, exhilarating, fun, unique. Our group (ranging from age 6-50) loved every second and would recommend it, hands down, even if you're just passing through the area. Do this!!

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