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Елкхорн Слоугх Вилдлифе Тоур

Ел Цат, изграђен управо овде у Мосс Ландингу, је потпуно електрично пловило са 32 путника, сертификовано Обалском стражом. Ово је прилагођени 37-инчни катамаран направљен и дизајниран посебно за воде нашег сопственог Елкхорн Слоугха.
Цити: Монтереј и Кармел
Mon 23 Sep
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Са почетком у $43.00
Mon 23 Sep
Са почетком у $43.00
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Доступан је дезинфекционо средство за руке путницима и особљу<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање наметнуто током искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Водичи су обавезни да редовно перу руке
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Национални резерват за истраживање естуарина Елкхорн Слоугх
Придружите нам се у јединственој вожњи катамараном на електрични погон за обилазак дивљих животиња дуж једног од највећих плимних плимних путева у Калифорнији. Уживајте у приповеданом крстарењу дуж Елкхорн Слоугха, живописне и живахне мочваре која се налази на аутопуту 1 између Санта Круза и Монтереја у Мос Ландингу. Скенирајте видре, морске лавове, птице и даље током крстарења овим мирним водама.
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (158)
Oct 2021
With baby otters 🦦 year round, we had many sightings of various aged pups on our trip. Wonderful Great White herons, seals and pelicans were seen in abundance. The guide was very informative and pointed out every (yes every) otter 🦦 in the estuary that was near us. (She said population has been a steady 140 for several years). She shared that Momma's have to eat half their weight daily in addition to feeding and caring for a pup. Otters have just one at a time, and it's a challenge. Individually they have different favorite foods and pass those preferences to their pups. I especially like that the tour observes the rule to not interfere with wildlife behavior. The kayak tours were less compliant sadly. This electric catamaran and the tour on the Elkhorn Slough, in Moss Landing, CA, is fun for all: Gramma to 13 year olds will be comfortable on this tour. There are no gasoline fumes from a motor. The sea otters 🦦 naturally steal the show! I especially love that their are so many birds 🦆 and the boat is quiet and can respectfully pass the wildlife with little impact! Technically it is a catamaran, but feels like a boat. Easy boat tour to see the sights of the slough. Very importantly it was environmentally a better choice. Bring binoculars or telephoto lens for closer viewing. This is an experience you will remember. We had gorgeous weather leaving at 11:00am on a Friday in late October. Short sleeves were fine when we left the dock. When returning, the boat captain said it would be a little breezy heading into the wind. Dress in layers. Bring sunscreen. One and a half hours was the perfect trip. Fog was rolling in as we returned to our cars after lunch. There is a great restaurant called Phil's Fish and eatery walking distance.
Oct 2021
Beautiful day on a beautiful boat. Learned so much about the wildlife and the eco system of the slough. Plenty of otters to see along with birds sea lions and harbor seals.
Oct 2021
The Monterey Bay EcoTours of Elkhorn Slough was a great experience cruising the restored wetlands on a one-of-a kind electric catamaran, El Cat, designed and built especially for the owner/Captain. We saw lots of sea otters, sea lions, many types of birds and learned so much from the knowledgeable Naturalist. I love that the company is woman-owned by an experienced yachtswoman.

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