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Целокупна ваздушна тура острва Кауаи

Једини начин да видите и цените наш "Острво Рај" који се зове Кауаи, је одозго, а један од наших авиона је најбољи начин да то урадите! Уживајте у пејзажу који одузима дах из једног од наша два идентична ГА-8 Аирванс-а и будите опчињени невероватним панорамским погледом који ћете моћи да видите само одозго. Ми смо ЈЕДИНА компанија за авио-турнеје на Кауаију која може да прими групе од 12 летова у исто време. Ово је ваздушна тура у којој ће цела породица уживати и волети! Сваког госта третирамо као породицу. Фотографи нас воле!
Цити: Кауаи
Wed 06 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $159.00
Wed 06 Nov
Са почетком у $159.00
Шта је укључено
Приповедају професионални високо обучени пилоти
60-70-минутни излет из ваздуха
Незамисливо леп пејзаж
Локални порези
Слушалице за смањење буке за одрасле и децу
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Са два ГА-8 Аирванс-а, ми смо ЈЕДИНА компанија за путовања авионом на Кауаију која може да прими 12 гостију (6 по авиону) у исто време! Волимо породице и велике групе. Морате да нас позовете да потврдите места.<ли>Професионални, образовани, високо обучени пилоти.<ли>Свако има седиште до прозора са великим прозорима без додатних трошкова<ли> Споро летење за оптимално гледање и фотографисање<ли>Слушалице за смањење буке са микрофонима који се активирају гласом за комуникацију између гостију и пилота.<ли>МАКСИМАЛНО ОГРАНИЧЕЊЕ ПОЈЕДИНАЧНЕ ТЕЖИНЕ ЈЕ 300 фунти, са укупном тежином од 300 фунти. 1100 лбс. по авиону. Свако ко тежи 300 фунти. биће потребно купити друго седиште. Свака група која прелази 1100 фунти. мора се резервисати у два авиона. <ли>ВРЕМЕ ЗА ПРИЈАВУ ЈЕ 30 МИНУТА ПРЕ ВАШЕГ ЗАКАЗАНОГ ОБИСКА. <ли>Имена појединачних гостију, тежине и контакт информације морају да прате све резервације.<ли>Максимална индивидуална тежина је 300 лб. - 1100 лб. ограничење тежине по авиону<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Политика плаћеног боравка код куће за особље са симптомима<ли>Држава Хаваји укинула је мандат маске за лице на јавним површинама у 23:59 25. марта 2022. Наше особље је 100% вакцинисано а наши авиони се дезинфикују између обилазака. Маске за лице су опционе на нашим обиласцима авиона.
Шта да очекујете
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Мт. Ваиалеале
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Легенда о Менехунеу
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Познат као Велики кањон Пацифика. Одузима дах!
Ваилуа Фаллс
Прослављена телевизијском серијом, Фантаси Исланд
Ханакапиаи Фаллс
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Коментара (777)
Ryan H
Apr 2012
I flew on "Air Ventures Hawaii" today and really "got took" as they say. First from booking on Priceline, what was stated there and on the trip info simply was not what I got. To ad insult to injury I was placed on the left side of the plane behind the pilot and missed most of the sites. A family with a tot all of maybe 4 or 5 got the cherry seats on the right side. A girl about 8 inches shorter than me got to spread out in front with the pilot. A 4 or 5 year old (again amazed by this) gets the big window on the right in the middle. Her Mother getting the last good window on the right. There I am 6'2" 210 pounds, crammed in this tiny plane behind the pilot with a great view of the wing and white bar holding it on. One of the girls on the right side was kind enough to snap a few pictures for me and also thought it was foolish how they arranged us. The rest of the trip consisted of me sticking my arm over to where the tot was and trying to get pics and then finally shutting my camera off and giving up. The waterfall was the only thing the pilot circled back for, for me to see. I missed the entire Napali Coast which was the main thing I wanted to see. Oh there is Julia Roberts house and there is Pierce Brosnan's place. (The tot does not know who they are.) I will never know with my view of the ocean, wing, and white bar holding the wing on. This was absolute crap. Do yourself a favor and wait until you are here and book a helicopter tour. I have been sick at my stomach all day from this tiny plane and also just feel very ripped off. I cannot believe the pilot gave a tot a cherry seat and stuck me where he did either. A short girl getting to spread out in front. I had a 20 dollar tip ready but I left tipping nothing. I guess I will go blow 15 on a beer at the St. Regis where I am staying. Did not like the reference that it was foolish to spend 15 on a beer. What was foolish was this plane ride. I think I should get refunded as I have booked a copter tour tomorrow and have to drive all the way back to that side of the island to get a decent tour. The place I went to book another tour right after this said I would get a seat I wanted. They said they did not think that was right giving two of three people in a group, especially a little kid the good seats. They thought I probably only paid 60-70 though. Oh boy, I paid much more and got to watch a family make great memories while I sat in the worst seat on the plane. Not as advertised. Avoid at all costs! What a waste of a day and now I have to drive out of my way again for a decent tour. If you can't tell I am writing this while I am still mad. Just terrible. As if all this is not bad enough if you are on the right side, the plane still flies very very high. Not up close and personal at all like it was made out to be.
Joseph M
Feb 2012

Kauai is a very pretty island and I'd advise that all visitors should try and see it from the air. I was surprised at how inexpensive an hour’s flight round the island was, and got more photos from this flight than the all of the rest of the trip combined. The flight flies a loop out to the steep sea cliffs at the far side of the island before passing between the mountains (taking in a view of the highest / wettest point) and flying over the more lowland areas to finish off with an arial view of a waterfall into a cenote like feature. The tour firm pick you up from and drop you back at your hotel and ensure that you get at least one photo of yourself standing in front of the plane. The only slight issues were that towards the end of the flight the turbulence was becoming stomach churning to the point where I couldn't have taken much more, and the flight was about 5 minutes short of the hour. Other than that the cloud base was high enough for us to see everything and I'd strongly recommend this tour as you’ll see swathes of the island that you simply can’t see by any other means.

Feb 2012
The directions sent with the confirmation were accurate and made finding the Air Ventures at the Lihue airport easy. The day before someone called to re-confirm the trip. The pilot greeted all the passengers (6) by name and we had the picture taken before boarding the small plane. We all put our headphones on. The plane ride was totally smooth. The plane glided over the entire island without any bumps or jerking. The pilot was describing all the locations below and when he wasn't talking, a relaxing Hawaiian music was being played. The landing was very smooth. Overall, the the tour was immensely enjoyable and relaxing and I was able to take some good pictures. I can honestly recommend Air Ventures! Combine it with Lauau or the NaPali Cost dinner cruise to get the best deal.

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