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Евергладес Даи Сафари из Фт Лаудердалеа

Истражите дивљину Еверглејдса у целодневној авантури из Фт Лодердејла. Са својим водичем природњацима, идите на узбудљиву туру ваздушним чамцем у Национални парк Евергладес, уочите дивље животиње у вожњи кроз Национални резерват Биг Ципресс, уживајте у шетњи природом кроз високу шуму чемпреса и опустите се на крстарењу чамцем дуж вода обрубљених мангровима да бисте видели морске краве , делфини и орао. Сазнајте више о Евергладесу од свог водича и ручајте у ресторану на обали, где ћете моћи да пробате нека предјела!
Цити: Форт Лодердејл
Tue 19 Nov
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Tue 19 Nov
Са почетком у $199.00
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Шта да очекујете
Евергладес Даи Сафари
Туре које нуди Евергладес Даи Сафари
Национални резерват Биг Ципресс
Вожња дивљих животиња кроз борове саване и шуме чемпреса Националног резервата Биг Ципресс.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (348)
Dec 2019
A most enjoyable and interesting day's outing. i must compliment Julio the guide. He made a small group of strangers interact with each other so well. Apart from that his knowledge which he imparted was really useful. Thanks Julio. Much appreciated.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2020
Thank you for your feedback and excellent review! I'm glad you enjoyed Julio's expert guidance.
Dec 2019
So, this was a decent tour - good activities, serene nature sights, interesting fellow travelers. Our tour guide, Mark, was a nice, friendly and earnest guide...but, perhaps a bit too earnest and trying too too hard to keep us informed. He wouldn’t stop talking from the point we left until we returned. 1/2 of his information was useful and interesting facts, but the other 1/2 was platitudes. Bad jokes, and filler that bordered on drivel. It actually started to make the tour unbearable by the end. Because the other parts were quite interesting, fun, And relaxing, I think if all he did was trim his talk, the tour would be very very good.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2020
What sets our tour apart from any other Everglades tour is that we have engaged, educated biologists and naturalists that conduct the tours. There are seven of us that conduct the tours and we are family. We love what we do and we have a lot to say about the natural and cultural history of the Everglades. Anyone can drive themselves to the Everglades but to have a guide informing you about what you are seeing and experiencing elevates the adventure. Marc is an amazing guide and one of the funniest people I know. To have a guide that is so well-versed in knowledge of the Everglades and to have the wit to amuse regarding any subject Everglades related is a true luxury. Bad jokes are not in his repertoire, but I suppose humor is subjective. I can accept criticism when it's warranted but I must admit this assessment seems pointendly hurtful. Thank you for your feedback. I stand by Marc.
Dec 2019
There were only 5 of us on the tour which was a nice break after all the crowds of people on the cruise excursions. After a bit of a drive where we saw many species of birds we stopped at the “Everglades Safari Park” where we boarded an airboat that zoomed us through and into the Everglades National Park. Even though we did not see any Alligators I still enjoyed the thrill of the boat ride and the day was not over yet and a visit to the “Big Cypress Nation Preserve” was awaiting. Our guide took us on a long walkway built out into the heart of the swamp where we witnessed the magic of air plants living on trees; many varieties of birds, especially herons and ibis; big and baby Alligators; and who knows what else may have been lurking in that swamp. The Preserve is the heart of the Florida Panther’s primary range. Five distinct habitats shelter the life of this wet and wild world; Hardwood hammocks, Pinelands, Prairies, Cypress swamps and Estuaries. Seeing this was on my “to do” list and the final part of the tour just topped it all off. On the western edge of the Everglades bordering Ten Thousand Island and the Gulf of Mexico in Everglades National Park is Chokoloskee Island. It has been called one of Florida’s last frontiers and at the historic “Smallwood Store” you learn the story of the pioneers who tamed this vast wilderness. Established in 1906 by Ted Smallwood, the Trading Post, through good times and bad has survived six hurricanes. It has remained in the Smallwood family and today is operated by Ted’s granddaughter as a museum and serves as a time capsule of Florida pioneer history. In front of this museum we climbed into a jet boat and our very knowledgeable and experienced guide whisked the out among the 10,000 islands on the edge of the Gulf of Mexico. There was an abundance of wildlife which was highlighted by a pair of mating dolphins who decided that it was more fun to play with our boat than to continue their endeavors. This was an amazing day!!!!!!!!!

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