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Екскурзија у Вашингтон из Њујорка за 1 дан

Mandatory Carry Passport to enter the Arlington Cemetery.
Explore beyond the Big Apple on a full-day tour of Washington in Spanish. The capital of the United States, a city with the center of political power and where the destiny of the country is handled as well as that of many other nations. Although the city is a political and administrative center, it has many attractions as there are numerous monuments and places of national interest. It is a center of American history and culture with exceptional museums (several are free), galleries and much more.

Meet: The Pentagon, Arlington National Cemetery, Iwo Jima Monument, George Town, Lincoln Monuments, Korean War, Vietnam War, Pool Forrest Gump movie, World War II, OAS, The Obelisk, American Red Cross, Bice Presidency, The White House, IRS Treasury, FBI, Presidential Avenue, The Capitol, Air Museum and Space.
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Sun 30 Mar
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Са почетком у $119.00
Sun 30 Mar
Са почетком у $119.00
Шта је укључено
Превоз климатизованим аутобусом са купатилом и ВиФи
Преузимање и одлазак са одређених места састанка
Водич који говори шпански
Pickup and drop-off from designated meeting points
Transport by air-conditioned coach with bathroom
Bilingual tour guide
Admission to all sites is free
Додатне информације
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Infants are required to sit on an adult’s lap
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
  • Children must be accompanied by an adult
  • You must carry a passport to enter the Arlington Cemetery.
Шта да очекујете
Национално гробље Арлингтон
Национално гробље Арлингтон је највеће војно гробље у земљи и служи као последње почивалиште за више од 400.000 војних ветерана и њихове уже породице са фронтова Ирака и Авганистана, као и из Првог и Другог светског рата, сукоба у Кореји, Вијетнам, Хладни рат и грађански рат у Сједињеним Државама.
Ратни споменик америчких маринаца
Овај култни споменик заснован је на фотографији Џоа Розентала награђеној Пулицеровом наградом, која представља маринце који подижу заставу на врх планине Сурибацхи током Другог светског рата.
Јефферсон Мемориал
Зграда Џеферсоновог меморијала је кружна спољна структура са плитком куполом коју подржава кружна колонада састављена од 26 јонских стубова. 12 додатних стубова подржава северни трем, а по 4 стуба постављена су у сваки од 4 спомен отвора.
Линцолн Мемориал
„У овом храму, као и у срцима људи за које је Унија спасила, заувек је освећено сећање на Абрахама Линколна. Под овим речима, шеснаести председник Сједињених Држава осећа се овековечено у мермеру као трајном симболу јединства, снаге и мудрости. Направићемо пешачку туру у пратњи нашег водича.
Меморијал вијетнамских ветерана
Прошетаћемо кроз овај споменик који одаје почаст мушкарцима и женама који су служили у контроверзном Вијетнамском рату, Споменик вијетнамским ветеранима хронолошки наводи имена више од 58.000 Американаца који су дали своје животе у служби своје земље и њихова имена су исписана на овом гранитни зид.
Меморијал ветерана корејског рата
Меморијал корејских ратних ветерана налази се у близини Линколновог меморијала у Националном тржном центру у Вашингтону. Посвећен је 27. јула 1995. Споменик је пројектован и финансиран приватним прилозима и подигнут под покровитељством Саветодавног одбора Меморијала ветерана корејског рата. састављена од ветерана Корејског рата које је именовао председник Реган
Васхингтон Монумент
Споменик Вашингтону је обелиск у Националном тржном центру у Вашингтону, ДЦ, изграђен у знак сећања на Џорџа Вашингтона, некада врховног команданта Континенталне армије и првог председника Сједињених Држава. Налази се скоро источно од рефлектујућег базена и Линколновог меморијала,
Бела Кућа
Бела кућа је званична резиденција и радно место председника Сједињених Држава. Налази се на адреси 1600 Пеннсилваниа Авенуе НВ у Вашингтону, ДЦ и била је резиденција свих америчких председника. У У. Од Џона Адамса 1800. Израз „Бела кућа” се често користи као метоним за председника и његове саветнике.
Меморијал Мартин Лутхер Кинг, Јр
Споменик Мартину Лутеру Кингу млађем налази се у парку Западни Потомак поред Националног тржног центра у Вашингтону, ДЦ, Сједињене Америчке Државе. [1] Простире се на четири хектара и укључује Камен наде, гранитну статуу вође Покрета за грађанска права Мартина Лутера Кинга, коју је исклесао вајар Леи Јиксин. Инспирација за комеморативни дизајн је фраза из Кинговог говора "И Хаве А Дреам": "Са планине очаја, камен наде". Споменик је отворен за јавност 22. августа 2011. године, након више од две деценије планирања, прикупљања средстава и изградње.
Натионал Малл
Обилазићемо Национални тржни центар који је уређени парк у оквиру Националног тржног центра и Меморијалних паркова, званичне јединице Система националних паркова Сједињених Држава. Налази се у близини центра Вашингтона, главног града Сједињених Држава, и њиме управља Служба националних паркова (НПС) Министарства унутрашњих послова Сједињених Држава.
Национални споменик Другог светског рата
Меморијал Другог светског рата је споменик од националног значаја [1] [2] посвећен Американцима који су служили у оружаним снагама и као цивили током Другог светског рата. Састоји се од 56 стубова и пара малих тријумфалних лукова који окружују трг и фонтану, налази се у Националном тржном центру у Вашингтону, на некадашњем месту базена Раинбов на источном крају Рефлецтинг Поол, између Линколновог меморијала и споменик Вашингтону.
Васхингтон Монумент
Проћи ћемо кроз Обелиск, када је саграђен био је највиша грађевина на свету
Национални архивски музеј
Зграда Националног архива, неформално позната као Архив И, првобитно је седиште Државне управе за архиве и документе. Налази се северно од Натионал Малл-а на 700 Пеннсилваниа Авенуе, Нортхвест, Васхингтон, Д.Ц.
Национални музеј ваздухопловства и свемира
Национални музеј ваздухопловства и свемира Института Смитхсониан, који се назива и НАСМ, је музеј у Вашингтону, ДЦ. Основан је 1946. као Национални музеј ваздухопловства и отворио је своју главну зграду у Националном тржном центру у близини Л'Енфант Плазе 1976. године. 2016. тамо ћемо пронаћи историју авециона као прототипова који се користе за путовања на Месец.
Степенице Капитола
То је једна од најамблематичнијих зграда у Вашингтону и позната по томе што је сцена многих филмова. То је седиште законодавне власти коју формирају сенатори и представници у Дому. Зауставићемо се тамо да фотографишемо.
Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery is the largest military cemetery in the country and serves as the final resting place for more than 400,000 military veterans and their immediate family from the fronts of Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as World Wars I and II, the conflict in Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War and the United States Civil War.
U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial
This iconic monument is based on a Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph by Joe Rosenthal, which represents the Marines who raise the flag on top of Mount Suribachi during World War II.
Jefferson Memorial
The Jefferson Memorial building is a circular outdoor structure with a shallow dome supported by a circular colonnade composed of 26 Ionic columns. 12 additional columns support the north porch, and 4 columns are placed in each of the 4 memorial openings.
Lincoln Memorial
"In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom the Union saved, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is consecrated forever." Under these words, the sixteenth president of the United States feels immortalized in marble as a lasting symbol of unity, strength and wisdom. We will make a walking tour accompanied by our guide.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
We will walk through this Monument that honors the men and women who served in the controversial Vietnam War, the Vietnam Veterans Monument chronologically lists the names of more than 58,000 Americans who gave their lives in the service of their country and their names are written on this granite wall.
Korean War Veterans Memorial
The Korean War Veterans Memorial is located near the Lincoln Memorial at the National Mall in Washington, DC. It was dedicated on July 27, 1995. The Monument was designed and funded by private contributions and erected under the auspices of the Advisory Board of the Korean War Veterans Memorial. composed of Korean War veterans appointed by President Reagan
Washington Monument
The Washington Monument is an obelisk at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., built to commemorate George Washington, once commander in chief of the Continental Army and the first president of the United States. Located almost east of the reflective pool and the Lincoln Memorial,
White House
The White House is the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States. It is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. and it has been the residence of all US presidents. UU. Since John Adams in 1800. The term "White House" is often used as a metonym for the president and his advisers.
National Mall
We will tour the National Mall which is a landscaped park within the National Mall and Memorial Parks, an official unit of the United States National Park System. It is located near downtown Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, and is administered by the National Park Service (NPS) of the United States Department of Interior.
National World War II Memorial
The World War II Memorial is a memorial of national significance [1] [2] dedicated to Americans who served in the armed forces and as civilians during World War II. Consisting of 56 pillars and a pair of small triumphal arches surrounding a square and fountain, it sits on the National Mall in Washington, DC, on the former site of the Rainbow Pool at the eastern end of the Reflecting Pool, between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument.
Washington Monument
We will pass through the Obelisk, when it was built it was the tallest structure in the world
The National Archives Museum
The National Archives Building, informally known as Archives I, is the original headquarters of the National Archives and Records Administration. It is located north of the National Mall at 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest, Washington, D.C ..
National Air and Space Museum
The Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum, also called NASM, is a museum in Washington, DC. It was established in 1946 as the National Air Museum and opened its main building in the National Mall near L'Enfant Plaza in 1976 In 2016, there we will find the history of the avecion as the prototypes used for trips to the moon.
The Capitol Steps
Being one of the most emblematic buildings in Washington and well known for being the scene of many films. It is the seat of the legislative branch formed by Senators and Representatives to the chamber. We will stop there to photograph.
Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery is the largest military cemetery in the country and serves as the final resting place for more than 400,000 military veterans and their immediate family from the fronts of Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as World Wars I and II, the conflict in Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War and the United States Civil War.
U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial
This iconic monument is based on a Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph by Joe Rosenthal, which represents the Marines who raise the flag on top of Mount Suribachi during World War II.
Jefferson Memorial
The Jefferson Memorial building is a circular outdoor structure with a shallow dome supported by a circular colonnade composed of 26 Ionic columns. 12 additional columns support the north porch, and 4 columns are placed in each of the 4 memorial openings.
Lincoln Memorial
"In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom the Union saved, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is consecrated forever." Under these words, the sixteenth president of the United States feels immortalized in marble as a lasting symbol of unity, strength and wisdom. We will make a walking tour accompanied by our guide.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
We will walk through this Monument that honors the men and women who served in the controversial Vietnam War, the Vietnam Veterans Monument chronologically lists the names of more than 58,000 Americans who gave their lives in the service of their country and their names are written on this granite wall.
Korean War Veterans Memorial
The Korean War Veterans Memorial is located near the Lincoln Memorial at the National Mall in Washington, DC. It was dedicated on July 27, 1995. The Monument was designed and funded by private contributions and erected under the auspices of the Advisory Board of the Korean War Veterans Memorial. composed of Korean War veterans appointed by President Reagan
Washington Monument
The Washington Monument is an obelisk at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., built to commemorate George Washington, once commander in chief of the Continental Army and the first president of the United States. Located almost east of the reflective pool and the Lincoln Memorial,
White House
The White House is the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States. It is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. and it has been the residence of all US presidents. UU. Since John Adams in 1800. The term "White House" is often used as a metonym for the president and his advisers.
National Mall
We will tour the National Mall which is a landscaped park within the National Mall and Memorial Parks, an official unit of the United States National Park System. It is located near downtown Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, and is administered by the National Park Service (NPS) of the United States Department of Interior.
National World War II Memorial
The World War II Memorial is a memorial of national significance [1] [2] dedicated to Americans who served in the armed forces and as civilians during World War II. Consisting of 56 pillars and a pair of small triumphal arches surrounding a square and fountain, it sits on the National Mall in Washington, DC, on the former site of the Rainbow Pool at the eastern end of the Reflecting Pool, between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument.
Washington Monument
We will pass through the Obelisk, when it was built it was the tallest structure in the world
The National Archives Museum
The National Archives Building, informally known as Archives I, is the original headquarters of the National Archives and Records Administration. It is located north of the National Mall at 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest, Washington, D.C ..
National Air and Space Museum
The Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum, also called NASM, is a museum in Washington, DC. It was established in 1946 as the National Air Museum and opened its main building in the National Mall near L'Enfant Plaza in 1976 In 2016, there we will find the history of the avecion as the prototypes used for trips to the moon.
The Capitol Steps
Being one of the most emblematic buildings in Washington and well known for being the scene of many films. It is the seat of the legislative branch formed by Senators and Representatives to the chamber. We will stop there to photograph.
Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery is the largest military cemetery in the country and serves as the final resting place for more than 400,000 military veterans and their immediate family from the fronts of Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as World Wars I and II, the conflict in Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War and the United States Civil War.
U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial
This iconic monument is based on a Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph by Joe Rosenthal, which represents the Marines who raise the flag on top of Mount Suribachi during World War II.
Jefferson Memorial
The Jefferson Memorial building is a circular outdoor structure with a shallow dome supported by a circular colonnade composed of 26 Ionic columns. 12 additional columns support the north porch, and 4 columns are placed in each of the 4 memorial openings.
Lincoln Memorial
"In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom the Union saved, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is consecrated forever." Under these words, the sixteenth president of the United States feels immortalized in marble as a lasting symbol of unity, strength and wisdom. We will make a walking tour accompanied by our guide.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
We will walk through this Monument that honors the men and women who served in the controversial Vietnam War, the Vietnam Veterans Monument chronologically lists the names of more than 58,000 Americans who gave their lives in the service of their country and their names are written on this granite wall.
Korean War Veterans Memorial
The Korean War Veterans Memorial is located near the Lincoln Memorial at the National Mall in Washington, DC. It was dedicated on July 27, 1995. The Monument was designed and funded by private contributions and erected under the auspices of the Advisory Board of the Korean War Veterans Memorial. composed of Korean War veterans appointed by President Reagan
Washington Monument
The Washington Monument is an obelisk at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., built to commemorate George Washington, once commander in chief of the Continental Army and the first president of the United States. Located almost east of the reflective pool and the Lincoln Memorial,
White House
The White House is the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States. It is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. and it has been the residence of all US presidents. UU. Since John Adams in 1800. The term "White House" is often used as a metonym for the president and his advisers.
National Mall
We will tour the National Mall which is a landscaped park within the National Mall and Memorial Parks, an official unit of the United States National Park System. It is located near downtown Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, and is administered by the National Park Service (NPS) of the United States Department of Interior.
National World War II Memorial
The World War II Memorial is a memorial of national significance [1] [2] dedicated to Americans who served in the armed forces and as civilians during World War II. Consisting of 56 pillars and a pair of small triumphal arches surrounding a square and fountain, it sits on the National Mall in Washington, DC, on the former site of the Rainbow Pool at the eastern end of the Reflecting Pool, between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument.
Washington Monument
We will pass through the Obelisk, when it was built it was the tallest structure in the world
The National Archives Museum
The National Archives Building, informally known as Archives I, is the original headquarters of the National Archives and Records Administration. It is located north of the National Mall at 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest, Washington, D.C ..
National Air and Space Museum
The Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum, also called NASM, is a museum in Washington, DC. It was established in 1946 as the National Air Museum and opened its main building in the National Mall near L'Enfant Plaza in 1976 In 2016, there we will find the history of the avecion as the prototypes used for trips to the moon.
The Capitol Steps
Being one of the most emblematic buildings in Washington and well known for being the scene of many films. It is the seat of the legislative branch formed by Senators and Representatives to the chamber. We will stop there to photograph.
Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery is the largest military cemetery in the country and serves as the final resting place for more than 400,000 military veterans and their immediate family from the fronts of Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as World Wars I and II, the conflict in Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War and the United States Civil War.
U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial
This iconic monument is based on a Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph by Joe Rosenthal, which represents the Marines who raise the flag on top of Mount Suribachi during World War II.
Jefferson Memorial
The Jefferson Memorial building is a circular outdoor structure with a shallow dome supported by a circular colonnade composed of 26 Ionic columns. 12 additional columns support the north porch, and 4 columns are placed in each of the 4 memorial openings.
Lincoln Memorial
"In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom the Union saved, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is consecrated forever." Under these words, the sixteenth president of the United States feels immortalized in marble as a lasting symbol of unity, strength and wisdom. We will make a walking tour accompanied by our guide.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
We will walk through this Monument that honors the men and women who served in the controversial Vietnam War, the Vietnam Veterans Monument chronologically lists the names of more than 58,000 Americans who gave their lives in the service of their country and their names are written on this granite wall.
Korean War Veterans Memorial
The Korean War Veterans Memorial is located near the Lincoln Memorial at the National Mall in Washington, DC. It was dedicated on July 27, 1995. The Monument was designed and funded by private contributions and erected under the auspices of the Advisory Board of the Korean War Veterans Memorial. composed of Korean War veterans appointed by President Reagan
Washington Monument
The Washington Monument is an obelisk at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., built to commemorate George Washington, once commander in chief of the Continental Army and the first president of the United States. Located almost east of the reflective pool and the Lincoln Memorial,
White House
The White House is the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States. It is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. and it has been the residence of all US presidents. UU. Since John Adams in 1800. The term "White House" is often used as a metonym for the president and his advisers.
National Mall
We will tour the National Mall which is a landscaped park within the National Mall and Memorial Parks, an official unit of the United States National Park System. It is located near downtown Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, and is administered by the National Park Service (NPS) of the United States Department of Interior.
National World War II Memorial
The World War II Memorial is a memorial of national significance [1] [2] dedicated to Americans who served in the armed forces and as civilians during World War II. Consisting of 56 pillars and a pair of small triumphal arches surrounding a square and fountain, it sits on the National Mall in Washington, DC, on the former site of the Rainbow Pool at the eastern end of the Reflecting Pool, between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument.
Washington Monument
We will pass through the Obelisk, when it was built it was the tallest structure in the world
The National Archives Museum
The National Archives Building, informally known as Archives I, is the original headquarters of the National Archives and Records Administration. It is located north of the National Mall at 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest, Washington, D.C ..
National Air and Space Museum
The Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum, also called NASM, is a museum in Washington, DC. It was established in 1946 as the National Air Museum and opened its main building in the National Mall near L'Enfant Plaza in 1976 In 2016, there we will find the history of the avecion as the prototypes used for trips to the moon.
The Capitol Steps
Being one of the most emblematic buildings in Washington and well known for being the scene of many films. It is the seat of the legislative branch formed by Senators and Representatives to the chamber. We will stop there to photograph.
Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery is the largest military cemetery in the country and serves as the final resting place for more than 400,000 military veterans and their immediate family from the fronts of Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as World Wars I and II, the conflict in Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War and the United States Civil War.
U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial
This iconic monument is based on a Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph by Joe Rosenthal, which represents the Marines who raise the flag on top of Mount Suribachi during World War II.
Jefferson Memorial
The Jefferson Memorial building is a circular outdoor structure with a shallow dome supported by a circular colonnade composed of 26 Ionic columns. 12 additional columns support the north porch, and 4 columns are placed in each of the 4 memorial openings.
Lincoln Memorial
"In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom the Union saved, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is consecrated forever." Under these words, the sixteenth president of the United States feels immortalized in marble as a lasting symbol of unity, strength and wisdom. We will make a walking tour accompanied by our guide.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
We will walk through this Monument that honors the men and women who served in the controversial Vietnam War, the Vietnam Veterans Monument chronologically lists the names of more than 58,000 Americans who gave their lives in the service of their country and their names are written on this granite wall.
Korean War Veterans Memorial
The Korean War Veterans Memorial is located near the Lincoln Memorial at the National Mall in Washington, DC. It was dedicated on July 27, 1995. The Monument was designed and funded by private contributions and erected under the auspices of the Advisory Board of the Korean War Veterans Memorial. composed of Korean War veterans appointed by President Reagan
Washington Monument
The Washington Monument is an obelisk at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., built to commemorate George Washington, once commander in chief of the Continental Army and the first president of the United States. Located almost east of the reflective pool and the Lincoln Memorial,
White House
The White House is the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States. It is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. and it has been the residence of all US presidents. UU. Since John Adams in 1800. The term "White House" is often used as a metonym for the president and his advisers.
National Mall
We will tour the National Mall which is a landscaped park within the National Mall and Memorial Parks, an official unit of the United States National Park System. It is located near downtown Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, and is administered by the National Park Service (NPS) of the United States Department of Interior.
National World War II Memorial
The World War II Memorial is a memorial of national significance [1] [2] dedicated to Americans who served in the armed forces and as civilians during World War II. Consisting of 56 pillars and a pair of small triumphal arches surrounding a square and fountain, it sits on the National Mall in Washington, DC, on the former site of the Rainbow Pool at the eastern end of the Reflecting Pool, between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument.
Washington Monument
We will pass through the Obelisk, when it was built it was the tallest structure in the world
The National Archives Museum
The National Archives Building, informally known as Archives I, is the original headquarters of the National Archives and Records Administration. It is located north of the National Mall at 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest, Washington, D.C ..
National Air and Space Museum
The Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum, also called NASM, is a museum in Washington, DC. It was established in 1946 as the National Air Museum and opened its main building in the National Mall near L'Enfant Plaza in 1976 In 2016, there we will find the history of the avecion as the prototypes used for trips to the moon.
The Capitol Steps
Being one of the most emblematic buildings in Washington and well known for being the scene of many films. It is the seat of the legislative branch formed by Senators and Representatives to the chamber. We will stop there to photograph.
Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery is the largest military cemetery in the country and serves as the final resting place for more than 400,000 military veterans and their immediate family from the fronts of Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as World Wars I and II, the conflict in Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War and the United States Civil War.
U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial
This iconic monument is based on a Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph by Joe Rosenthal, which represents the Marines who raise the flag on top of Mount Suribachi during World War II.
Jefferson Memorial
The Jefferson Memorial building is a circular outdoor structure with a shallow dome supported by a circular colonnade composed of 26 Ionic columns. 12 additional columns support the north porch, and 4 columns are placed in each of the 4 memorial openings.
Lincoln Memorial
"In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom the Union saved, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is consecrated forever." Under these words, the sixteenth president of the United States feels immortalized in marble as a lasting symbol of unity, strength and wisdom. We will make a walking tour accompanied by our guide.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
We will walk through this Monument that honors the men and women who served in the controversial Vietnam War, the Vietnam Veterans Monument chronologically lists the names of more than 58,000 Americans who gave their lives in the service of their country and their names are written on this granite wall.
Korean War Veterans Memorial
The Korean War Veterans Memorial is located near the Lincoln Memorial at the National Mall in Washington, DC. It was dedicated on July 27, 1995. The Monument was designed and funded by private contributions and erected under the auspices of the Advisory Board of the Korean War Veterans Memorial. composed of Korean War veterans appointed by President Reagan
Washington Monument
The Washington Monument is an obelisk at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., built to commemorate George Washington, once commander in chief of the Continental Army and the first president of the United States. Located almost east of the reflective pool and the Lincoln Memorial,
White House
The White House is the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States. It is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. and it has been the residence of all US presidents. UU. Since John Adams in 1800. The term "White House" is often used as a metonym for the president and his advisers.
National Mall
We will tour the National Mall which is a landscaped park within the National Mall and Memorial Parks, an official unit of the United States National Park System. It is located near downtown Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, and is administered by the National Park Service (NPS) of the United States Department of Interior.
National World War II Memorial
The World War II Memorial is a memorial of national significance [1] [2] dedicated to Americans who served in the armed forces and as civilians during World War II. Consisting of 56 pillars and a pair of small triumphal arches surrounding a square and fountain, it sits on the National Mall in Washington, DC, on the former site of the Rainbow Pool at the eastern end of the Reflecting Pool, between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument.
Washington Monument
We will pass through the Obelisk, when it was built it was the tallest structure in the world
The National Archives Museum
The National Archives Building, informally known as Archives I, is the original headquarters of the National Archives and Records Administration. It is located north of the National Mall at 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest, Washington, D.C ..
National Air and Space Museum
The Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum, also called NASM, is a museum in Washington, DC. It was established in 1946 as the National Air Museum and opened its main building in the National Mall near L'Enfant Plaza in 1976 In 2016, there we will find the history of the avecion as the prototypes used for trips to the moon.
The Capitol Steps
Being one of the most emblematic buildings in Washington and well known for being the scene of many films. It is the seat of the legislative branch formed by Senators and Representatives to the chamber. We will stop there to photograph.
Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery is the largest military cemetery in the country and serves as the final resting place for more than 400,000 military veterans and their immediate family from the fronts of Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as World Wars I and II, the conflict in Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War and the United States Civil War.
U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial
This iconic monument is based on a Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph by Joe Rosenthal, which represents the Marines who raise the flag on top of Mount Suribachi during World War II.
Jefferson Memorial
The Jefferson Memorial building is a circular outdoor structure with a shallow dome supported by a circular colonnade composed of 26 Ionic columns. 12 additional columns support the north porch, and 4 columns are placed in each of the 4 memorial openings.
Lincoln Memorial
"In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom the Union saved, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is consecrated forever." Under these words, the sixteenth president of the United States feels immortalized in marble as a lasting symbol of unity, strength and wisdom. We will make a walking tour accompanied by our guide.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
We will walk through this Monument that honors the men and women who served in the controversial Vietnam War, the Vietnam Veterans Monument chronologically lists the names of more than 58,000 Americans who gave their lives in the service of their country and their names are written on this granite wall.
Korean War Veterans Memorial
The Korean War Veterans Memorial is located near the Lincoln Memorial at the National Mall in Washington, DC. It was dedicated on July 27, 1995. The Monument was designed and funded by private contributions and erected under the auspices of the Advisory Board of the Korean War Veterans Memorial. composed of Korean War veterans appointed by President Reagan
Washington Monument
The Washington Monument is an obelisk at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., built to commemorate George Washington, once commander in chief of the Continental Army and the first president of the United States. Located almost east of the reflective pool and the Lincoln Memorial,
White House
The White House is the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States. It is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. and it has been the residence of all US presidents. UU. Since John Adams in 1800. The term "White House" is often used as a metonym for the president and his advisers.
National Mall
We will tour the National Mall which is a landscaped park within the National Mall and Memorial Parks, an official unit of the United States National Park System. It is located near downtown Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, and is administered by the National Park Service (NPS) of the United States Department of Interior.
National World War II Memorial
The World War II Memorial is a memorial of national significance [1] [2] dedicated to Americans who served in the armed forces and as civilians during World War II. Consisting of 56 pillars and a pair of small triumphal arches surrounding a square and fountain, it sits on the National Mall in Washington, DC, on the former site of the Rainbow Pool at the eastern end of the Reflecting Pool, between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument.
Washington Monument
We will pass through the Obelisk, when it was built it was the tallest structure in the world
The National Archives Museum
The National Archives Building, informally known as Archives I, is the original headquarters of the National Archives and Records Administration. It is located north of the National Mall at 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest, Washington, D.C ..
National Air and Space Museum
The Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum, also called NASM, is a museum in Washington, DC. It was established in 1946 as the National Air Museum and opened its main building in the National Mall near L'Enfant Plaza in 1976 In 2016, there we will find the history of the avecion as the prototypes used for trips to the moon.
The Capitol Steps
Being one of the most emblematic buildings in Washington and well known for being the scene of many films. It is the seat of the legislative branch formed by Senators and Representatives to the chamber. We will stop there to photograph.
Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery is the largest military cemetery in the country and serves as the final resting place for more than 400,000 military veterans and their immediate family from the fronts of Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as World Wars I and II, the conflict in Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War and the United States Civil War.
U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial
This iconic monument is based on a Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph by Joe Rosenthal, which represents the Marines who raise the flag on top of Mount Suribachi during World War II.
Jefferson Memorial
The Jefferson Memorial building is a circular outdoor structure with a shallow dome supported by a circular colonnade composed of 26 Ionic columns. 12 additional columns support the north porch, and 4 columns are placed in each of the 4 memorial openings.
Lincoln Memorial
"In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom the Union saved, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is consecrated forever." Under these words, the sixteenth president of the United States feels immortalized in marble as a lasting symbol of unity, strength and wisdom. We will make a walking tour accompanied by our guide.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
We will walk through this Monument that honors the men and women who served in the controversial Vietnam War, the Vietnam Veterans Monument chronologically lists the names of more than 58,000 Americans who gave their lives in the service of their country and their names are written on this granite wall.
Korean War Veterans Memorial
The Korean War Veterans Memorial is located near the Lincoln Memorial at the National Mall in Washington, DC. It was dedicated on July 27, 1995. The Monument was designed and funded by private contributions and erected under the auspices of the Advisory Board of the Korean War Veterans Memorial. composed of Korean War veterans appointed by President Reagan
Washington Monument
The Washington Monument is an obelisk at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., built to commemorate George Washington, once commander in chief of the Continental Army and the first president of the United States. Located almost east of the reflective pool and the Lincoln Memorial,
White House
The White House is the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States. It is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. and it has been the residence of all US presidents. UU. Since John Adams in 1800. The term "White House" is often used as a metonym for the president and his advisers.
National Mall
We will tour the National Mall which is a landscaped park within the National Mall and Memorial Parks, an official unit of the United States National Park System. It is located near downtown Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, and is administered by the National Park Service (NPS) of the United States Department of Interior.
National World War II Memorial
The World War II Memorial is a memorial of national significance [1] [2] dedicated to Americans who served in the armed forces and as civilians during World War II. Consisting of 56 pillars and a pair of small triumphal arches surrounding a square and fountain, it sits on the National Mall in Washington, DC, on the former site of the Rainbow Pool at the eastern end of the Reflecting Pool, between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument.
Washington Monument
We will pass through the Obelisk, when it was built it was the tallest structure in the world
The National Archives Museum
The National Archives Building, informally known as Archives I, is the original headquarters of the National Archives and Records Administration. It is located north of the National Mall at 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest, Washington, D.C ..
National Air and Space Museum
The Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum, also called NASM, is a museum in Washington, DC. It was established in 1946 as the National Air Museum and opened its main building in the National Mall near L'Enfant Plaza in 1976 In 2016, there we will find the history of the avecion as the prototypes used for trips to the moon.
The Capitol Steps
Being one of the most emblematic buildings in Washington and well known for being the scene of many films. It is the seat of the legislative branch formed by Senators and Representatives to the chamber. We will stop there to photograph.
Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery is the largest military cemetery in the country and serves as the final resting place for more than 400,000 military veterans and their immediate family from the fronts of Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as World Wars I and II, the conflict in Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War and the United States Civil War.
U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial
This iconic monument is based on a Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph by Joe Rosenthal, which represents the Marines who raise the flag on top of Mount Suribachi during World War II.
Jefferson Memorial
The Jefferson Memorial building is a circular outdoor structure with a shallow dome supported by a circular colonnade composed of 26 Ionic columns. 12 additional columns support the north porch, and 4 columns are placed in each of the 4 memorial openings.
Lincoln Memorial
"In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom the Union saved, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is consecrated forever." Under these words, the sixteenth president of the United States feels immortalized in marble as a lasting symbol of unity, strength and wisdom. We will make a walking tour accompanied by our guide.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
We will walk through this Monument that honors the men and women who served in the controversial Vietnam War, the Vietnam Veterans Monument chronologically lists the names of more than 58,000 Americans who gave their lives in the service of their country and their names are written on this granite wall.
Korean War Veterans Memorial
The Korean War Veterans Memorial is located near the Lincoln Memorial at the National Mall in Washington, DC. It was dedicated on July 27, 1995. The Monument was designed and funded by private contributions and erected under the auspices of the Advisory Board of the Korean War Veterans Memorial. composed of Korean War veterans appointed by President Reagan
Washington Monument
The Washington Monument is an obelisk at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., built to commemorate George Washington, once commander in chief of the Continental Army and the first president of the United States. Located almost east of the reflective pool and the Lincoln Memorial,
White House
The White House is the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States. It is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. and it has been the residence of all US presidents. UU. Since John Adams in 1800. The term "White House" is often used as a metonym for the president and his advisers.
National Mall
We will tour the National Mall which is a landscaped park within the National Mall and Memorial Parks, an official unit of the United States National Park System. It is located near downtown Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, and is administered by the National Park Service (NPS) of the United States Department of Interior.
National World War II Memorial
The World War II Memorial is a memorial of national significance [1] [2] dedicated to Americans who served in the armed forces and as civilians during World War II. Consisting of 56 pillars and a pair of small triumphal arches surrounding a square and fountain, it sits on the National Mall in Washington, DC, on the former site of the Rainbow Pool at the eastern end of the Reflecting Pool, between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument.
Washington Monument
We will pass through the Obelisk, when it was built it was the tallest structure in the world
The National Archives Museum
The National Archives Building, informally known as Archives I, is the original headquarters of the National Archives and Records Administration. It is located north of the National Mall at 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest, Washington, D.C ..
National Air and Space Museum
The Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum, also called NASM, is a museum in Washington, DC. It was established in 1946 as the National Air Museum and opened its main building in the National Mall near L'Enfant Plaza in 1976 In 2016, there we will find the history of the avecion as the prototypes used for trips to the moon.
The Capitol Steps
Being one of the most emblematic buildings in Washington and well known for being the scene of many films. It is the seat of the legislative branch formed by Senators and Representatives to the chamber. We will stop there to photograph.
Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery is the largest military cemetery in the country and serves as the final resting place for more than 400,000 military veterans and their immediate family from the fronts of Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as World Wars I and II, the conflict in Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War and the United States Civil War.
U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial
This iconic monument is based on a Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph by Joe Rosenthal, which represents the Marines who raise the flag on top of Mount Suribachi during World War II.
Jefferson Memorial
The Jefferson Memorial building is a circular outdoor structure with a shallow dome supported by a circular colonnade composed of 26 Ionic columns. 12 additional columns support the north porch, and 4 columns are placed in each of the 4 memorial openings.
Lincoln Memorial
"In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom the Union saved, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is consecrated forever." Under these words, the sixteenth president of the United States feels immortalized in marble as a lasting symbol of unity, strength and wisdom. We will make a walking tour accompanied by our guide.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
We will walk through this Monument that honors the men and women who served in the controversial Vietnam War, the Vietnam Veterans Monument chronologically lists the names of more than 58,000 Americans who gave their lives in the service of their country and their names are written on this granite wall.
Korean War Veterans Memorial
The Korean War Veterans Memorial is located near the Lincoln Memorial at the National Mall in Washington, DC. It was dedicated on July 27, 1995. The Monument was designed and funded by private contributions and erected under the auspices of the Advisory Board of the Korean War Veterans Memorial. composed of Korean War veterans appointed by President Reagan
Washington Monument
The Washington Monument is an obelisk at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., built to commemorate George Washington, once commander in chief of the Continental Army and the first president of the United States. Located almost east of the reflective pool and the Lincoln Memorial,
White House
The White House is the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States. It is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. and it has been the residence of all US presidents. UU. Since John Adams in 1800. The term "White House" is often used as a metonym for the president and his advisers.
National Mall
We will tour the National Mall which is a landscaped park within the National Mall and Memorial Parks, an official unit of the United States National Park System. It is located near downtown Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, and is administered by the National Park Service (NPS) of the United States Department of Interior.
National World War II Memorial
The World War II Memorial is a memorial of national significance [1] [2] dedicated to Americans who served in the armed forces and as civilians during World War II. Consisting of 56 pillars and a pair of small triumphal arches surrounding a square and fountain, it sits on the National Mall in Washington, DC, on the former site of the Rainbow Pool at the eastern end of the Reflecting Pool, between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument.
Washington Monument
We will pass through the Obelisk, when it was built it was the tallest structure in the world
The National Archives Museum
The National Archives Building, informally known as Archives I, is the original headquarters of the National Archives and Records Administration. It is located north of the National Mall at 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest, Washington, D.C ..
National Air and Space Museum
The Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum, also called NASM, is a museum in Washington, DC. It was established in 1946 as the National Air Museum and opened its main building in the National Mall near L'Enfant Plaza in 1976 In 2016, there we will find the history of the avecion as the prototypes used for trips to the moon.
The Capitol Steps
Being one of the most emblematic buildings in Washington and well known for being the scene of many films. It is the seat of the legislative branch formed by Senators and Representatives to the chamber. We will stop there to photograph.
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Коментара (119)
Mar 2025
Great option to visit Washington DC if visiting NY for a short period of time. Special thanks to both our guide Juanita, and Mario the driver, who assisted us throughout the day :)
Mar 2025
Our guide gave us great information throughout which really helped appreciation of the history of the USA as it gained independence and since
Feb 2025
Perfect organisation, Frendly and open staff. Our guide was very professional and had a huge knowledge about US history. I recomend that trip 100%

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