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Доживите полудневни обилазак пиваре Аустин

Обиласци пивара су најбољи начин да доживите локалну пивску сцену у Аустину. Ова 4-сатна турнеја пиваре у Остину вам омогућава да имате слободу да уживате у три локалне пиваре широм града. Ово је одлична активност за момачке и девојачке вечери, рођендане или дружење са пријатељима и породицом. Пиваре су подложне променама сваке недеље.
Цити: Аустин
Mon 06 Jan
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Са почетком у $98.00
Mon 06 Jan
Са почетком у $98.00
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Минимум старост је 21 година<ли>Потребне су најмање 2 особе по резервацији.<ли>Водичи су потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Плаћена политика боравка код куће за особље са симптоми
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Коментара (100)
Mar 2016
Shane with Austin Brewery Tours was great to work with. He customized our tour and tasting to accommodate 9 of us for my best friend's bachelorette party. We were not the easiest group to handle, so the fact that he graciously put up with us was a large task in itself. We had a great time and enjoyed one winery and two breweries. All were amazing and made us love Austin even more. We would definitely recommend using Austin Brewery Tours and use them again in the future.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2016
Thanks for the review. I had a blast hanging with ya'll all day. Ya'll weren't difficult at all! Thanks again!
Wade W
Mar 2016
Some friends and I recently went on the Austin Brewery Tour to check out some of the new breweries which are cropping up all over Austin. We hit 3 breweries, Adelbert's, Blue Owl, and Zilker, which illustrated a nice diversity of brewing styles. Each site offered a tour of their operations and a good sampling of their wares. Austin Brewery Tours really made it trouble-free by having a designated driver familiar with the area to guide the group safely through the whole afternoon. The owner of ABT, Shane, clearly loves his work and is quite knowledgeable about the blossoming Austin beer scene. Overall it was a really fun way to spend a Saturday.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2016
HI, So nice to hear you had a good time with Austin Brewery Tours. We try hard to give our customers a nice variety of styles to really show the magic that is happening here in Austin, Texas. And yes, it's nice to have a driver while you just sit back and have fun. Thanks a bunch for choosing Austin Brewery Tours.
glenn o
Jan 2016
I had never heard of a brewery tour before when one of my friends had an idea to do a brewery tour for a friends birthday. I have to say I wasn't sure what to expect but needless to say I was more than satisfied. Our tour guide and the owner of the company, Shane, was extremely friendly and very knowledgeable about both the brewery scene here in Austin and brewing in general as he is a home brewer as well. We visited three breweries and each one of a completely different experience regarding the types of beer we were able to sample. He obviously has worked to have great relationships with the breweries as each one treated us like kings. I really can't say enough about the experience and how great it was. I will definitely be going on more in the future when friends or family come to town due because I think anyone who likes beer would enjoy the experience.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2016
Thanks for taking our tour. We work hard to ensure our guests are well taken care of. I'm glad you felt it was a VIP experience. That is our goal. We also know the beer scene in Austin better than any other tour company. This makes us happy that you enjoyed the experience. Please do choose us again.

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