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ЕКСПОЗИРАЊЕ у Мистичној мрачној соби

Ноћни излазак са мешавином плеса, блуза и рокенрол музике. <бр><бр>ФЛЕСХ, то је излазак одраслих.<бр><бр>Кабаре под утицајем, мешавина драме, мистерије и заводљиве уметности плеса – не може се а да се не осети да су ушли у „Спеакеаси“ као приватни члан. Јединствено вече за изласке са правом дозом класе и секси, савршено за прославу или једноставно дељење незаборавне вечери.<бр><бр>Покровитељи су позвани на БИОБ, уз вино, шампањац, пиво/алкохол или њихов безалкохол пиће по избору. Након емисије, вечер се наставља са интеракцијом између покровитеља и уметника.<бр><бр>Сва седишта у Мистиц Дарк Роом су у првом реду и пружају узбудљиву и интимну атмосферу.<бр><бр>За вашу посебну прилику – ВИП део живи до свог имена. Препустите се и уживајте у премијум аранжманима седења заједно са елементима префињеног комфора, личне неге и још много тога... Изаберите ВИП опцију при одјави.<бр><бр>Представе почињу у 19:00. Врата се отварају у 18:30. Потребне су резервације.
Цити: Мистиц
Wed 12 Mar
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Са почетком у $112.00
Wed 12 Mar
Са почетком у $112.00
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<ул><ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Ваше улазнице ће бити задржане на месту за преузимање пре представе.<ли>Доступност за представе се не може проверити без прављења пријаве. резервација. Кредитне картице ће бити наплаћене само након потврде о доступности изложбе.<ли>Сва седишта у првом реду, места додељује место одржавања.<ли>Минимална старост је 18 година.
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Коментара (14)
Nov 2019
I went to see Exposure with a few of my friends and to say we were absolutely blown away would be an understatement. The statues lining the driveway and being able to see the colorful lights through the windows before you even enter the building give you a feeling of anticipation like nothing else, and meeting some of the dancers as they bring you upstairs and walk you to your seat is a one of a kind experience. Speaking of seats, the seating arrangement in the Mystic Dark Room is truly one of a kind. It’s very intimate, so it feels as if they are performing for you, and only you. The first piece, a variation of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, provides a stunning display of exceptional artistry like you’ve never seen before. I happened to be reading the play Hamlet in school at the time I went to see the show, and it was amazing to see how this talented company was able to weave their own tale through passion and movement, while still keeping the raw emotion inspired by the story. I was completely captivated throughout the entire performance, including the other two spectacular pieces, not to mention I was doubled over laughing during the intermissions, when there are short acts that allow for audience participation. At the end of the show, all of the dancers introduce themselves and then walk forward to talk to the audience members one on one. All in all, a unique, wonderful experience that I will never forget and highly recommend to anyone looking for a fun night out!
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2019
Thanks for taking the time to leave a review and recommendation. It was great to have you and your friends in the audience. We remember speaking to you about Hamlet, and truly appreciate your feedback! We also love the interaction between artists and the audience following the show. We look forward to entertaining you and your friends again soon!
Nov 2019
EXPOSURE at Mystic Dark Room is a must see dance experience. The dance company at Mystic is a cohesive group of talented dancers that amaze not only with their expertise but also in their dance interpretation of a literary classic. The group's take on Hamlet, one of the three dances offered during the performance, is modern, thought provoking and opens the viewer up to a first-hand experience of the intensity that exists in the story. It's played out in front of you, with emotion and fabulous technique. Mystic Dark Room is an immersive experience. If you have never see a performance at the venue, I highly recommend that you make room on your calendar soon. Drive up the driveway, take in the art that greets you before you ever enter the building. Be seated and just take it all in. The performance will transport you out of Mystic Connecticut for an hour to some other magical place. Go with it and enjoy the ride. Mystic Dark Room and its dance company are a center of artistic expression unlike anything else in Southeastern Connecticut.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2019
Wow! Thanks for the review and recommending EXPOSURE and MDR! We are thrilled to get your feedback and we are looking forward to welcoming you back for another evening out soon!
Nov 2019
EXPOSURE at the Mystic Dark Room was an experience like no other. From the moment you pull into the driveway lined with artistic statues and colorful lights, you enter a venue that transports you to a different world. The experience is personal from the moment you step through the doors, speaking one on one with the dancers before they escort you up the stairs to your seats. There is not a bad seat in the house; everyone is front row and has a unique vantage point to view the performance. Each of the three pieces performed in EXPOSURE were exceptional. I was especially fond of the newest addition, Nottobe, which was the company's take on Hamlet. You will not find this level of choreography or technical execution anywhere else. The company dancers are extremely synchronized, both with each other and with every beat in the music, which is very impressive. Their stamina is incredible, and they keep the energy going throughout the entirety of the show. There is never a dull moment in the Dark Room! In between pieces, the audience is treated with small "skits" that get everyone in the room involved (you'll have to see the show to find out more!). After the performance, the entire company walks forward and talks to the audience members, capping the night with a personal touch that ensures that everyone is an active participant and is fully satisfied with their experience. I would recommend EXPOSURE and the Mystic Dark Room to anyone in the area that wants to experience high quality entertainment and art in a welcoming setting that invites you to come back again and again.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2019
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a thorough review, and sharing your experience. We love that our take on Shakespeare had you intrigued, and that you appreciated the personal touch our performers and our company creates at MDR. Looking forward to welcoming you back, soon!

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