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Фабулоус Драг Нигхт Оут

NYC is full of energy and Hell's Kitchen is where New York’s best drag queens command the stage with glamour, glitter and killer dance moves. Get ready to join us for a care-free night out featuring dancing and drag! Our hosts will give you an insider access and look into NYC drag nightlife!
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Thu 27 Mar
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $45.00
Thu 27 Mar
Са почетком у $45.00
Шта је укључено
Сви гости ће добити једно пиће! (мешана пића или пиво!)
All guests will receive one drink! (mixed drinks or beer!)
All guests will receive one drink! (mixed drinks or beer!)
All guests will receive one drink! (mixed drinks or beer!)
All guests will receive one drink! (mixed drinks or beer!)
All guests will receive one drink! (mixed drinks or beer!)
Додатне информације
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
Шта да очекујете
Паклена кухиња
Наша авантура почиње у нашем омиљеном лоунге бару. Упознајте своју групу за ноћ док испијамо прву туру пића (које плаћам ја)! Будите спремни да „навијате“ за нашу фантастичну ноћ која је пред нама! Док сте у првом бару, даћемо вам лекцију из историје о Пакленој кухињи и ЛГБТ ноћном животу у Њујорку. Одатле ћемо парадирати нашим првим драг шоуом вечери. Ниво талента је толико висок да су многе познате РуПаул Драг Раце краљице повучене са бина које ћемо посетити током турнеје. Наша ноћ се завршава у најплоднијем бару у Хелл'с Китцхен. Осетићете енергију чим отворимо улазна врата. Када уђемо, кренућемо ка предњем делу у близини бине како бисмо били сигурни да имамо најбољи поглед. Све туре се завршавају плесном журком са локалном публиком! Останите напољу и целу ноћ!
Hell's Kitchen
Our adventure begins at our favorite lounge bar. Meet your group for the night while we sip the first round of drinks, (which are on me)! Be prepared to “cheers” to our fabulous night ahead! While at the first bar, we'll give you a history lesson about Hell’s Kitchen and NYC LGBT nightlife. From there, we will parade over our first drag show of the evening. The talent level is so high that many famous RuPaul Drag Race queens were plucked from the stages we will visit during the tour. Our night ends at the most prolific bar in Hell’s Kitchen. You’ll feel the energy as soon as we swing open the front door. Once we enter, we’ll stride our way to the front near the stage to ensure we have the best view. All tours end with a dance party with the local crowd! Stay out and the night away!
Hell's Kitchen
Our adventure begins at our favorite lounge bar. Meet your group for the night while we sip the first round of drinks, (which are on me)! Be prepared to “cheers” to our fabulous night ahead! While at the first bar, we'll give you a history lesson about Hell’s Kitchen and NYC LGBT nightlife. From there, we will parade over our first drag show of the evening. The talent level is so high that many famous RuPaul Drag Race queens were plucked from the stages we will visit during the tour. Our night ends at the most prolific bar in Hell’s Kitchen. You’ll feel the energy as soon as we swing open the front door. Once we enter, we’ll stride our way to the front near the stage to ensure we have the best view. All tours end with a dance party with the local crowd! Stay out and the night away!
Hell's Kitchen
Our adventure begins at our favorite lounge bar. Meet your group for the night while we sip the first round of drinks, (which are on me)! Be prepared to “cheers” to our fabulous night ahead! While at the first bar, we'll give you a history lesson about Hell’s Kitchen and NYC LGBT nightlife. From there, we will parade over our first drag show of the evening. The talent level is so high that many famous RuPaul Drag Race queens were plucked from the stages we will visit during the tour. Our night ends at the most prolific bar in Hell’s Kitchen. You’ll feel the energy as soon as we swing open the front door. Once we enter, we’ll stride our way to the front near the stage to ensure we have the best view. All tours end with a dance party with the local crowd! Stay out and the night away!
Hell's Kitchen
Our adventure begins at our favorite lounge bar. Meet your group for the night while we sip the first round of drinks, (which are on me)! Be prepared to “cheers” to our fabulous night ahead! While at the first bar, we'll give you a history lesson about Hell’s Kitchen and NYC LGBT nightlife. From there, we will parade over our first drag show of the evening. The talent level is so high that many famous RuPaul Drag Race queens were plucked from the stages we will visit during the tour. Our night ends at the most prolific bar in Hell’s Kitchen. You’ll feel the energy as soon as we swing open the front door. Once we enter, we’ll stride our way to the front near the stage to ensure we have the best view. All tours end with a dance party with the local crowd! Stay out and the night away!
Hell's Kitchen
Our adventure begins at our favorite lounge bar. Meet your group for the night while we sip the first round of drinks, (which are on me)! Be prepared to “cheers” to our fabulous night ahead! While at the first bar, we'll give you a history lesson about Hell’s Kitchen and NYC LGBT nightlife. From there, we will parade over our first drag show of the evening. The talent level is so high that many famous RuPaul Drag Race queens were plucked from the stages we will visit during the tour. Our night ends at the most prolific bar in Hell’s Kitchen. You’ll feel the energy as soon as we swing open the front door. Once we enter, we’ll stride our way to the front near the stage to ensure we have the best view. All tours end with a dance party with the local crowd! Stay out and the night away!
Show 3 више заустављања
Политика отказивања
For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (13)
Mar 2024
Fun night with great people, thanks!!! Dancing/lip sync and drag scene in real life club competition.
Aug 2023
I think my daughter and I were the only straight people there. We had a great time. Alex was a great guide.
May 2023
They where fabulous we had a great time, they did a amazing show like a competition of 7 drag Queen it was hilarious I loved it

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