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Породично пењање по стенама у Националном парку Џошуа Трее (4 сата)

Од пењача по први пут до деце такмичарског тима, постоје могућности за фантастично пењање у Националном парку Џошуа Трее. Имамо искуство у вођењу породица са мешовитим искуством у пењању и знамо најбоље стене које ће задовољити свачије амбиције! Без обзира на ниво вашег искуства, жеље или циљеве, фантастично пењање је спремно и чека вас!!! Имамо водиче узраста од 2 до 80 година и имамо специјалну опрему као што су мале кациге за пењање, лепљиве гумене ципеле за пењање за бебе и појасеви за цело тело за мале људе или трудне маме! Путовање од 4 сата је одлично за људе који желе да се фокусирају на пењање. Обично имамо кратке приступе и посећујемо само 1-2 камене формације како бисмо већи део вашег путовања провели пењући се на што више рута!
Цити: палм Спрингс
Mon 23 Dec
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $225.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $225.00
Шта је укључено
Обезбеђена опрема за пењање
Професионално сертификовани водич за пењање по стенама и први одговор у дивљини
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Цене за одрасле важе за све пењаче
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (19)
Jul 2022
What am amazing day this was! My kids (11 y/o girl and 10 y/o boy) and I do some occasional rock climbing at indoor gyms. We were on a vacation heading from LA to the Grand Canyon and decided to break up the trip with a stop at Joshua tree. They’ve always asked to try “real rock climbing” and this was a perfect opportunity. Stone Adventures was just outstanding! They provided all needed gear and were patient while we tried on many shoe pairs to get the right fit. Then when we headed to a rock Aron had a great spot picked out. 4 different routes on 1 rock so we had different experiences without wasting time. He gauged our skill level and adapted as we went to make it fun and also challenging. The temp was 105 but he found a perfectly shaded spot and it felt more like 80. Perfect weather and temp, especially for my wife who watched. He coached us, encouraged us, was always positive and even stayed a little late so we could get in 1 more route! It was a 2 week trip in total including stops in Disneyland, SD and Vegas yet we all agreed, this was the highlight of the trip! We’d use them again in a heartbeat and highly recommend Stone!
Elise H
Mar 2022
We went on a family climb of 7 people, ages spanning 13 to 57 and everyone had a wonderful time. Alex and Connor were our guides/teachers and they were great. Very easy to talk to, helpful with ideas how to help or improve a climbing route for each of us. It was nice that the price per person did not increase based on having two instructors for our group. We would definitely do again if we are ever back in the area. Thanks for a great afternoon!
Mar 2022
INCREDIBLE EXPERIENCE for our family of 6! I can't speak highly enough about Stone Adventures and our guides. They were fantastic with our kids, even the little ones only 5 and 6 , and helped everyone climb as far as they were comfortable . They were encouraging and also patient and very knowledgeable and professional. We had such a fun and interesting day and most importantly I felt my kids were in safe hands. I was really impressed at how the guides combined family-friendliness and real skill teaching. The customer service was also excellent-- I had originally booked this trip in March 2020 and obviously had to cancel, but they very happily honored our reservation nearly 2 years later and we couldn't have been more pleased. This was definitely the highlight of our california trip.

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