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Обилазак пива и дестилерије Фат Бике

Научите забавне историјске чињенице о Брекенриџу, Цо док се возите унаоколо на врхунском дет бициклу док сте на вођеној бициклистичкој тури Ридден. По изласку из града гости имају могућност да се спусте на потенцијално уређену или природну снежну подлогу, суву бициклистичку стазу или једну земљану стазу, све зависи од доба године у ком се возимо. Дан историје, авантуре, пејзажа и либација учиниће сваког госта у Брекенриџу у праву! Наша породична вожња од четири миље води нас до Брокен Цомпасс Црафт Бревери, а затим и Брекенриџ дестилерије. Када се сва забава заврши, наш Мерцедес Спринтер комби ће вас вратити у центар града. Надамо се да ћемо се видети на стази!
Цити: Брекенриџ
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $85.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $85.00
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се за труднице<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све физичке ниво кондиције<ли>Деца морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Минимална старост за пиће је 21 годину<ли>Можемо да примимо до 14 гостију
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (89)
Tim N Donna M
Feb 2017
We found this tour on the internet and as avid bikers were anxious to try winter biking on the fat bikes. The moment we walked into the store we were treated like old friends. I needed a lighter weight jacket and found the perfect North Face jacket at a very reasonable price. We were fitted for bikes and helmets and went on the tour with Rob and a new guide, Ashley. The bikes were amazing -- they were so lightweight and easy to handle in snow, through puddles and on dry pavement. Rob showed us around town a bit first and gave us some history of the town. Then we headed off to the Broken Compass Brewery. Rob carried our water and extra gear, stayed at our pace, took pictures and a video and answered all our questions. The ride was fairly easy and the scenery was beautiful. We talked about the possibility of returning to Breckenridge this summer and Rob gave us a lot of info about other Summer riding options. Tim went on a solo tour with Rob the day before and really enjoyed exploring off the beaten path. We both liked the flexibility of the tour. We highly recommend checking out the tour and the shop -- whether you are beginners or experienced riders. Rob will adjust to your abilities to make sure you have a great time. Oh, and the Brewery was a nice endpoint t for the tour... Tim enjoyed sampling the beer, and as a non-beer drinker, I enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere and great conversation.
Lawrence P
Feb 2017
We had no idea what to expect for a 3.5 mile fat bike tour to Broken Compass brewery, but we decided, WTF, let's give it a shot. We are pretty strong riders, and didn't expect what was delivered. Plus, we like beer. The owner, Rob, took us out on state of the art Borealis carbon bikes, which are standard for the shop. The ride was the advanced option which was about 6-7 miles, and totally cool , filled with as much touring or high jinx fun as requested. The end of the ride culminated at the brewery where he and another guide joined us for some seriously great craft beer at the Broken Compass brewery. I particularly loved the coffee IPA and the bourbon IPA. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
Kimberly D
Jan 2017
Great time today with Rob, our awesome tour guide, on the fat bike tour to the Broken Compass Brewery (GREAT brewery and tour - thanks to Axe). Rob explained everything perfectly about the bikes, including all details on how to safely ride through the crowded town to the bike trail and although I was nervous to ride before we started, I found it to be a great ride and the bikes very easy to drive and control. Now for the bikes, THEY ARE UNBELIEVABLE!! The huge tires make the ride a lot of fun, especially in several inches of snow - the control in snow and ice is surprisingly good. We will definitely be coming back later this season to try these in the spring! What led me to the tour was going into the store two days earlier to look for a snowboard for my son. Luke helped us find the perfect board, installed some great bindings and treated us like old friends. He showed us their awesome fat tire bikes and the bike tours and gave us a brochure with more information. Great service, great store!! Thanks Rob, Luke and the whole Ridden team!!

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