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Флорида Биолуминесценце Кајакинг Тоур | Хауловер канал (Титусвилле)

Биолуминисценција Флориде је путовање кајаком број 1 у области Орландо, Цоцоа Беацх. Налазимо се око сат времена од тематских паркова Универсал Студиос и Тхе Валт Диснеи ворлд ареа. Наше „туристичке туре или визиторске туре“, како би их мештани назвали, идеалне су за романтично вече на води или експедицију у име науке са малишанима (све док су старији од 5 година). Наши туристички водичи ће вас водити кроз лагуну реке Индијан и показати вам нешто заиста магично док се крећемо кроз стазе мангрова и плитке равнице лагуне.<бр><бр>Провешћемо лежерних 90 минута на води током Можда ћете желети да оставите камеру код куће за ову екскурзију, јер је биолуминисценцију веома тешко фотографисати осим ако немате професионалну опрему.
Цити: Цоцоа Беацх
Fri 27 Dec
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $60.00
Fri 27 Dec
Са почетком у $60.00
Шта је укључено
Наше биолуминисцентне туре кајаком трају око 90 минута. Донекле ћете се покиснути, па планирајте да понесете пешкире и обуците одговарајућу обућу.
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Сва подручја и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се за труднице ли><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Наше биолуминисцентне туре кајаком трају око 90 минута. Донекле ћете се покиснути, па планирајте да понесете пешкире и обуците одговарајућу обућу.<ли>Шпиц сезоне је јул-октобар, а запажања се јављају тек у јануару.<ли>МЕСТО ЛАНСИРАЊА: Канал Хауловер. , Титусвилле; и Киванис Исланд Парк, Мерит Ајленд<ли>ДУЖИНА ПУТОВАЊА: 90 МИНУТА<ли>УКЉУЧЕНО: КАЈАК, ПФД, ВЕСЛА И ХЕПИ ВОДИЧИ<ли>МАКСИМАЛНА ТЕЖИНА: 300 ЛБС ЗА ЈЕДАН , И 600ЛБС ЗА ТАНДЕМ<ли>УЗРАС: 5+<ли>ПРИЈЕДЛОЗИ ДА ПОнесете: ВОДЕНУ ОБУЋУ, СПРЕЈ ЗА БУБЕ, ПЕШКИР, КРЕМА ЗА СУНЧАЊЕ, ГОТОВИНУ ЗА САВЕТЕ (опционално) И БОЦУ ВОДЕ
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (196)
Jun 2022
Although the tour was beautiful just in its self, our main tour guide rusted through this supposed to be 90 minute tour to only 60 minutes. She kayak’s much faster than the whole group as we tried to keep up but also missed opportunities to slow us wildlife along the shoreline. She maybe pointed out 3-4 birds but if you weren’t right next to her you’ll miss it because she didn’t include the whole group. Chad was the only reason why we got on this tour as we waited around looking for this company for 40 minutes realizing they were already in the water! This was 40 minutes from when the tour was supposed to start!! She told chad to make us reschedule!! He really got us in the water in less than 10 minutes but really he should be the guide not that lady who was very non engaging. BK kayak was the ones who helped us even find the group so I’ll use them next time.
Jun 2022
We were there almost 2 hours earlier. No company identification at location. Other tour company told us where to wait. Finally, our tour lady comes in, didn’t say a word, we told her we were waiting for the tour, she didn’t even acknowledge us, packed her things an left. We and another people from the group waited but nobody else showed up. Called the office, they were very rude, didn’t believe us, put the blame on us and DIDN’T RETURN OUR MONEY. PLEASE CHOOSE ANOTHER TOUR COMPANY!!!
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2022
Hello, and thank you for your review. While we do try and entertain everyone's unique circumstance and reasons why they missed thier tour, we do not entertain lying, obnoxious late guests. You were late. Your group and the friends you were to meet up with were marked "no shows" at 10:54pm for your 11pm tour. You were asked to be there, as is everyone else who books w/us, to be there 30 mins prior to your scheduled launch time. Your confirmation email also mentions that we will begin orientation at 45min after the hour. If you miss the beginning of orientation we will not allow you on that tour due to safety concerns as we will not ask those who were on time, to wait for those who weren't on time so we can restart the orientation all over again. While we would never call anyone a liar, we find it very difficult to believe that one of our guides would have just walked past you like weren't there, and preceded to mark you as a "no-show", after just getting back to shore with 20 guests? All of our vehicles have signage. Also of note, your 1st call didn't come in till after 11pm. 30 minutes after we asked you to be there, where you didn't see anyone, you didn't bother to call till 30 minutes later? The guide notes stated you arrived after she loaded up and was heading out, trying to flag her down. We do not refund for late guests, only rainchecks depending on circumstances as we cannot resell the seats late guests fail to arrive on time for.
Jun 2022
Tour guide packed up and left. Would not speak to us and left. No gold van mentioned in email!owner Josh extremely rude and offered no satisfaction. Will not recommend! Better off going to another company. Josh is basically a jerk and offers poor customer service!
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2022
Hello, and thank you for your review. While we do try and entertain everyone's unique circumstance and reasons why they missed thier tour, we do not entertain lying, obnoxious late guests. You were late. Your group and the friends you were to meet up with were marked "no shows" at 10:54pm for your 11pm tour. You were asked to be there, as is everyone else who books w/us, to be there 30 mins prior to your scheduled launch time. Your confirmation email also mentions that we will begin orientation at 45min after the hour. If you miss the beginning of orientation we will not allow you on that tour due to safety concerns as we will not ask those who were on time, to wait for those who weren't on time so we can restart the orientation all over again. While we would never call anyone a liar, we find it very difficult to believe that one of our guides would have just walked past you like weren't there, and preceded to mark you as a "no-show", after just getting back to shore with 20 guests? All of our vehicles have signage. Also of note, your 1st call didn't come in till after 11pm. 30 minutes after we asked you to be there, where you didn't see anyone, you didn't bother to call till 30 minutes later? The guide notes stated you arrived after she loaded up and was heading out, trying to flag her down. We do not refund for late guests, only rainchecks depending on circumstances as we cannot resell the seats late guests fail to arrive on time for.

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