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Флорида Биолуминесценце Кајакинг Тоур | Хауловер канал (Титусвилле)

Биолуминисценција Флориде је путовање кајаком број 1 у области Орландо, Цоцоа Беацх. Налазимо се око сат времена од тематских паркова Универсал Студиос и Тхе Валт Диснеи ворлд ареа. Наше „туристичке туре или визиторске туре“, како би их мештани назвали, идеалне су за романтично вече на води или експедицију у име науке са малишанима (све док су старији од 5 година). Наши туристички водичи ће вас водити кроз лагуну реке Индијан и показати вам нешто заиста магично док се крећемо кроз стазе мангрова и плитке равнице лагуне.<бр><бр>Провешћемо лежерних 90 минута на води током Можда ћете желети да оставите камеру код куће за ову екскурзију, јер је биолуминисценцију веома тешко фотографисати осим ако немате професионалну опрему.
Цити: Цоцоа Беацх
Sat 11 Jan
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Са почетком у $60.00
Sat 11 Jan
Са почетком у $60.00
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Наше биолуминисцентне туре кајаком трају око 90 минута. Донекле ћете се покиснути, па планирајте да понесете пешкире и обуците одговарајућу обућу.
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Сва подручја и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се за труднице ли><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Наше биолуминисцентне туре кајаком трају око 90 минута. Донекле ћете се покиснути, па планирајте да понесете пешкире и обуците одговарајућу обућу.<ли>Шпиц сезоне је јул-октобар, а запажања се јављају тек у јануару.<ли>МЕСТО ЛАНСИРАЊА: Канал Хауловер. , Титусвилле; и Киванис Исланд Парк, Мерит Ајленд<ли>ДУЖИНА ПУТОВАЊА: 90 МИНУТА<ли>УКЉУЧЕНО: КАЈАК, ПФД, ВЕСЛА И ХЕПИ ВОДИЧИ<ли>МАКСИМАЛНА ТЕЖИНА: 300 ЛБС ЗА ЈЕДАН , И 600ЛБС ЗА ТАНДЕМ<ли>УЗРАС: 5+<ли>ПРИЈЕДЛОЗИ ДА ПОнесете: ВОДЕНУ ОБУЋУ, СПРЕЈ ЗА БУБЕ, ПЕШКИР, КРЕМА ЗА СУНЧАЊЕ, ГОТОВИНУ ЗА САВЕТЕ (опционално) И БОЦУ ВОДЕ
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Коментара (196)
Jun 2020
We have been to Florida many times through the years, both on the Atlantic Coast & the Panhandle. Bioluminescence kayaking with our guides Mike & Logan was one of the coolest things we have ever done. The guides were considerate of the differing skill levels in our group & shared great information on the area ecology. We had perfect viewing conditions: it had been hot & sunny all day and there was no moon visible that night. Watching the slipstreams of the fish as they shot off in every direction was like watching underwater fireworks. I highly recommend!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2020
This is always great to hear, we're glad you had an amazing time! We look forward to seeing you again soon!
Oct 2019
Best tour! Great guide, great experience! I would definitely go again! Thank you Florida Adventurer!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2020
Thank you Irene, that was awesome! We'll see you soon!
Sep 2019
I submitted a critical review of this company, which I've included below but am editing it to 1 star because, as I feared the owner did leave a pompous, self-important reply that belittled my very honest review. Real business owners would NEVER tell a customer that they fired someone because of their review, they would NEVER treat their customers the way Josh does. Btw, Josh: you totally have me confused with someone else... I paddled with my husband, not a stranger. I don't know what you were talking about. You could offer me 10 free tours and I would never go out again with this group. I'm struggling with what to write here fearing a scathing rebuttal from the owner as others have gotten...but here is my honest review. Due to a miscommunication between my husband and i, I accidentally booked the bioluminescence tour through Florida Adventurers. We thought the launch site was closer to Cocoa Beach, where we had gotten a hotel. Again this is my fault completely, and we were bummed that we had to end up driving about an hour to the launch site but all in all I think we ended up at a better location, but not with a better tour group. The haulover canal launch site in the Merritt Island Preserve is one of the few bioluminescence bays in the world! The good: First off the experience was amazing. Literally awe inspiring. Worth doing no matter what. It was basically pitch black and with every stroke of your paddle you would see little flecks light up in the water. Once we got to the 2nd location your could drag your hand thorough the water and see a different type of glow that you could actually pick up and hold. The night sky was amazing out there. I grew up in the country with stars above me all the time and I had never seen this many. The bad: not sure what happened when I booked but I never received a confirmation email. Not a big deal, because I figured I would call and find out what was going on. When I called and stated I hadn't received a confirmation email and needed instructions, he took my name and looked me up. He verified my email which was correct and then started listing off the dates and times of the emails that were sent to me. I was surprised because I had done several searches through my email before calling but told him I would hang up and check again. I checked all of my inboxes including spam and had no emails from them, so I called back and gave them my husband's email. He received the email right away. Everything turned out fine but the fact that he immediately started rattling off the dates and times of the emails that were sent instead of just helping fix it made me feel like he thought I was stupid. Which I am sure they deal with people who just miss the emails all the time... But still..be professional. The email was very detailed and gave great step by step directions as well as a Google map link to the exact spot to drive to. This was really helpful because it's really dark out there and we didn't exactly know where to go. We followed the instructions and found their truck. We walked up to check in and sign a waiver, I was scanning the front of the waiver to know what I was signing and was basically told to "just flip it over and sign it" and then directed to go get lifejackets and paddles and glowsticks. The lifejackets had flashlights and whistles attached which were great. And we were happy to have them. The glowsticks were really useful in seeing our group. After we had our gear we weren't given any direction on what to do. Our group was huge, 30 people in all. With no one telling anyone what to do, one of the groups started walking towards the water so we just followed. Then one of the guys ran up and told everyone to go back to the truck... So we went back. Several people on our trip were late arriving to the launch site which put our trip behind schedule but it was kind of them to wait on them. They took a group photo and then introduced the 3 of them that would be our guides for the night. Josh then gave us a crash course in kayaking. There were several people who had not been kayaking before.We were told that we would be in tandem kayaks, which wasn't on their website when I booked, but I was fine with that. But some people may not be. He then told everyone that he would not feel sorry for us if we got stuck in tree branches because that meant we weren't listening. it was hard to tell when he was joking and when he wasn't because of his affect. I think they had way too many people to keep track of, although they did their best to try. There were 3 guides: 1 in front, 1 in middle and one to bring up the rear. We however didn't feel entirely secure in the their ability to handle an emergency, should one happen. The water was a little choppy and it was easy to get pulled away, especially if you had no kayak experience. There were a couple boats that were struggling that we had to wait on a few times. That's fine, I've been that person on tours before. No big deal. The water condition and lack of kayaking experience within the entire group was a bit frustrating. We kept getting ran into at full speed by other kayaks and hit by paddles. Josh definitely knew a lot of information. He did a great job explaining the bioluminescence and reminding us to splash our paddles to see the lights. He showed us NASA on the horizon and talked about shuttle launches. Since we were at the end of the bio season he painted a beautiful picture of what the lagoon is like when the bioluminescence is in full effect. My husband and I immediately agreed that we wanted to come back during the summer. We paddled back to shore where we were told to form a single file-ish line so they could pull us back on shore. Of course, half of the people were not listening and all tried to get up there at once. We just floated in place waiting our turn. While we were waiting had to awkwardly listen to the guide who was still in the water with us trash talk the people who weren't listening. We get it. People can be annoying. People don't pay attention and that makes your job harder. Everyone who has ever worked in a service job can understand that. BUT when you are IN a service job you need to be professional and treat your customers like you want them there. These guys have the knowledge and the mechanics down, but definitely need to work on their people skills. If customers have a problem with how their tour went or how you or a guide acted it is SO unprofessional to try to "explain it away" in a response on social media. It seems to me that they only care of you have something nice to say about them and are just annoyed by any criticisms. We were reminded to TIP several times throughout the night and then again in a follow up email. Yes, this review it's really long... But I wanted to be really thoughtful. Definitely do a bioluminescence tour but do your research before closing a tour company.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Our pompous reply? That reply said that your review was helpful, because the guide has been terminated , for a 3rd negative review. I acknowledged that without your review he would still be on tour, leaving a terrible taste with guests. I acknowledged the fact that the website was indeed ambiguous and would be fixed regarding the tandems, a point your review brought to our attention. Lol you took down your original review, to take away 3 stars and leave 1, just so you could say I was mistaken about who you were (Leanna), which to be fair, I was not 100% sure since you hadn't called to speak with management to voice your concerns. You came straight to TA to leave a review, which is completely OK. Now, again I will explain myself. In no way is an explanation of events, pompous. You left a helpful review, we have a right to respond. So I'll explain again. You called about YOUR lost emails while I was driving, after hours. As it is illegal to text and drive, so I let you know the exact date and time in which they were sent, to avoid pulling over to type in a whole new email. I asked you if you could do me a favor and check those dates as one date of receipt was the day you called. Normally they've just been overlooked. You called back after checking , as asked (thank you) and said you couldn't find them, so I pulled off and sent a new email to your husband, who received the email immediately. No biggie. Problem solved. If you felt silly (you said stupid and I wouldn't agree with that) that is completely your choice to feel that way, but in now way did I insinuate anything of the sort. (Apparently you felt this explanation was pompous?) You mentioned the instructions for paddling, ok, well a little context would help, no? So I left context since " then he told people if they got stuck in the tree it's their fault for not listening", (which it is) but we would never say that to anyone, not in a dead pan context like that. It is actually a scripted tour, lol, so it is easy for me to give context.. It goes like this.. "OK everybody, next is reverse paddling, what I'll ask everyone to do is to put thier paddle in by thier right foot, (guide grabs paddle and puts blade in sand by where his right foot would be), now pull the paddle from Toe alllll the way back to your hip, now otherside, tow to hip, toe to hip, toe to hip, (guid demonstrates reverse paddling as other follow along), "now guys this is important because we have trees and shrubbery that line the lagoon, so if I hear you (guide waves his paddle over head side to side, while portraying a customer yelling), screaming, 'oh my gosh, I'm heading for the trees what do I doooooo, aaaaahhhhh,' "and I yell out 'full reverse, full reverse', and you start paddling faster towards the trees?".. "Well it's hard for me to feel sorry for you at this point".... That is verbatim. It's is delivered with levity as I'm waving my arms and paddle over head acting a fool. It is the same script we've used for years. If you felt you were belittled by that, I'm not sure how to respond, so all I will say is, you are completely entitled to feel that way and should have called and asked for a refund if you were offended as you stated. At this point I would leave the review alone, except this is the same exact reply I left on your last review. Apparently the truth is pompous. Regarding you not "feeling entirely secure that we could handle an emergency, should one happen"... Smh.. Well one didn't, and for the record, we are CPR and 1st responder certified, ACA certified kayak guides! Federal permit guidlines say we only need 1 guide per 18 people. There were 30 people on tour that night in your group, we had 3 guides. We provide more guides on tour than technically necessary. As you stated , we had 3 guides. So we were over prepared, with your safety in mind. 30 guests is our maximum occupancy allowed. We were full, as was every other company that is permitted on the refuge. We all bring 3 guides for 30 people. You would have had the same experience with any other tour company in this regard, especially on the New moon night you booked on. We will not apologize for that. As mentioned in the beginning of our response. This customer previously left a review and we addressed it. We have since terminated the employee in question who was trash talking guests to you. We have made the changes to the website that your review brought to our attention. We are not perfect. No one can be. No one can predict who shows up with experience and who doesn't. No one can predict what will make a guide step out of thier character to share personal thoughts with a guest. All we can do is react. I feel we've been very receptive to your review, with the exception of adding in a little context to give the readers a fuller picture of the evening in which you speak. Regarding the tips... Again it's all scripted and it goes like this, and it is only said 1x during tour and that is right before landing back on shore, AFTER THE TOUR... "ok guys, how did everyone like the tour?". (group applauds) "excellent, well guys give yourselves a round of applause, at this point you are ALL Florida Adventurers," (everyone claps), " Now guys, you will all receive a follow up email in the next 24 hours, I hope to see everyone leave a great review, even if it's to say your guide could've been taller, or funnier, we'd love to hear from you!", "Conversely your guides do work out here for tips, so if you'd like to leave one on the way out, well that would be icing on the cake for us!", "Ok guys, now I'm going to paddle to shore, so KC or Tyler will send you all in, 1 kayak at a time, so you don't take out my last good shin"... I'm sure this all sounds very familiar... Like we said the 1st time you posted this review, we are very grateful for this review, again. It is not taboo to say your review has led to an employees termination, it was that person's last straw. Without your review, he would have had more opportunity to upset, rub people the wrong way. That is not what a guest should encounter/expect while joining us for a fun and relaxing evening on the water.. Had you called and spoke to anyone at this buisness, you would have been refunded immediately. You opted to go straight to the reviews and speak your mind, we are grateful for your input. Sincerely Josh, your guide & owner on site that evening.

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