I want to recommend this photo tour to anyone that is going to Haines Alaska. Whether you are planning a trip on you own, or arriving on a cruise ship Tom Ganner will not disappoint . I was wanting to visit Haines to photograph Bald Eagles, I called Tom and shared in ins and outs of how to plan my trip from the lower 48. I can say that I listened to his ideas on how to plan my trip, and it all worked out professionally. If I had it to do over I wouldn't change a thing. Tom picked me up at my in town motel and took me around and showed me the places to visit on my own. He made many recommendations for camera setting, equipment needed and so on. I booked a one day photo tour and what I got out that one day, gave me information that made the next seven days a success. If I hadn't found Tom, I feel I would have lost about 3 days trying to do it all by myself. Location is everything and Tom know the location.