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Обиласци са храном пешице Мидтовн Мик обилазак Њујорка са водичем са храном – изаберите шта вам се допада

11 Time TripAdvisor Award Winner! Take this tour with a heart early in your stay. Owner operated very different experience. Like having a friend in NY! 3,300+ Excellent Reviews on Google/TripAdvisor/Yelp! Reviewers encourage you to take a tour early in your stay if you can for unbiased restaurant recommendations to help you eat great and local for less cost for the rest of your trip.

Started by a caring local who wants to help visitors our unique meet & mingle experience with others from around the world brings you to real non-tourist neighborhoods where New Yorkers live & eat. With a food credit you'll choose what you like at every stop and the tour replaces a meal. Choose what you like & how much. This is not a sampling tour but a meal. Great NY smaller item cheap eats near Times Sq. but a world away! Our very different food tours have hosted about 40,000 guests. Tour is 4-5 stops. Venture away from the tourist areas with multiple cuisine stops including at least one sweet stop.

Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Tue 01 Apr
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $69.00
Tue 01 Apr
Са почетком у $69.00
Шта је укључено
Нетуристички пешачки обилазак суседства
Није стандардни обилазак хране. На овој турнеји можете изабрати оно што вам се свиђа на свакој станици!
Препоруке ресторана, тако да можете јести као локални и уштедети новац
Лиценцирани професионални водич
Кредит за храну од 15 УСД који покрива сву или већину хране на турнеји
Non-tourist neighborhood walking tour
Додатне информације
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller
  • Service animals allowed
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • All areas and surfaces are wheelchair accessible
  • Not recommended for travelers with poor cardiovascular health
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
  • Children must be accompanied by an adult
  • Minimum drinking age is 21 years of age
  • Vegetarian options are available at most stops
  • Gluten free options are available, but limited
  • This is a real eating tour and not a sampling tour; you choose what to eat, which may be helpful for those with dietary restrictions
  • A moderate amount of walking is involved and all walking is within one neighborhood
  • The tour is wheelchair accessible; if assistance is required, tour guests must provide their own caregiver
  • Operates rain or shine, so please dress appropriately
  • Take the tour as early in your stay as possible for unbiased restaurant recommendations around the city for your whole trip
  • Part of the fun of the tour is that each stop is a surprise, but you can make your own choices too
  • Meet & mingle format allows you to make friends or not, your choice.
  • Take in a real NY neighborhood on this non-traditional relaxed manner tour
Шта да очекујете
Паклена кухиња
Ова турнеја је препуна мањих артикала у Њујорку, нудећи вам забаван начин да пробате свој пут кроз један од најбољих квартова за јело у Њујорку. Јединствени формат сусрета и дружења омогућава гостима да упознају друге из целог света док опуштено уживају у правом нетуристичком насељу Њујорка док бирају храну коју воле на свакој станици. Тура се плаћа.
Hell's Kitchen
This tour is packed with smaller item quality New York eats, offering you a fun way to taste your way around one of New York's best eating neighborhoods. The unique meet & mingle format allows guests to meet others from around the world while taking in a real non-tourist NY neighborhood in a relaxed manner while choosing food they like at each stop. Tour has a fee.
Hell's Kitchen
This tour is packed with smaller item quality New York eats, offering you a fun way to taste your way around one of New York's best eating neighborhoods. The unique meet & mingle format allows guests to meet others from around the world while taking in a real non-tourist NY neighborhood in a relaxed manner while choosing food they like at each stop. Tour has a fee.
Hell's Kitchen
This tour is packed with smaller item quality New York eats, offering you a fun way to taste your way around one of New York's best eating neighborhoods. The unique meet & mingle format allows guests to meet others from around the world while taking in a real non-tourist NY neighborhood in a relaxed manner while choosing food they like at each stop. Tour has a fee.
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For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (119)
Dec 2023
*** English bellow *** Visit faithful to the description: This is a guided tour in hell's kitchen You will stop at 5 places to eat in the best places for on-the-go specialties Food is not included in the price The guide is very friendly and will give you addresses of real restaurants for the rest of your stay May be a little expensive for non-pass holders. But we have to keep the local economy alive. *** English *** Visit faithful to the description: This is a guided tour in hell's kitchen You will stop at 5 places to eat in the best places for on-the-go specialties Food is not included in the price The guide is very friendly and will give you addresses of real restaurants for the rest of your stay May be a little bit expensive for non-pass holders. But we have to keep the local economy alive.
Dec 2023
The term “gastronomic” used is not the right one. I'm French, I know gastronomy and that's not it. It is important to clarify this. Gastronomy refers to high-end cuisine. The guide will take you to fast food restaurants. To enjoy pizza, tacos, nuggets and pastries… In short, food that we all know and to which we all have easy access. No need for a guide for this. Just take a tour to explore a neighborhood, then stop along the way using Google Maps or TripAdvisor to see reviews of a restaurant to see if it's good. In any case, it is a visit that I do not recommend to the French, and more generally to Europeans, you will not discover anything special. Also, if you do not speak English, fluently, do not take the tour as the guide will only speak in English. It's really abusive to do an activity worth $45 and have to pay every time you go to one of the establishments. This is typically what we call a “tourist trap”. Fortunately, it's cheaper with the pass... But regardless, it's still nice to meet other people. And this is actually the only positive point of the visit. But hey, no need for a guide and paying $45 to meet other tourists!! (PS: sending eight endless emails, after booking, to explain the same thing except for a few details, it's really excessive. Just because we're tourists doesn't mean we're idiots. And that's yet the feeling that you give us).
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2023
Veuillez noter que nous utilisons la traduction assistée par ordinateur. Nous sommes désolés que la visite n’ait pas été pour cet invité, mais malheureusement, les choses écrites étaient soit fausses, soit n’avaient aucun contexte. Le mot gastronomique n’apparaît pas sur notre site. Nous ne sommes pas et ne prétendons pas être une visite gastronomique. Notre visite est un petit avant-goût de la visite de New York. L’impression qui se dégage est que c’est ce que nous avons promis. Nous ne l’avons pas fait. Les différences entre nous et un circuit standard sont notées partout sur notre site Web et dans les critiques. Quelqu’un peut faire toutes les recherches qu’il veut, mais la plupart des gens qui viennent ici et beaucoup de ceux qui font le tour viennent d’Europe et nos critiques sont à environ 95% très bonnes et excellentes sur 14 ans, car nous les aidons à trouver des endroits où la plupart des voyageurs n’ont pas le temps ou le contexte de faire des recherches sur la nourriture ou où elle se trouve. Et nous allons dans des endroits locaux. Ce n’est pas de la restauration rapide. Nous ne vous avons jamais non plus promis une visite en autre chose qu’en anglais. Vous avez également totalement déformé les options de billetterie. Vous avez choisi de réserver auprès d’un fournisseur externe et nous vous informons que nous ne contrôlons pas ce que les fournisseurs externes proposent. Si vous aviez réservé par notre intermédiaire, vous auriez pu commander un billet avec ou sans nourriture incluse, mais le contexte que vous avez laissé de côté est que si vous aviez fait une visite gastronomique standard, vous n’auriez eu AUCUN choix et si vous n’aimiez pas ce qu’ils vous ont donné, ce serait en fait pire. Au moins, chez nous, vous choisissez votre nourriture. Pourquoi nous blâmez-vous parce que vous avez choisi d’utiliser ce fournisseur et son option ? Vous n’avez pas non plus dit aux gens que vous aviez réservé un jour avant, de sorte que tous les e-mails que vous avez reçus ont dû être regroupés. Votre utilisation du mot idiot est ridicule. Au fil des ans, des centaines de personnes nous ont dit à quel point elles étaient reconnaissantes que nos e-mails soient complets, en particulier pour les points de rencontre et les transits. Et vous rendez-vous compte que parce que vous avez fait appel à un fournisseur externe, nous devons envoyer des e-mails supplémentaires afin qu’il n’y ait pas de malentendus sur la façon dont ils fonctionnent. Nous ne savons pas non plus pourquoi vous n’avez jamais mentionné les recommandations de restaurants qui sont une grande partie de ce que nous faisons et qui ont aidé des dizaines de milliers de nos clients au fil des ans et leur ont également permis d’économiser des tonnes d’argent. Il y a une raison pour laquelle nos critiques sont si positives. Si vous n’avez pas aimé la nourriture, nous ne pouvons pas changer cela, mais en ce qui concerne les attentes, nous disons aux gens exactement ce que nous faisons pour éviter cela. Merci d’avoir fait la visite. Please note: We use computer translation. We are sorry the tour wasn't for this guest but unfortunately the things written about were either untrue or had no context. The word gastronomic does not appear on our website. We are not and do not claim to be a gastronomic tour. Our tour is a smaller item taste of NY tour. The impression given is that that is what we promised. We did not. The differences between us and a standard tour are noted all over our website and in reviews. Someone can do all the research they want but most people who come here and many who take the tour are from Europe and our reviews are about 95% very good and excellent over 14 years because we help them find places most travelers don't have the time or context to research food or where it is. And we go to local places. It is not fast food. Nor did we ever promise you a tour in anything but English. You also totally misrepresented the ticketing options. You chose to book with an outside vendor and we let you know that we do not control what outside vendors offer. If you had booked through us you could have ordered a ticket with or without food included but the context you left out is that if you had taken a standard food tour you would have had ZERO choice and if you didn't like what they gave you it would actually be worse. At least with us you chose your food. Why are you blaming us because you chose to use that vendor and its option? You also did not tell people that you booked only one day before so all the e-mails you received had to be bunched up. Your use of the word idiot is ridiculous. Hundreds of people over the years have told us how grateful they are that our e-mails are thorough especially for meeting point and transit. And do you realize that because you used an outside vendor we have to send extra e-mails so there is no misunderstandings on how they work. We are also not sure why you never mentioned the restaurant recommendations which are a big part of what we do and has helped tens of thousands of our guests over the years and saved them tons of money too. There is a reason our reviews are so positive. If you didn’t like the food we can’t change that but as far as expectations we tell people exactly what we do to avoid this. Thank you for taking the tour.

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