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Повеља за једрење у Форт Лодердејлу

Ваш ПРИВАТНИ чартер једрилице води капетан Дан, лиценцирани капетан са 20 година искуства у локалном једрењу. Позовите да се договоримо за приватно једрење. Од 15.4.2021. -- резервације за 2 путника биће полуприватне. Резервација од 4 до 6 путника биће приватна група<бр><бр>Укрцаћете се на "Винд Пирате", веома удобну једрилицу од 40 стопа, из приватне резиденције са паркингом. Обезбеђени су бесплатна флаширана вода и лед, као и шоље, тањири и туш са свежом водом. Можете понети храну и пиће по свом избору јер јахта има фрижидер. <бр><бр>Ваша повеља за једрење почиње и завршава се две миље од плаже Форт Лодердејл. Крстарит ћете историјском реком Форт Лаудердале Нев Ривер кроз центар града. Проћи ћете поред веслања милионера, мега јахти и луке Евергладес запловити у прелепом Атлантском океану. Капетан увек радо разговара са вама о разним опцијама за једрење како бисте дизајнирали ваш савршен дан.<бр>
Цити: Форт Лодердејл
Tue 25 Feb
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $165.00
Tue 25 Feb
Са почетком у $165.00
Шта је укључено
Флаширана вода, лед, шоље и тањири, прибор за јело
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли> Доступни су прслуци за спасавање за децу.<ли>Доступни су уређаји за плутање.<ли>Доступно хлађење.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу.<ли>Наметнуто социјално дистанцирање. кроз искуство<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовна температура чекови за особље<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака<ли>Ограничите капацитет чартера само на приватне странке, омогућавајући социјално дистанцирање Охрабрите госте на често прање руку и прибора како бисте подржали здраво хигијенско понашање Прекривачи за лице међу свим особљем, колико је то изводљиво Очистите и дезинфикујте површине које се често додирују Обезбедите чаше за једнократну употребу
Шта да очекујете
Дан на води
Ваш чартер ће почети и завршити у приватној резиденцији. Укрцаћемо се са групним сликама за памћење вашег дана. У зависности од одабране туре, наше чартере једрења трају четири или два сата. Ваш домаћин ће бити капетан Дан, лиценцирани капетан брода са преко 20 година искуства у локалном једрењу. Биће вам обезбеђене различите опције на основу преференција ваше групе и временских прилика. Поздрављамо годишњице, рођендане, момачке и момачке свадбе, искуство веридби, пикнике, изласке на заласку сунца или само опуштање. Можда ћете желети да се возите на прамцу у столици за пасуљ и пијуцкате коктеле, једрите Атлантским океаном или пливате и роните на дах. Можда ћете желети да возите чамац под једрима и научите како да једрите. Дан припада теби. Једрилица је добро опремљена са свом потребном сигурносном опремом; Ваша безбедност је наша одговорност.
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Коментара (260)
Federico J R
Mar 2019
Well received by Captain Dan. Nice people skills. While motoring down North River to the Ocean we enjoyed the scenery of Fort Lauderdale not seen by us before despite all these years visiting the Fort Lauderdale - Miami area. Captain Dan providing us with highlights as were moving along. Being a sailing enthusiast, the sailing experience was also nice. Had a chance to pilot the boat, point the boat into the wind to lower the sails and then motor the boat into the channel. Captain Dan always providing words of advise sharing his sailing experience.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2019
We are happy that you enjoyed your day. Please come again sailing with us. Capt Dan
Mar 2019
We just did the half day sailing charter with Captain Dan yesterday. You never know what you might encounter taking a tour of any kind, but as people who lake sail routinely through the warm season in the Midwest, we were looking for a chance to sail on some blue water and not tack every eight minutes. Captain Dan was very easy going and a very experienced sailor, having a racing background with many monohull boats and cats a s well. For those not familiar with having a house with a dock in back yard for your sailboat (like us), and being connected by water to the ocean, this was a really great way to see all kinds of beautiful boats and homes. From tiny boats to boats over a hundred feet, and freighters in the ocean inlet, this was an amazing cruise even before we got to the ocean. Many of the houses are quite spectacular and when you hear that even a small lot sells in the $5 million range in the area near the ocean, it makes you wonder how far away you would have to get to afford a lot! I asked Captain Dan more questions than I suspects he is used to from tourists, but as someone who has only done blue water sailing once, I had a lot of questions! He answered all of them with ease and his answers showed me he had extensive experience. He put me at the helm to raise the main and I got to stay there most of the sailing time on the ocean, except for a brief time for my son in law at the helm. We had light winds, but enough to move us along at 5-7 knots. The only drawback I found in this experience was that we chose only 4 hours. I think when we come back we should do a full day allowing time for a lot more points of sail and fine trimming adjustments for each point given the wind speed. We get to adjust a bit at home sailing our O’Day 28, but when you tack every 7-8 minutes in lake sailing, you don’t get the chance to compare fine trim adjustments on a long point of sail in real time often. Judging by Captain Dan’s demeanor, I am confident he would be a great experience from everyone from complete novices to experienced sailors. My wife, son in law and I would enthusiastically recommend this charter!
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2019
Bruce, Thank you for taking the time to write such a great review. I especially enjoy the charters when I have experienced sailors on board. Come again and I will bring a spinnaker and do some hi performance sailing. Fair Winds, Captain Dan
Mar 2019
This was such an amazing experience! Was looking for the best options for a sail around the sea. Miami or Ft Lauderdale didn't matter, but the quality of the experience did. Happened across this gem. Reached out to Dan and he was VERY responsive. He shared he was on the water and that he'll follow-up later that day. First, who does that. Second, who actually follows up in a timely fashion? I'll tell you who.. Dan! We arrive to a warm welcome and shortly thereafter we were on our boat ready for an adventure. The boat is massive, massive, massive. He provides all of the things you need to support your bring your own food and booze policy! I, being a lady of Rose, was beyond ecstatic when I was provided with a plastic wine glass. Talking about feeling like a classy lady?! We literally sailed as if we were locals. We departed from the local neighborhoods, sailed through and around the city of Ft. Lauderdale into the open water while learning a little bit the neighborhood as we went. It was a breezy day which means choppy waters and so Dan, continuing to be an awesome guide, gave us some options to ensure our group got the best experience! We ended up sailing, swimming, and floating around. And, when we were finished, that warm shower on the boat was perfect! Man, the half day went by so fast, but so very worth it. Such a perfect day. Double bonus: They (well the Mrs, with all her charm) captured photos of us before we set sail and when we returned and sent them to us (no additional cost). Talk about service. I'd definitely /will be going out again. Great way to spend a day!
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2019
Wow! That was an amazing review. We do our best to try to give each charter their perfect day. Thank you very much for your kind words. Please do come back and sail with us again. We would love to have you. Cheers, Captain Dan

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