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Форт Миерс Беацх „Фрее-Ранге” Изнајмљивање Јетски-а

„Наш циљ је да побољшамо искуство и услуге које ће ОнСите Вастерспорт Ренталс пружити. Трудићемо се да то буде најбоље искуство; нудимо више заједници изнајмљивача јет скија – нудимо БЕЗ ВОДИЧА изнајмљивање слободног домета. Наша намера је да створите успомене кроз ваш сусрет на обали. Наше обећање вам је да створимо најбоље искуство и атмосферу на џет-скију за вас и ваше госте."<бр><бр>Прошли су дани вожње линијом видљивости, ограничења на границама бова и ево дани слободне вожње кроз приобалне водене путеве југозападне Флориде. Дођите и искусите вожњу јет-скијем на свој начин...како је замишљено..
Цити: Форт Миерс
Thu 13 Mar
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Са почетком у $299.00
Thu 13 Mar
Са почетком у $299.00
Шта је укључено
Испоручујемо скије без додатних трошкова
Ми снабдевамо прслуке за спасавање
Снабдевамо сидра, ужад и прикључне водове
Иамаха за 1-3 особе. Имамо различите Иамахе за различите нивое искуства возача.
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лоше кардиоваскуларно здравље<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности
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Коментара (17)
Jun 2020
I highly recommend on site for so many reasons! First of all they came to my house to drop off our ski and made that so easy for us! The ski was amazing and in great condition and had a full tank of gas. Now the reason I’m really writing this review is because they went out of their way to make us happy. When we inquired about tubing, they drove to drop a tube off at our house at 9 pm so we could have it to play with the next day. Lovely people to work with, highly recommend renting from them! I will be sure to rent again from them :)
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2020
Thank you for your kind words. We appreciate your business and glad that yo had a blast!!
Michelle G
Feb 2020
Be aware of this tour! Choose something else! Save your self the aggravation! This tour is not guided. The company was late showing up. The boat launch is not on GPS. When we arrived, we thought there would be a guide to take us to Sanibel island and the state park as one might have read on the site. The drop off person, shu-shu, said no, when I asked her about it...We would be alone for 4 hours, myself, a friend and 2 kids. I had never jet skied before. She told me 3 things about the jet ski for our instructional meeting. How to stop, start, and gas. There was no instruction on what the procedure would be when she picked us up. She gave us a map, and left us. We did not bring any snacks or water, as the previous reviewer had said they stopped on an island. We did not find any place to park the jet ski during the 4 hours that had a concession stand. Let it be known, the map was useless. It was very difficult to understand. To make matters worse, at the end of the trip, shu-shu accused us of scratching the jet skis. She said we lost our deposit because of it. Make sure along with this tour, you discuss what the jet ski looked like before your trip. She said when I docked the ski, I scratched it. Let’s remember, the only training I had was start, stop, gas. Regardless, this was a lie. (There was never a check through of the jet ski before the tour and after) It was her word over ours, and then she kept the deposit. Also be careful about payment. Do not go through shu-shu (or the “partner company”). If you dont go through the website, they can not refund your credit card. You will have to go through the “partner” who is not readily available. I am still waiting for a call back from them. I was more than double charged. What a horrible way to end an otherwise, good vacation. Be very weary of this outfit!!! Do not go through this company!!!!!
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2020
Michelle, I can appreciate every now and again we fail to meet someones expectation as we are only human and are more than willing to take responsibility when we are in the wrong. It is very unfortunate that people like yourselves and the ones that you travel with become very obscene and vulgar and bully our employees when things do not go your way. Yes, you very much banged up our skis and you failed to take responsibility but rather became like a 2 year old. Yes, you did beach our skis which also causes damages to the jet pump. I get it, they are not yours so it becomes a "who cares". Yes, I do have proof because each ski is argo tracked and we know exactly where they went. I did call you back twice and left voice messages but never a return call to work out your aggression towards us. I would have been more than happy to come to a "whats fair" agreement. Unfortunately, there is no talking to you. We did in fact return your deposit, so to say we did not is a complete lie and I am more than happy to show you that we did as well as others who read this. We do not need to keep deposits to earn money. The business does fine without it. We are very sorry that we rented to you and unfortunately, not everyone is our customer. You are the one customer out of many since the start of our business that has had an issue. Maybe the issue is yours. We give safety training's and you you are required to sign off on those safety training by law. It sounds like you just initialed and did not read nor did you listen to the instructions that were given. Business should be worried about you as a customer!!!!
Diana M
Sep 2019
My husband and I rented a jet ski for the 3 Island Tour. The process couldn’t have been easier. We met up at a boat ramp, given a safety demo as well as a GPS unit, and off we went! We even paid for an extra hour with no issues. We were able to go at our own pace and even stopped on one of the islands for lunch. I truly couldn’t recommend them more!! A must do if you are in the area.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2020
Thanks again for the great review and glad you all had such a good time!!

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