We would recommend the experience, but maybe with a different company. We did go to Molokini, which was cool, and we snorkeled around old lava flows, seeing neat fish, sea urchins etc. They fed us on board and the crew was pleasant, but they told us to tip them I don’t know how many times (which to me makes me just want to tip less, and I pride myself on being a pretty good tipper). They fed us little sandwiches and chips. We were only in the water for 90 minutes total of our 5 hours. They count boarding time as part of that time. It was kind of more showboaty and less intimate than all of the other things we’ve done on the island (whale watch, submarine, scuba). The experience was pretty good (we didn’t see turtles in turtle town, but they couldn’t help that), but I would t go with a different company.