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Рафтинг кањоном Браунс целог дана

Сплавајте кроз национални споменик у кањону Браунс и доживите забаву и узбуђење првог дела Беле воде у Колораду. Ово целодневно путовање у малим групама се протеже на 16 миља и представља забаву полодневног путовања кањоном Браунс (10 миља). Обично ћете бити на реци око 4-5 сати (зависи од нивоа воде), укључујући ручак. Ручак у Браунс кањону садржи укусне сендвиче у стилу деликатеса, воће, домаћи хлеб и свеже печене колаче. После ручка се враћамо на реку, где вас чека поподне брзака, укључујући злогласни Сеидел'с Суцкхоле и натопљене таласе Твин Фаллс. Обавезно урадите на свом одмору у Колораду! Имајте на уму:   ПРИВАТНИ ЧАМАЦ НИЈЕ ГАРАНТУАН. МОЖЕТЕ БИТИ ГРУПУШАНИ СА ДРУГИМ ГОСТИМА.
Цити: Буена Виста
Sat 28 Dec
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Са почетком у $140.74
Sat 28 Dec
Са почетком у $140.74
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Према индустријским стандардима, сви учесници морају потпишите Образац за ослобађање (одрицање од одговорности) и/или образац за претпоставку ризика како бисте потврдили разумевање ових ризика и преузели сав ризик учешћа.<ли>Учесници Вхитеватер Рафтинга морају:<ли>бити на локацији. најмање 6 година, здравог тела и ума, способних за самостално обављање одређених задатака.<ли>Могу да се самоспасиш у случају пливања.<ли>Прописно се уклапају у штитник за капут типа 5. одобрени прслук за спасавање.<ли>Носите ципеле са затвореним прстима.<ли>Прочитајте и разумејте сва упутства на енглеском.<ли>Пре него што учествујете, консултујте се са лекаром ако имате историју болести. главе, врата, леђа, рамена или срчаних проблема.
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Коментара (161)
Kayvan R
Jul 2019
I needed a break from life and I ironically googled white water rafting in Colorado because i've been before i've done it there before. This was the 2nd or 3rd in the search that popped up. The staff was super nice and helpful. When I rsvp'd I spoke to Hailey and Alley. Alley explained everything i needed to know and also answered my questions about time as well as pickup. Our check person was Logan, who told us what we needed if we choose too, ie water jackets or long sleeve polyester shirts. Helmets are required, and for good reason too some of the dips and waves you will loose your grip and move around in the raft, and if by chance you get knocked out of the raft better safe than sorry. Our actual guide was Zach, a college student from Kansas. As we went down the river, we had fun. Me and my girlfriend really liked it and appreciated the whole event. Especially on making you feel apart of the success or down fall on how you enter the tied. For lunch, it wasn't bad I was expecting actually basic. But these guys busted out sub sandwich. Almost like buffet style except they go to you one by one with that available to create what you wanted . I was impressed. My only suggestion, and i learned this the hard. SUN SCREEN like your caking it on your body, my thighs burned and going to bed was painful. But thats on me, I did not think there was that much sun because we had consistent interaction with the water. I was wrong. But I think it was a good adventure to do. My only complaint, was the time frame in which you were out on the water, We did a full day, and could have started way earlier, instead if sitting idle and waiting to begin. Also in the afternoon, it could have been stretched out longer. 2:30 isnt full day guys. But other than, if you got time, do it once, You will appreciate it!.
Jul 2019
We had an awesome day of rafting. Noah's Ark has their own river access to put the rafts in the river which is a plus. Caleb was a awesome guide. He showed us all the unique sights along the way. We took a break and they fed us a great lunch. The river was incredible. Our family will be back next year.
Patrick G
Jul 2019
The so-called "full day rafting" trip isn't anywhere close to a half-day, let alone a full day. After arriving at our required check-in time, we spent 30 minutes standing in the sun and it wasn't until 10am that we were in the water. We were RUSHED through lunch for reasons that are still unclear, except that the 20-something year old male guides had swallowed their lunches whole and expected the same from their guests. We were done and in the bus ready to come back by 1:30pm. That's three-and-a-half hours from oars in to oars out of the water. Again, this was advertised as a FULL DAY tour. And after being rushed through a lunch that made no accommodations for vegetarianin-- spite of being asked to indicate diet preference ahead of time--the final section of the trip immediately begins with an intense, but brief rapid, followed by long slow flat waters. The trip should be advertised as a 90 minute rafting ride followed by a 90 minute float. The guides were top rate. Friendly. Safe. Easy to understand. Encouraging. Cheerful. Entertaining. And very courteous, in spite of the meat-eaters only gut-bomb lunch. The staff at Noah's Ark are friendly, welcoming, courteous and helpful. The site is clean, well organized and safety is clearly among their highest priorities. For a tourist business, I appreciate that they're not constantly up-selling or nickel-and-diming the entire time. They offer rentals and extras, like photos and discounts at local shops, but they don't over sell it or pressure you. I strongly recommend the so-called "half day" trip, which is where all but one of the rapids are, but I would save your money and frustration and skip the "full day."

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