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Рафтинг кањоном Браунс целог дана

Сплавајте кроз национални споменик у кањону Браунс и доживите забаву и узбуђење првог дела Беле воде у Колораду. Ово целодневно путовање у малим групама се протеже на 16 миља и представља забаву полодневног путовања кањоном Браунс (10 миља). Обично ћете бити на реци око 4-5 сати (зависи од нивоа воде), укључујући ручак. Ручак у Браунс кањону садржи укусне сендвиче у стилу деликатеса, воће, домаћи хлеб и свеже печене колаче. После ручка се враћамо на реку, где вас чека поподне брзака, укључујући злогласни Сеидел'с Суцкхоле и натопљене таласе Твин Фаллс. Обавезно урадите на свом одмору у Колораду! Имајте на уму:   ПРИВАТНИ ЧАМАЦ НИЈЕ ГАРАНТУАН. МОЖЕТЕ БИТИ ГРУПУШАНИ СА ДРУГИМ ГОСТИМА.
Цити: Буена Виста
Mon 23 Sep
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Са почетком у $140.74
Mon 23 Sep
Са почетком у $140.74
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Према индустријским стандардима, сви учесници морају потпишите Образац за ослобађање (одрицање од одговорности) и/или образац за претпоставку ризика како бисте потврдили разумевање ових ризика и преузели сав ризик учешћа.<ли>Учесници Вхитеватер Рафтинга морају:<ли>бити на локацији. најмање 6 година, здравог тела и ума, способних за самостално обављање одређених задатака.<ли>Могу да се самоспасиш у случају пливања.<ли>Прописно се уклапају у штитник за капут типа 5. одобрени прслук за спасавање.<ли>Носите ципеле са затвореним прстима.<ли>Прочитајте и разумејте сва упутства на енглеском.<ли>Пре него што учествујете, консултујте се са лекаром ако имате историју болести. главе, врата, леђа, рамена или срчаних проблема.
Шта да очекујете
Нојева арка у Колораду Рафтинг и авантуристички парк у ваздуху
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Национални споменик Браунс кањона
Рафтинг кроз национални споменик Браунс кањона!
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Коментара (161)
Marc V
Jul 2018
So if you are reading this you are at the point my family was in mid July. Never been to this area and without a clue who to chose because there are a zillion of these companies. So if that is you, I hope this helps. First, I am not one to hand out complements easily. These things cost a lot, and good customer service should be greens fees. That said - I've seen a whole bunch of folks that don't know that in the 'Service' industry so I never take that for granted. We chose Noah's Ark because they were the most helpful and honest on the phone. At the time we went, this part of CO. was in drought and they were the only company out of the 7-10 that we called that were straight forward with what to expect. When we got there, conditions had worsened in only 48 hours because the water flow had been miscalculated by DNR so our trip was going to be less than optimal. Noah's Ark called us the night before and warned us of this and gave us some options, including refunding our money. When we got there in the morning, the owner of the company talked to my wife and I and again, though the circumstances were clearly beyond his control, offered to do anything he could to make our trip the best it could be. We decided to go on the trip, despite it not being perfect. It was indeed slower than normal, we did get stuck a couple times, and we had to wait at some spots because of backups. All that said, our two guides (Brad and Kevin) were phenomenal. They talked to us about the river and we learned a lot about the area, we did go through enough hard water to make the trip fun and challenging, and they could not have been kinder, more patient, and encouraging. The scenery is great and you will see parts of the canyon you cannot see any other way. You will be taken care of by people who truly have servants hearts. In the end, all the companies can all get you down the river, but if you like doing business with folks with the highest level of integrity, that take stock in their employees, are REALLY good at what they do, and put customers before their own bottom line, this is your place. Chuck - (owner) Your employees speak so highly of you and it is easy to see that where service to your customers is concerned, they have learned well. Thanks for a great experience that my family will have forever.
Dan S
Jul 2018
Our family's first trip to Colorado and we wanted to go river rafting. Our neighbors recommended Noah's Ark, and they did not disappoint. We did the full day of paddle rafting, which included lunch and it is a highlight of our trip. All the staff we ran into were friendly, helpful, and patient in answering all of our questions. We didn’t book our trip until the day before, and even though they were full, they were able to pull in “on-call” guides so we could raft with them. Erich was our guide and we highly recommend him. In summary, Erich was awesome. The water level was low so it took a lot of skill to navigate through the rapids and rocks, and Erich did an awesome job steering and giving us paddle commands to make it through without incident. We saw other rafters from other companies that didn’t have that same skill and got hung up on the rocks. Erich also kept us entertained throughout the trip by sharing his knowledge of the river and rock formations, as well as just having conversations about life with everyone in the raft. The conversations were as much fun as the raft ride itself. Thank you Erich!
Jul 2018
Our group (two families of 4) enjoyed our day on the river with our guide, Brad. We had a great experience and Brad expertly guided us with expert level patience, kindness, and safety in mind.

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