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Рафтинг кањоном Браунс целог дана

Сплавајте кроз национални споменик у кањону Браунс и доживите забаву и узбуђење првог дела Беле воде у Колораду. Ово целодневно путовање у малим групама се протеже на 16 миља и представља забаву полодневног путовања кањоном Браунс (10 миља). Обично ћете бити на реци око 4-5 сати (зависи од нивоа воде), укључујући ручак. Ручак у Браунс кањону садржи укусне сендвиче у стилу деликатеса, воће, домаћи хлеб и свеже печене колаче. После ручка се враћамо на реку, где вас чека поподне брзака, укључујући злогласни Сеидел'с Суцкхоле и натопљене таласе Твин Фаллс. Обавезно урадите на свом одмору у Колораду! Имајте на уму:   ПРИВАТНИ ЧАМАЦ НИЈЕ ГАРАНТУАН. МОЖЕТЕ БИТИ ГРУПУШАНИ СА ДРУГИМ ГОСТИМА.
Цити: Буена Виста
Tue 24 Dec
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Са почетком у $140.74
Tue 24 Dec
Са почетком у $140.74
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Према индустријским стандардима, сви учесници морају потпишите Образац за ослобађање (одрицање од одговорности) и/или образац за претпоставку ризика како бисте потврдили разумевање ових ризика и преузели сав ризик учешћа.<ли>Учесници Вхитеватер Рафтинга морају:<ли>бити на локацији. најмање 6 година, здравог тела и ума, способних за самостално обављање одређених задатака.<ли>Могу да се самоспасиш у случају пливања.<ли>Прописно се уклапају у штитник за капут типа 5. одобрени прслук за спасавање.<ли>Носите ципеле са затвореним прстима.<ли>Прочитајте и разумејте сва упутства на енглеском.<ли>Пре него што учествујете, консултујте се са лекаром ако имате историју болести. главе, врата, леђа, рамена или срчаних проблема.
Шта да очекујете
Нојева арка у Колораду Рафтинг и авантуристички парк у ваздуху
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Национални споменик Браунс кањона
Рафтинг кроз национални споменик Браунс кањона!
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Коментара (161)
Adam M
May 2018
Noah's Ark has always had excellent service and we will continue to raft with them when we're in the area! You won't be disappointed rafting with them. Both Matt and Suz made our full day of rafting both safe and exciting - and the included lunch was delicious! Thanks for the great day Noah's Ark!
Одговор домаћина
May 2018
Thank you for your review! We are thrilled to hear that you had a good time!
Aug 2017
I booked a full day with Noah's Ark, my son and I did a rock climbing trip in the morning and the rest of my family and friends caught up with us in the afternoon for a rafting trip. The people who lead our climbing in the morning were extremely friendly, yet very professional as well. They set up for a great climb and my son had a blast. After the climb my family of 4 and a friends family of 4 went on our rafting trip. We did the browns canyon portion of the Arkansas river and had a great time! Jack was our guide in the raft and he did a tremendous job preparing us for a successful rafting trip. Also as we were on the river Jack did a great job pointing out sites along the way as well as navigating the boat through all the rapids. There is definitely a thrill of risk while rafting, but we also all felt very safe because we were well guided. Overall it was a great trip and I would strongly recommend the browns canyon trip and I would strongly recommend using Noah's Ark, they were very friendly and also very professional.
Debi J
Jul 2017
On July 20, 2017 we went on the full day Browns Canyon trip which included lunch along the way. As a mother, I was nervous about taking my kids, especially after my daughter thought it would be funny to show me YouTube footage of people falling out of their rafts on this stretch of river. As soon as we arrived at Noah's Ark, I felt at ease. The staff was very knowledgeable and gave excellent safety instructions and provided high quality safety gear. Our raft guide Sam W. was awesome. He was relaxed and made us feel comfortable from the start. There were 6 in our group and he placed each of us in the part of the raft that he thought would be best. Once on the river my worries disappeared and we enjoyed every minute of the adventure. Sam navigated us through rapids such as "The Canyon Doors" "Toilet Bowl" and the much anticipated "Seidel's Suckhole." His navigation skills were excellent and he had great control of the raft and gave us excellent instructions when time to paddle. There were lots of laughs along the way. In one of the other rafts, a guy fell out during one of the rapids and the 6 Guides in our pod of rafts quickly had us all align the rafts in an act of teamwork to help make sure the "swimmer" was quickly back on his raft. They worked together like clockwork and the guy was back in his raft laughing in no time. Partway through the day, we stopped along the shore for lunch and were able to get off the raft and eat. Talk about an impressive lunch! The Guides from the 6 rafts in our trip served all the riders the most wonderful fresh lunch which was WAY better than we expected... Delicious sandwiches, fresh watermelon and homemade desserts! They politely waited until everyone was served before they ate. Sam answered every question we had and pointed out landmarks along the journey. He really made the experience something we'll always remember. A lot of people recommended Noah's Ark to us and now we know why. We'll be back for sure!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2017
We are so glad you had a fun and safe trip! We think Sam is awesome! Can't wait to have you back on the river.

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