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Рафтинг кањоном Браунс целог дана

Сплавајте кроз национални споменик у кањону Браунс и доживите забаву и узбуђење првог дела Беле воде у Колораду. Ово целодневно путовање у малим групама се протеже на 16 миља и представља забаву полодневног путовања кањоном Браунс (10 миља). Обично ћете бити на реци око 4-5 сати (зависи од нивоа воде), укључујући ручак. Ручак у Браунс кањону садржи укусне сендвиче у стилу деликатеса, воће, домаћи хлеб и свеже печене колаче. После ручка се враћамо на реку, где вас чека поподне брзака, укључујући злогласни Сеидел'с Суцкхоле и натопљене таласе Твин Фаллс. Обавезно урадите на свом одмору у Колораду! Имајте на уму:   ПРИВАТНИ ЧАМАЦ НИЈЕ ГАРАНТУАН. МОЖЕТЕ БИТИ ГРУПУШАНИ СА ДРУГИМ ГОСТИМА.
Цити: Буена Виста
Mon 23 Dec
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Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $140.74
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Према индустријским стандардима, сви учесници морају потпишите Образац за ослобађање (одрицање од одговорности) и/или образац за претпоставку ризика како бисте потврдили разумевање ових ризика и преузели сав ризик учешћа.<ли>Учесници Вхитеватер Рафтинга морају:<ли>бити на локацији. најмање 6 година, здравог тела и ума, способних за самостално обављање одређених задатака.<ли>Могу да се самоспасиш у случају пливања.<ли>Прописно се уклапају у штитник за капут типа 5. одобрени прслук за спасавање.<ли>Носите ципеле са затвореним прстима.<ли>Прочитајте и разумејте сва упутства на енглеском.<ли>Пре него што учествујете, консултујте се са лекаром ако имате историју болести. главе, врата, леђа, рамена или срчаних проблема.
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Нојева арка у Колораду Рафтинг и авантуристички парк у ваздуху
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Национални споменик Браунс кањона
Рафтинг кроз национални споменик Браунс кањона!
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Коментара (161)
Robert L
Dec 2015
My wife and I took 4 of our children (ages 15 and 13) on the full-day trip down Browns Canyon in mid-July. This was our second rafting experience, but first with Noah's Ark. The service from beginning to end was patient, kind and caring. The full-day trip was the best! The lunch exceeded expectations. The guides were exceptional. Everything from top to bottom was consistent with their Christian beliefs and ethics. When we come back, Noah's Ark will be the only rafting company we choose.
Morgan H
Jun 2015
My wife and I and another couple who are great friends of ours went to Buena Vista, CO to spend the day rafting down Brown's Canyon on their full day adventure on Tuesday, June 23rd. Now, I've been down the Arkansas River many times before both with other companies and with private boaters and Noah's Ark is by far the best rafting company to venture down that river. Their company is honest and trustworthy, their equipment is of the highest quality, and their guides are competent and well versed in the nuances of the ever changing Arkansas. Yet, there is one guide specifically, who despite being born in Washington, appears as though the Arkansas were to flow from his very soul. I have heard some call him grandpa while others call him Lieutenant. Me and my crew, however, we call him Gavin. Gavin, although being the eldest sibling in his family, still has a youthful spirit and way about him. But because of his position in his family, that has taught him the responsibility needed for caring for those under his supervision whilst traversing through the dangers on the river. If Gavin were Indiana Jones in The Temple of Doom, I would not hesitate to jump into the raft with him as we fell out of the plane onto the snowy mountain side headed for the raging river below. If Gavin were Emperor Kuzco from the Emperor's New Groove and was tied to a log pummeling toward a massive waterfall with sharp rocks at the bottom, I would want to be Pacha because he would still make that trip down the waterfall epic. If Gavin were Michael Bluth from Arrested Development and the Arkansas River was the Tunnel of Love Indubitably, I would want to be on the same boat because that would be the trip of a lifetime. And even though Gavin doesn't get to guide as much as he may want to at times, he's still one of the best guides on that river, with generations of guides before him in his own family paving the way for greatness. If his guiding skills were action movies, he would be Jason Borne and James Bond mixed together and then covered in Ethan Hunt with a sprinkle of Ace Ventura. If Gavin's guiding skills were music, it would be a mix of Beethoven's 5th played over the top of a mashup of Stairway To Heaven and Michael Jackson's Thriller. Needless to say, if Gavin were to be guiding a rafting trip in the middle of the Sahara Desert or in the middle of frozen Antarctica, I would pay to join that trip. Well done, good sir. Seidel's Suckhole didn't know what hit it when we came through!
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2015
Hahaha. This is simply the best. 5 stars for your hilarious review! I know Gavin had a blast with your group, and I’ll make sure to pass this along. Spot on comparisons. The only thing you missed was his uncanny resemblance to Buzz Lightyear. For real though, thanks for taking the time to write this review and for rafting with Noah’s. We hope to see you in Browns Canyon again!
Aug 2014
First off- our guide Andy and trip leader Connor are rock stars! They deserve their own excellent ratings! We did a full day Browns Canyon trip on a Thursday. Both me and my girlfriend have lots of experience canoeing, kayaking, and boating, but never white-water rafting so we took the recommendation of Browns canyon. We had over twice the water flow of average in August so everybody said it was a good time to raft. We both had fun and were glad to do it, but talking with Andy at lunch it was clear that a full day Royal Gorge may have been more of what we had in mind when we decided to raft. We got put in a raft with a trio from Kansas, and enjoyed their company a lot! I feel that some thought was actually put into boat/guide assignments, not just some numbers in a computer. They definitely handle a lot of youth groups, church groups, Boy Scouts, etc, so if that is a problem for you just let them know and they will probably find a solution for you! Our guides stressed safety and I talked with Andy about his training and certification and I was impressed! (Not an easy feat I will say) I felt very safe and at easy knowing that the guides are well trained and know the river. I will definitely raft with them again if I get the chance!

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