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Целодневни обилазак Ки Вест-а и роњење на коралном гребену са отвореним баром

Ускочите у аутобус који ће вас одвести у велику авантуру до Ки Веста, тропског раја у САД. Уживајте у вожњи дуж Флорида Киз и невероватних шарених вода Атлантског океана и Мексичког залива. Биће само једна кратка станица за доручак/купатило у Ки Ларгу. <бр><бр>Када стигнете тамо, имаћете 6 сати да доживите карипску атмосферу острва. <бр><бр>Роните у плавим водама коралног гребена Ки Вест у трајању од 3 сата у луксузном катамарану са укљученим неограниченим бројем алкохолних и безалкохолних пића, а укључена је и санирана опрема за роњење.<бр><бр>  Не заборавите да то урадите. пробајте неке од типичних ствари у Ки Весту; попут Кеи Лиме Пие, Цонцх Фриттерс и других. <бр><бр>  У 17:45, време је да се вратимо ; наш аутобус ће полазити из улице Царолине 908; исто место где су те ујутро испратили. Овог пута путовање је нон-стоп; вратићете се у хотел између 21:00 - 22:00 (у зависности од локације хотела).
Цити: Мајами
Mon 23 Dec
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $115.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $115.00
Шта је укључено
Отворени бар са пивом, газираним пићем и водом на катамарану. Алкохолна пића након активности роњења
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли> Гости који су под утицајем алкохола, марихуане (укључујући и лековите) или било које недозвољене супстанце; биће ускраћено право на обилазак и неће бити враћена средства. <ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи обавезни да редовно перу руке
Шта да очекујете
Маллори Скуаре
Наши клијенти ће провести 6 сати на острву. Роњење на коралном гребену почиње у 13 часова. Неограничено пиће и опрема за роњење на катамарану. Роњење: 3 сата.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (101)
Nov 2020
Overall great experience and value. Hosts communicated quickly to any inquiries I had before hand and picked up immediately when I called. Pick up wasn't exactly a @630 am as told but its understandable due to traffic. Ac on bus was blowing super cold during ride and dome light was kept on during ride over, which I found slightly annoying since I wanted to sleep on the way. Breakfast spot we stopped at was ok and there wasn't any other options close by. On the bust the host went over different information about the places we were passing by on the way to Key west as well as key west itself before we arrived. She also went over different actives we could do while there (with option to book said activities)and provided us with a map. Host was hospitable and we had no complaints with her. Snorkeling trip was great and a good value compared to what I've paid in the past in Hawaii. Great experience in key west, although we didn't have a ton of time after we returned from snorkeling.
Oct 2020
Bus was so broken down that there was duck tape on the emergency exit window. Then the bus caught a flat which was an hour and half wait. Once we reached the snorkel boat the people that worked on the boat were so rude because we were late. Everything was rushed.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2020
Thanks for taking the time to leave a review, we do appreciate all the feedback you send us. Yes, unfortunately that day we got a flat tire on the road to the Keys. We immediately sent both ;another bus and a road service, whichever arrive first. Bus was first to arrive 1 hr 20 min later, unfortunately we didn't have any in the vicinity. Our tour guide was constantly updating the group on the whereabouts of the second bus, and reassuring everyone that you would have your 6 hours in Key West, and surely you all did; everyone was able to do all the activities they had anticipated, and yes, we had to rush to the catamaran, in fact I had to thank the marina a million times because they delayed the catamaran departure 5 minutes so that you could get on board. These things don't happen every day, but if they do, we take care of our clients in the most expedited way. Thanks again, we always try to improve our service
Oct 2020
I cannot speak for the snorkeling experience itself because it got cancelled due to the weather. However, I was not happy with the way the staff communicated this information to us. The night before, I saw a chance on rain/storms on the forecast so I called the number on my confirmation ticket to make sure it wouldn’t be cancelled, and the staff said it was still happening. They in no way indicated there was a possibility it could be cancelled. If they had, I would have packed extra clothes and planned out a back-up activity for our day in Key West. They were not honest about the fact that it could get cancelled. After we had driven three hours towards Key West on the bus, they announced that all water activities were cancelled due to weather, which I understand is outside their control. However, the woman running the bus immediately started encouraging all guests to pay $44 each for a trolley tour that went around Key West, for which she was collecting payment on the spot. I asked her if there were any other activities in the area, and she said no. We didn’t have any knowledge of the area or idea what to expect, so we agreed to do the trolley on the spot. In hindsight, this all seems very manipulative as the trolley ended up being very useless to us, and we ended up walking around Key West for an entire day. We woke up at 5am and got back at 9pm, paid $105 each, and basically did nothing all day. If they had communicated with us in advance that there was a chance this could happen and to plan back-up activities, that would have been fine. But they didn’t communicate at all, and left me feeling like they just wanted to get money from tourists. I’m sure the snorkeling itself is a fun time, but I didn’t like the way the staff handled this. Thank you!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2020
Thanks for reviewing our tour. As you well noted the decision to for the snorkeling tour to go out is only for the Key West Marina to decide if it's safe to go out or not. It doesn't matter if it's raining or not, their decision is based mainly on the direction of the wind and visibility ( 2 or 3 hours before the Snorkeling tour starts ). We are sorry for the inconvenience. We operate with Fury Marina in Key West that is very serious and responsible about their business. If they determine it;s not safe to go out, they don't.

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