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Целодневни обилазак Оахуа аутобусом

Да бисте се што боље забавили, посебно смо осмислили наш дан, тако да ћете МАКСИМАЛНО време провести ван аутобуса забављајући се колико је то људски могуће. Ми смо „турнеја за оне који не воле туре“.
Цити: Оаху
Mon 18 Nov
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Са почетком у $169.00
Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $169.00
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Доле Плантатион
Наша последња станица је Плантажа ананаса Доле, позната по свом сорбету од ананаса Доле Вхип.
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Ако желите да уживате у прекрасној шетњи природом која се завршава пливањем у подножју водопада, нудимо „опцију Ваимеа Фаллс“. *Ако одаберете ову опцију, пропустићете и Пипелине Беацх и Ваимеа Баи, а улаз је 16 долара.
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Коментара (214)
Feb 2022
My family of 5 spent the day on this tour and we had a blast! The adults and the kids (between the ages of 16-8) all had a wonderful time. Kevin and Dom were great guides and kept the day fun and entertaining. We learned great Hawaiian history while we were on the drives between stops. The lunch was AMAZING and the beaches were breathtaking. The only complaint was that we didn’t have much time to stay at the different beaches but that was because we stopped to see the quarter finals of the surfing competition which was really exciting to watch. Definitely recommend this tour!
Feb 2022
Me and my husband were a little skeptical about this trip at first, after all it was a guy on the street telling us to go, (Kevo) so we did some research. This place is super legit! In fact, there are a few tours that are more expensive that are more commercialized around here that do the same thing. We decided to go for the following reasons: - We didn't feel like we were being pressured into attending - We weren't asked to put any money down ahead of time - Kevo only needed our phone number to reserve a spot - We saw flyers for the tour are in a few shops here in Waikiki - Kevo put off a really positive vibe Some things about the tour itself: First off, The tour itself was absolutely amazing, and I cannot believe we were thinking about not going. Our guides: Damian (Dam) was our driver, and Kevin was the story teller for our drive there. Kevin told us many stories about the rich culture of Hawaii. It was so descriptive and entertaining that I hardly noticed the drive at all. It was the easiest 1 hour drive I have ever done in my life. Possibly the most captivating history teacher ever ;). There is a break at a coffee shop just before the Dole plantation that made the trip to the North shore feel shorter. Just before we got to the North shore, we stopped at some fruit stands and got a snack called banana lumpia. Its a banana fried in a spring roll wrapper (best snack ever) . It was only $1 after tax and everything. The first beach we went to was very secluded, we were the only people there. A great way to start the day. We went to pipeline next and watched some surfers. It was cool to see those big waves. We did some paddle boarding after that, did some rope swinging and saw some turtles in the river. It was $20 a person for the paddle boards. I would for sure recommend bringing cash, its much easier that way since you don't want to bring anything with you that you don't want to lose. DONT FORGET TO RE-APPLY SUNSCREEN BEFORE PADDLE BOARDING!!! We didn't (like idiots), and got pretty burnt. After that we went to a little cove and saw more turtles just before lunch. For lunch time, we went to the Big Wave shrimp truck. Kevin called in our order ahead of time so our food was ready when we got there. Then of course we stopped by the Dole plantation and got some ice cream and silly pineapple souvenirs, then we headed back to Waikiki. These guys were so real, it didn't feel forced at all, and they were genuinely happy to be there. They wanted to take this tour as much, if not more than we did. Kevo does a great job of finding fun, easy going people to go with, it was a very fun group. If you are on the fence about doing this JUST GO!!! I guarantee you will have an amazing time. Thanks again Kevin, Kevo and Damian. You guys have such a solid tour experience lined up, it was for sure an experience of a lifetime.
Feb 2022
Man what can I say, Kevin is hands down the best tour guide in Hawaii, no scratch that, he IS the best tour guide in the world. From cracking jokes to giving you great information and eduacation about the island is Phenomenal!!! Definitely recommend to any tourist coming to Hawaii. Great guy and tour guider!

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