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Целодневни обилазак Оахуа аутобусом

Да бисте се што боље забавили, посебно смо осмислили наш дан, тако да ћете МАКСИМАЛНО време провести ван аутобуса забављајући се колико је то људски могуће. Ми смо „турнеја за оне који не воле туре“.
Цити: Оаху
Tue 19 Nov
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Са почетком у $169.00
Tue 19 Nov
Са почетком у $169.00
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Ако желите да уживате у прекрасној шетњи природом која се завршава пливањем у подножју водопада, нудимо „опцију Ваимеа Фаллс“. *Ако одаберете ову опцију, пропустићете и Пипелине Беацх и Ваимеа Баи, а улаз је 16 долара.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (214)
Aug 2021
From the time you get onto the bus with Jovy you won't regret your decision. So much fun the snorkeling was incredible. We saw dolphin swimming sea turtle cruising along. Our group was a lot of fun had a lot of laughs and conversations. Paddle boarding is a lot more work than I thought lots of fun on the river once you get the hang of it. Without the crew it wouldn't be the same. Jovy Dragon and the best driver on thr Island Wilbur. I can't recommend this enough.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2021
Thnx Kevin! Looked like a great group yesterday! Its not hard for our guests to have a fun day when Jovy is your guide, perfect weather and beautiful beaches makes it even easier lol.. Glad most of the group got to see the dolphins at the Waimea bay stop and stoked you gave it a go on the stand up paddle boards!! It was a pleasure to meet you both! Thnx again for your review buddy, hope you can join one of our fun groups again.
Aug 2021
So glad we did this! What an amazing day full of adventure and memory making moments! Took my family of 4 for the day and we all had a blast! The team was amazing and really put a lot of thought and energy into making it extra special. Snorkeled, paddle-boarded, hit the dole plantation 🍍, had a delicious lunch at the food trucks. Team worked hard to get us to all the best spots at the perfect times to avoid all of the crowds. We loved that! Very eventful day. Would HIGHLY recommend you take this tour! Well worth it!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2021
Aloha Jessica and thank you for taking the time to give us a review :) Its family's like yours... are why we're in business, we know parents would rather have their kids outside the bus having fun in Hawaii than sitting in the bus. It was a pleasure meeting you four and happy you all had a great day! The pic's by Kalea (photographer) looked like everyone had a fun day. Mahalo's again for your recommendation :) Jovy, Kalea & Wilbert(driver)
Aug 2021
If you'd like a day of guaranteed fun and adventure on the North Shore, then you must do Kevo's Beach Bus! My daughter, Emily, and I had the best time!! I found them through Google, and so glad I did. Our guide Bon Jovy, Kalea, and our driver Wilbur were great. Bon was hilarious and had a great personality! Kalea (Dragon) was super nice and very informative about the island, and both of them were very patient (and funny) waiting to film me jumping off the rock, lol! We started out with immediate laughter on the bus, followed by stopping at a coffee farm. Then we went to Waimea Bay for snorkeling, rock jumping, cave swimming, and lots of fun. AND, we saw a turtle and dolphins! Then we went SUP (stand up paddleboarding), and that was a blast as well! I had never done it before, but the instructor was very helpful, along with Melissa, who helped me to finally stand up! Then we had lunch at a shrimp food truck, which was great. Ended the day at Dole Plantation, with a yummy Dole whip. Not only were the Kevo's guys great, but the families we met on the bus made the trip unforgettable as well. Melissa and her family (Australians from Cali!), the Denver family, the Burleson boys, and Donna and Payton from Vegas, everyone was so fun! You will not regret the day! 10/10 recommend!!!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2021
Aloha, wow! What a great recommendation! Mahalo's for that! Your guide Jovy and photographer/guide Kalea always enjoy sharing a fun day with all our customers, especially during our summer months on the north shore. Its great you made some new friends with your group that day:) Mahalo's again for your awesome review and hope you can join us again someday in the near future.

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