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Целодневни изнајмљивање Поларис праћке на Мауију на Хавајима

Мотоцикл Поларис Слингсхот на три точка пружа узбудљив начин да видите знаменитости Мауи Хаваја. Пожурите на 24-часовну турнеју самосталном вожњом да бисте истражили најбоље од онога што острво Мауи може да понуди. Овај роудстер са 2 седишта има простор за складиштење опреме за планинарење/пливање, ГоПро носаче за снимање невероватних снимака и комплетан озвучење.
Цити: Мауи
Mon 24 Feb
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Са почетком у $565.00
Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $565.00
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Изнајмљивање Поларис праћке до 24 сата
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<ул><ли>Дозвољене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се за труднице<ли> ли><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, молимо вас да се обуците прикладно.<ли> Морате имати најмање 21 годину да бисте изнајмили.<ли>Морате имати актуелну, важећу возачку дозволу САД или државе или међународне возачке дозволе.<ли>Морате показати адекватне вештине јахања.<ли>Морате да имате важећу возачку дозволу у САД или држави или међународну. ли><ли>Један регистровани возач ће такође морати да овласти коришћење кредитне картице у износу до 2500 УСД од стране полисе осигурања за заштиту од судара, која се може одбити, ако се догоди несрећа и/или било који други случај.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (12)
Cammy B
May 2019
My husband and I have been fortunate enough to visit Maui many times over the years and have enjoyed just about every excursion. I was really searching for something different for us to do and came across the Slingshot. I am so glad I chose Maui Kart - they have such a great operation - so smooth and as others have noted, Alex is the best! He delivered right to us, helped acclimate my husband and even synced my phone for music. This was just such a fun, exciting way to see Maui and I will definitely be back! Thank you Alex!
Richard U
Apr 2019
The slingshot was great! I had a lot of fun. It was delivered and picked up from the place I was staying. However, and this is extremely shady, I noticed one of those glue on eye balls you'd see on stuffed animals stuck to the instrument cluster. Looking straight at it appeared as if nothing but a funny decoration. However, viewed from the passenger seat you can see it was there to hide the fact that the red light for the brake was on. Not the emergency brake, but the fluid level indicator. I'm not sure why they didnt just add fluid, but they obviously were concealing it. Who knows how low the fluid level really was. Nevertheless I pulled the sticker off and stopped driving it. I didnt drive it the rest of the time, and since I lost my phone I didnt contact them. They knew what they were doing. Shady in my opinion. I had the car from 1130am and they picked it up at 7am. Almost a full day, but not safe to drive.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2019
Aloha Richard and thank you for your honest review. I usually mention the reason we have brake light covered due to brake pedal sensor going off. As after every rental as your self bringing back car in little or much worst dirty condition, especially if it was taken to Hana, we power wash cars through out. Because of this, we determent the sensor on brake pedal keeps going off and Brake Failure Light goes on. There is no issues with breaks, or brake fluid being low, but simple break failure light go on. It does every time when you press breaks hard, the sensor will make that light go on. In a way it is annoying, but, to this day Polaris the maker of slingshot cant make this right. We have replaced 4 sensors on both of our slingshots and keep having this same issue with brake failure light go on. I do wished you contacted us regarding this, We would help you with any questions. Hope you found your phone ))
Jadey S
Oct 2018
I rented a Polaris Slingshot from Maui Kart a couple days ago and drove it to Hana, what a treat. The car was almost brand new, well taken care of and super fun to drive, no doors and open design are a must to see this beautiful island as much as possible. The owner offered to bring the vehicle to me which is an awesome option but I chose to get it myself. Easy pick up, easy drop off, well worth it. Would recommend, would do it again.

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