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Цити: МцЦалл
Sun 22 Sep
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Sun 22 Sep
Са почетком у $120.90
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Коментара (144)
Destry B
May 2016
We booked a Steelhead fishing trip with a lodging stay. We were surprisingly pleased with our room for the price. It had enough room for five guys and it was very clean. The morning started off with a good morning and a free travel mug of coffee from Brenda /owner. The only positive thing I will say about Jess /owner is that he stayed out an extra hour so we could catch some Bass. When the first Bass was landed, Jess states "I am not cleaning them". We do not know why he stated this, but a little professionalism would have been nice. We all came into this trip with years of fishing and some with guiding experience. We were given a lesson on the proper way to fish for Steelhead with “if you really want to piss me off" don't do this. This was told to us a few times. A guy in are fishing party stated that he was a fly fishermen. Jess states that he has the most trouble with fly fishermen, they don't listen and do the opposite. Just one of many digs and put downs that was said throughout the day. The day was fill with everybody being on edge. We were constantly hollered at for doing stuff wrong. Jess would holler out without using any of our names. So nobody knew who he was talking to. Which would lead to confusion throughout the group. Jess tried to get everybody's name down again at lunch. He got to me and said “I am not even going to try" and walked past me. Really feels good you are paying for this kind of service. After lunch we were told due to the lack of experience we missed a lot of fish. Thanks for the vote of confidence. If everybody was experienced in fishing and hunting nobody would need outfitters. At the end of our fishing trip everybody was very eager to get off the boat. While unloading are stuff from the boat. Jess asked if we wanted help cleaning those Bass? Why the change in attitude? Maybe it was just for show because of the other guide service around. Why would we want to spend any more time with a guy that was probably going to put us down how we cleaned our fish. No thanks, we will do it ourselves. This other guide service that was on the boat ramp offered to haul are stuff to our vehicles with smiles on their face and open arms. We all noted this other guide service and will be using them for our return to Riggins for next year’s Steelhead run. Overall, the town of Riggins is beautiful with many friendly faces. A great place to eat is Seven Devils Saloon. We only found one unhappy individual in Riggins and that was Jess/owner. Brenda/owner was a very kind and a warm person. Jess/owner seemed burnt out and did not find enjoyment anymore. There are many guides in Riggins Idaho, look somewhere else! ! Brenda sent me an email saying she will call me personally to rectify the situation. I have never received of phone call to date.
Dec 2015
What a great trip I had this week with MRO! The accommodations, the boats and the equipment were excellent! Jess provided a great experience and even kept me out a little longer in the day to help me get that one last fish! The time on the river was beautiful including viewing otters, bald eagles, elk and even a lynx. The knowledge that Jess has of the area and the fish definitely showed as he worked to find the best places to be. I limited out the first day but due to angler error I was not as successful the next day. MRO went above and beyond and I will continue to make MRO the only service that I will use.
Nov 2015
This rafting company has great staff members who have mastered their trade. Our trip was exciting, safe and will call us back again when we are ready. Felt very comfortable with the skill of our raft master. Office staff very accomodating and knowledgeable..

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