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Целодневна Роиал Горге Вхитеватер Рафтинг Адвентуре Цанон Цити ЦО

Краљевска клисура је једно од најузбудљивијих и најузбудљивијих рафтинг путовања на реци Арканзас. Уживајте у лепоти и узбуђењу Божјег стварања док искусите зидове кањона високе 1000 стопа, суочите се са узбудљивим брзацима класе ИИИ-В и видите чувени мост Краљевске клисуре. Целодневни излети почињу кањоном Бигхорн (класа ИИИ-ИВ), пауза за укусни ручак поред реке, а затим се спуштајте у Краљевску клисуру (класа ИВ-В). <бр><бр>Јоурнеи Куест је непрофитна служба рафтинга у центру Христа, а ова путовања су узбудљиве авантуре прилагођене породици. Краљевска клисура је озбиљан део реке. Свим гостима се препоручује искуство веслања у претходној класи ИИИ или више и јака способност пливања. Због безбедности наших гостију и водича, не можемо да примамо госте који имају више од 250 фунти или појединце са историјом срчаних или озбиљних здравствених проблема. <бр><бр>За више информација о, молимо контактирајте Јоурнеи Куест директно на 719.276.2227
Цити: Цанон Цити
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $169.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $169.00
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници би требало да имају висок ниво физичке спремности
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (17)
Jun 2020
Actually we did three days of rafting on the Arkansas, culminating with the Royal Gorge experience. The water level was still high enough that the river was running at 2000 - 2400 cfs, so we had a few class 4 rapids. Our guide Mark Anderson was truly an expert who trained us, kept us safe, and inspired us on this unforgettable adventure. He shared interesting and factual information relative to historical events that had taken place along the river. He also prepared delicious meals for all three days, and his colleague Daniel set up tents and prepared our campsites along the way. We were provided with helmets and wetsuits, and In addition to being an amazing and inspirational wilderness guide and outfitter, Mark is a man of strong Christian faith. He prayed with us, and shared the origin of Journey Quest along with his personal witness. We read and discussed excerpts from the Bible and prayed together both on and off the river. I wish there were more than five stars in this review. I won’t forget the experience! Fun, thrilling, educational, and inspirational at so many levels. I urge everyone to ride the river with Journey Quest! NOTE: In selecting “who was with us” in the review, there was not an option for Family (adults) so I selected Family (teens). It was my adult grandson, his dad, and his other granddad.
Jun 2020
My father, father-in-law, son and I just got back from a three day trip with Journey Quest. I cannot recommend these folks highly enough. Mark, Steve, Daniel, and the entire team are simply amazing. Our group ranged in age from 23 to 76 and EVERYONE had a good time. Journey Quest focused on two things: 1) Safety and 2) Fun! They succeeded at both. On a multi-day trip we had breakfast, lunch, and dinner provided along the way. What is more, Daniel had our tents setup as we floated into camp every evening. My son told me he felt like we had someone joined camping adventures with five-star resort service. In addition, to fun, Mark provided insightful information regarding the history of the river and even taught us to "read the river" along the way. I think both the grandfathers are ready to be guides :) Thank you again, Mark and the entire Journey Quest team for an amazing adventure.
Jun 2020
Every step of this trip was top notch! From the check-in and instructions to the actual raft trip, my family and I were treated extremely well and we had an absolute blast! Our guide, Mark, gave us very detailed safety guidelines and took every precaution to make sure we had all of our safety gear ready to go and that we understood techniques and tips on rafting and what to do in the case of unforeseen circumstances. Mark did an excellent job of navigating our trip and giving us clear directions while we were rowing so that we were able to enjoy the class 4-5 rapids as first time rafters. Journey Quest also provided us with some spectacular photos of our trip. Lunch was delicious too!

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