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Целодневни обилазак: водопад Конкорд, фабрика чоколаде, дестилерија рума, Гранд Етанг

Ова изванредна целодневна тура, која вам показује најбоље од Гренаде за један дан. Погледајте Сент Џорџ, најлепши главни град на Карибима. Путујте западном обалом и посетите сликовите водопаде Конкорд смештене у бујним планинама где можете да се освежите купањем у хладној води. Посетите рибарски град Гоуиаве и станицу за прераду зачина, где ћете видети зашто се наше острво назива „Острво зачина“, а затим наставите до фабрике чоколаде Диамонд да пробате и научите како се чоколада прави. Ручајте у аутентичном гренадском ресторану, пре него што кренете у најстарију функционалну дестилерију на Карибима пре него што пробате његов моћни рум. Обилазак не би био потпун без посете унутрашњости Гренаде и највећем националном парку, да бисте видели језеро Гранд Етанг и прашуму.
Цити: Гренада
Mon 23 Dec
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Mon 23 Dec
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<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини.<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повреде кичме<ли>Не препоручује се за труднице<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Хотел преузимање почиње отприлике 30 минута пре 9:00, а тачно време преузимања биће обавештено на поновној потврди.<ли>Препоручује се да понесете купаћи костим и пешкир.<ли>Није приступачно за сва инвалидска колица<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи су обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Плаћена политика боравка код куће за особље са симптомима<ли>Вакцинација против ЦОВИД-19 је обавезна за водиче
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Коментара (226)
Dec 2022
I had my family visit during my last term of vet school on the island. They had never been to Grenada before and I wanted to get them to tour the beautiful island before we left. Both the driver and his co-pilot blew us away! They were so knowledgeable about Grenada and very eager to share everything they knew about it’s history and people. The next time I find myself on vacation in Grenada, you can bet your last dollar that I will be using this service again to explore other areas of the island.
Dec 2022
Our tour day started out rainy so we weren’t expecting much. Michael was the perfect tour guide, and his associate added extra “spice” to complement our journey. They are very informative and, obviously, passionate about the island, the people, and its history. We had a lot of fun and “extras” you won’t find anywhere else. Michael loves what he does, and others benefit from it!!! Thank you, Michael!
Dec 2022
Michael, the tour guide gave a very good commentary throughout the day whilst having to drive down some tricky roads at the same time so 5 stars for Michael. The tour company also was very good, answering emails promptly and collecting us from our hotel at the designated time, so 5 stars for them as well. So why only 3 stars overall? Well this really relates to the content rather than the operator. We were picked up at 8.45 and returned at 16.00. There was a LOT of driving and the roads in Grenada are not the smoothest. Many are narrow, they wind this way and that, up and down steep gradients, and there are quite a few pot holes and speed bumps as well - acceleration and braking regularly. If you are seated in the back two rows, it can be an uncomfortable journey and could be quite a challenge if you suffer from motion sickness. There are 5 stops in total, one of which is for lunch. The other stops are really quite short. Michael did stop at the side of the road a few extra times to point out various buildings but you do not get out of the van so it is quite difficult to take photos as the windows are not panoramic. Concord falls - a pretty little waterfall with lads who jump from the top in expectation of a tip. This stop was OK and a promising start. Chocolate factory - a very quick whistle stop tour around the factory (which apart from the drying process, was not in operation at the time of visit) before being shown into the shop. A small shed had several laminated sheets pinned up describing the chocolate making process but we were not given the time to read them. Rum distillery - they emphasis that they are "old school" but the whole place looked dilapidated to us. There was very little activity but it was interesting to see that bottling was done one at a time from a tap attached to a plastic drum. Apparently they can fill and pack up to 200 bottles a day - 25 an hour over an 8 hour shift! The tour was reasonably comprehensive and concluded with a tasting and visit to the shop. Lunch - food was a buffet, not a huge choice but quite tasty. However the bay view isn't spectacular and not worth driving the whole length of the island to see. Grand Etang Lake - this was a stop of only a few minutes. It is a moderately sized expanse of water with trees around and some reeds growing in it. Our breath was not taken away. Overall, I am sorry to say we did not feel that the sites visited were worth spending a whole day of our holiday driving around. A half day would have been more than enough to get a flavour of the country, learn a little of the history and visit a couple of the sites that were closer to our hotel (for example St George's is worth a visit). However, if you are still keen to visit these sites, then the tour company itself is highly recommended.

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