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Велики кањон, Брајс, Сион, кањон Антилопе, 3-дневни обилазак долине споменика

Врхунска турнеја по југозападу! Посетите највеће и најбоље дестинације на југозападу на овој препуној тродневној турнеји. Ова тура покрива више локација него било која друга тродневна тура из Лас Вегаса.<бр><бр>Већина оброка је укључена да бисмо уштедели време, желимо да максимално искористимо ваше време у Националном парку Зион, Националном парку Брице Цанион, Доњем кањону Антилопе, Долина споменика, Хорсесхое Бенд и Велики кањон.
Цити: лас Вегас
Sat 16 Nov
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Са почетком у $950.00
Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $950.00
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<ул><ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Свака резервација укључује 1 хотелску собу.<ли>Преузимање почиње 30-60 минута пре обиласка>
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Ако откажете најмање 7 дана пре заказаног времена поласка, добићете пун повраћај средстава.<бр>Ако откажете између 3 и 6 дана пре заказаног времена поласка, добићете рефундацију од 50% .<бр>Ако откажете у року од 2 дана од планираног поласка, добићете рефундацију од 0%.
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Коментара (44)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Dec 2019
This is my first time in Las Vegas and had a chance to spend a weekend after my training. I didn’t have a lot of time to research about Grand Canyon. All I knew I wanted to visit. I chose Max tour; and these are the reasons why I rate 5 stars: 1. On time. They promised to pick me up at 6.45am. By the time I went out from the hotel at 6.43, Matthew (our tour guide and owner of the company) was already waiting. The same thing happened on the next day when we need to convene at 6am to watch the sunrise. 2. Keep the promises One of the agenda of this tour is to watch sunrise at Grand Canyon. We knew the night before that there was a chance that it would snow. Matthew kept on checking the weather and decided that we had the chance despite the forecast. He was right! He always made the best attempt to deliver the agenda of the tour subject to the weather condition. 3. Provides excellent recommendation Matthew always gives us excellent recommendation the best spot for lookout, for taking pictures and most importantly for eat. 4. Care factors This is the tipping point why I give Max your 5 stars. On the second day of the trip, we watched sunrise at minus 5. I have prepared with my jacket, beanie and gloves. But these didn’t equip well when we had to wait up in the windy mountain. Matthew already thought in advance. He brought hand warmers and distributed to all of us. This small thing is important especially for a guest like me who didn’t put a lot of preparation prior to going. A good tour in my mind is a tour that not only has a lot of experience but also care for the guests! The other thing that I observed is Matthew always talked to all of us, answered any questions and made sure that we were okay. He brought water, juice, cokes, bananas and muffins to make sure we were not starved or dehydrated during the long trip on the dessert! 5. Bonus spot This is not in the agenda of the trip. But at the end of the tour, Matthew took us to the park to see the bull horn and enjoy the sunset view! In overall, I highly recommend this tour for the reason as above. I really enjoyed my 2 days tour and took a lot of amazing pictures despite the season!
Dec 2019
I must admit that I was so fortunate to have Kane as my tour guide. He was such a kind man and never tires of answering our question, I enjoyed myself on the entire tour! No regret (He shared a lot of tips with us for things to do in Vegas as well!) 真的非常感谢Kane,他让整个tour一点都不无聊。不像其他的tour,可能就是拍照打卡那么平凡而已。他还带我们去了一些在原本的行程之外的景点!
Dec 2019
A great tour with a wonderful Guide in Kane Ray! He is very helpful and went out of his way to make sure everyone has a great time. He is a Fun-gi! 😝 Kenny and Sok Keng

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