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Гранд Цанион Делуке хеликоптером из Лас Вегаса

Погледајте Велики кањон на овој узбудљивој турнеји хеликоптером из Лас Вегаса! Уживајте у погледу који одузима дах док летите изнад Хоовер бране, језера Мид, брда Фортифицатион и многих других знаменитости које изазивају страхопоштовање. Док се приближавате величанственом Великом кањону, спустићете се 3.500 стопа испод ивице да бисте уживали у лаганој ужини и тосту са шампањцем. Ово приватно место за слетање 300 стопа (90 метара) изнад реке Колорадо је најудаљеније и најдубље у кањону од било које друге туре хеликоптером у Гранд Цаниону! Након што напуните камеру фотографијама и утопите се у невероватан пејзаж, вратите се у Вегас док летите изнад чувеног Стрипа. ** Имајте на уму да су наведена времена времена летова. Превоз у хотел почиње отприлике 90 минута пре овог времена како би се омогућио превоз до хелиодрома и пријављивање **
Цити: лас Вегас
Sun 17 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $487.00
Sun 17 Nov
Са почетком у $487.00
Шта је укључено
Преузимање и одлазак у хотел (преузимање је отприлике 90 минута пре наведеног времена лета)
Слетање на приватни блеф у Великом кањону
Сви порези и таксе
45-минутни (приближно) лет у оба смера у најсавременијем Ецо-Стар хеликоптеру
Тост са шампањцем и лагане грицкалице.
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Због природе овог обиласка и безбедности свих гостију, организатор путовања резервише право да одбије услугу путницима који су у алкохолисаном стању или показују знаке алкохолизма. Ако, као резултат тога, ваша тура буде отказана, нећете имати право на повраћај новца.<ли>Због удобности и тежине/равнотеже авиона, путници тежине преко 300 лбс (136 кг или 21 стоун) биће потребно купити додатно седиште. Ово се плаћа директно организатору путовања на дан путовања.<ли>Укупна комбинована тежина путника (укључујући пилота) не може да пређе 1240 лбс (563 кг)<ли>Постоји максимални капацитет од седам (7) људи по хеликоптеру, плус ваш пилот.<ли>Према ФАА прописима, сви путници старији од 18 година ће морати да покажу личну карту са сликом, као што је возачка дозвола или пасош у време пријаве .<ли>Због неравног терена на Великом кањону, инвалидска колица нису у могућности да се смјесте.<ли>• Имајте на уму да преузимање хотела почиње отприлике 90 минута прије наведеног времена лета. <ли>Маске за лице потребне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице потребне за водиче у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице обезбеђене за путнике<ли>Руке средство за дезинфекцију доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли> Водичи потребни за редовно ли оперите руке<ли>Плаћена политика боравка код куће за особље са симптомима
Шта да очекујете
Национално рекреативно подручје језера Мид
Доживите лепоту Великог кањона из ваздуха и земље на овој турнеји хеликоптером из Лас Вегаса. Након што вас покупе из вашег хотела отприлике 90 минута пре наведеног времена лета, бићете одвезени до хелиодрома где ћете се укрцати у свој климатизовани Ецо-Стар хеликоптер. На путу до Западног руба Великог кањона, вините се изнад језера Лас Вегас и језера Мид.
Хоовер Дам
Док летите изнад Хуверове бране, остаћете задивљени овим посебно спектакуларним призором из ваздуха, закривљеним између зидова кањона стена. Дивите се овом архитектонском чуду и уживајте у невероватним погледима на недавно изграђен обилазни мост. Током лета можете да слушате снимљени коментар о Великом кањону и његовој околини преко слушалица.
Гранд Цанион Вест
Док стигнете до Великог кањона и летите све дубље и даље у кањон него било која друга тура хеликоптером, спустите се на приватну литицу са погледом на реку Колорадо која тече. Са овог невероватног смуђа на више од 3000 стопа испод ивице кањона, наздравите свом искуству уз чашу шампањца и лагану ужину. Док славите и опуштате се под аутентичним склоништем Рамада Индијанаца, ваш пилот ће радо одговорити на сва питања која имате о кањону или лету хеликоптером.
Вратите се у хеликоптер, уживајте у још једном 45-минутном лету назад у Лас Вегас, овог пута летећи изнад светски познатог Стрипа. Када слетите, ваш превоз ће вас чекати да се вратите у хотел. Имајте на уму: Према прописима ФАА, сви путници старији од 18 година ће морати да покажу личну карту са фотографијом, као што је возачка дозвола или пасош у време пријаве.
Show 1 више заустављања
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (1000)
Sep 2018
I had been on this tour before and wanted my wife to see the Grand Canyon. Maverick had been recommended to me the first time and as they were so good I re-booked for this time. It was our anniversary and a very scared wife boarded the helicopter with me. Hank, our pilot was just excellent, relaxed and informative and by the end my wife wanted to stay in the air and go again. The tour is just brilliant , breath-taking views of the Hoover dam and the Canyon with a stop for refreshment in the middle of the Canyon with great photo opportunities. In my view this is a must for any Vegas trip.Maverick are easy to deal with , have very cheerful friendly staff , their helicopters all appear brand new and it is very evident that safety is a paramount consideration. I strongly recommend them. Denis.
Alan F
Sep 2018
Never been to Grand Canyon. So called, asked alot of questions, and decided on their Wind Dancer tour. Advertised as 4.5 hours. I noticed on their website that their sister company also offers the same tour from Henderson. Less expensive, 4 hours. I had a car, considered it. The phone reservationist explained that it doesn't end with a flight over the Vegas Strip, so less popular. I decided on the Wind Dancer mid-morning tour... I was hoping to avoid later afternoon heat, and the winds that develop later in day. Its also discounted. I had access to a $100 off full price coupon, but can't use that on morning, discounted tours. Staying at Wynn, they explained my shuttle would pick me up 70 minutes before tour. I read online that there can be a lot of waiting around at the terminal. I had a car, so told them I preferred to drive mysef and park there. The terminal is a few hundred feet from the famous Las Vegas sign, on the western edge of McCarran. They told me check-in was 45 minutes before flight, but acknowledged 30-minutes would be adequate. I was running late, arrived 25-minutes before flight, with Maverick calling my cell as I pulled into the terminal. It was still ample time. I checked in, got weighed, etc. Asked about bathroom access, wondering if they'd maybe set up a porta-potty at the canyon stop. They explained there are no facilities, but its only 2:20 round trip. Apparently the 4.5 hour advertised duration includes the time in the shuttle between hotels and terminal. You meet your pilot, they explain safety, explain that there are three legs, two stops, so they'll rearrange seating so everyone gets to sit front and back seat, window-adjacent, etc. They take a quick photo in front of helicopter with pilot - you can purchase upon return. Pilot was friendly and helpful. Kept informative narrative during flight. Its about 40 minutes flying to Grand Canyon, passing over Hoover Dam. Great views of the dam, which I'd visited previous day. I recall that there are no flights allowed at Grand Canyon National Park, and the pilot confirmed that we were visiting a section on Hualapai tribal lands... the only section permitting helicopters. The tour continues, landing on a little plateau in the canyon, with picnic tables. Champagne and small snack boxes are served. It's a small area, no real hiking is possible. Views of Colorado River and surrounding canyon walls are fantastic. Its mostly 30 minutes of standing around, eating, chatting with other passengers, looking at views, and taking pictures. Next is a 20 minute hop to a refueling stop. Pilot explains that while helicopter has longer range and fuel capacity, fuel is heavy and full tanks would mean fewer passengers. Its a 5-minute stop with little to see, although nice exposure to the Mojave, Joshua Trees, etc. for visitors. Back into the copter for a quick flight over eastern Las Vegas, over downtown & Fremont, then along the Strip flying over I-15. Disembark, into the terminal. Photographs inserted in wooden Mavericks display plaques are out to see and buy. I had a free photo from a MyVegas promotion. My picture wasnt great - I wouldn't have paid for it. For the freebie, they remove the print from the nice plaque and slip it in a cardboard sleeve, telling me that's what they do for the MyVegas customers. All things considered, I'm glad I went. It was fun, with excellent scenery and service. $470 plus a tip for the pilot - thats more than my commercial flight to Vegas, my 3-day car rental, and my (comp'd) hotel stay fees, combined. And, while overall very satisfied, I admit feeling a little misled by the advertised 4.5 hour duration.... and wondered if the Henderson departures provide more tour time. (I looked it up afterwards - they do not). Overall, it's one of those once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Overpriced for tourists, but so is everything in Las Vegas. Do it if you can. Still... its one of those once-in-a-lifetime things. Do it.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2018
We appreciate you taking the time to contribute this review about our company. We highly value the feedback from our customers, as it helps us to improve our services.
Claire C
Sep 2018
We visited Vegas for a weekend getaway in Sept ‘18. We thought it would be great to take a trip to the Grand Canyon from Vegas - Maverick Helicopters were highly recommended to us as the best company to use. We were not disappointed. We were collected on time from our hotel and taken on a 10 min drive to the airport where we were weighed and checked in. Our pilot Tony Melendrez took us over the safety briefing and went through what we would expect from the afternoon. Tony was fab, he has a great personality; whitty, knowledgeable and had such a pleasant way with all the guests including those that were slightly nervous to make them feel in very safe hands. We set off to across to the north of Vegas with "Tony's special playlist" sounding in our headphones, which was perfect, and totally added to the added to the experience of being in a helicopter travelling over to our destination through the dessert. Tony was so knowledgeable of the area, its history and details of the terrain and geology that is made the trip for us. We got to see the Hoover Dam, Lake Mead and flew into the mouth of the Canyon where Tony then produced a picnic of snacks and cold beverages and Champagne for us to enjoy whilst we took in the magnificent sights around us. On the homeward journey we even managed to get down low enough to see the wild pony's that come to the lakes edges for water and also stopped for refueling with further time to get some great pictures with the Joshua trees that were close to the refueling depot. Coming through Vegas at sunset was amazing too - seeing the whole strip and what is the enormity of Vegas. Would definitely recommend you take the trip. and if you are lucky enough to get Tony Melendrez as your pilot you will be in for a great day!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2018
Thank you for the kind words about our company. Our goal is to provide superior customer service and when you say that you felt that our crew was professional and accommodating it lets us know that we are doing our jobs.

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