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Tue 19 Nov
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Tue 19 Nov
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Коментара (1000)
Gerald R
Oct 2018
We took the train on 10/11 round trip that day. It was perfect. When we checked in to get our tickets the person I dealt with couldn't have been nicer. Dee took care of us on the way up. She was friendly, helpful and had a great grasp of knowledge about our trip. Carol took us back to Williams and she too had a all those same qualities. The photographer, who's name escapes me, was a highlight as well. She was funny and very quick with a laugh. This is an adventure you really should do.
Oct 2018
After living out west for 35 years, I finally got to see the Grand Canyon. I took this trip with my husband, my niece, her husband and a friend. My husband has a mild mobility issue, but the staff at Williams and at the canyon were very helpful. It was wonderful. We arrived in Williams AZ in a rain/snow storm and were given our room early. These room were clean, comfortable and warm. We had two queen sized beds. After we went and receive all our vouchers, we toured the gift shop (we had to get some warmer outer wear do to the cold weather). Prices were not out of line for a resort. Dinner at the buffet was excellent (it came with the tour) and breakfast the next day way filling (also with the tour). Once we gave our luggage to the porter, we never had to carry it again. It was in our rooms when we arrived at the Grand Canyon. The trip up to the canyon was in a deluxe car, so we got to see a lot of the scenery. Our rooms at the canyon were very nice as well. We also have a bus tour with a fantastic guide. He knew the history and the science of the Grand Canyon, so all our questions were answered. We ate at the food court while at the canyon, so food was reasonable. On the trip back, we sat in coach car, but the seat were comfortable and the windows were large. The guide was funny and friendly. Even the "train robbers" were friendly. The last night at the hotel in Williams was great, buffet dinner and drinks in the Pub. All of this for less that $1200.00 for two adults. This is a must do for anyone. After living out west for 35 years, I finally got to see the Grand Canyon. I took this trip with my husband, my niece, her husband and a friend. It was wonderful. We arrived in Williams AZ in a rain/snow storm and were given our room early. These room were clean, comfortable and warm. We had two queen sized beds. After we went and receive all our vouchers, we toured the gift shop (we had to get some warmer outer wear do to the cold weather). Prices were not out of line for a resort. Dinner at the buffet was excellent (it came with the tour) and breakfast the next day way filling (also with the tour). Once we gave our luggage to the porter, we never had to carry it again. It was in our rooms when we arrived at the Grand Canyon. The trip up to the canyon was in a deluxe car, so we got to see a lot of the scenery. Our rooms at the canyon were very nice as well. We also have a bus tour with a fantastic guide. He knew the history and the science of the Grand Canyon, so all our questions were answered. We ate at the food court while at the canyon, so food was reasonable. On the trip back, we sat in coach car, but the seat were comfortable and the windows were large. The guide was funny and friendly. Even the "train robbers" were friendly. The last night at the hotel in Williams was great, buffet dinner and drinks in the Pub. All of this for less that $1200.00 for two adults. This is a must do for anyone.
Daniel O
Oct 2018
We had a great time in the luxury dome car. There was lots of enthusiam from the crew and entertainers as well as very nice fellow passengers. In reply to some of the reviews, I would agree there is an expectation of tipping and I realized that at the beginning. And-it is a bit hoakey at times, but you can either look at it as part of the fun or you can find fault with it, depending on your viewpoint. We were happy with the whole package, except I would note the buffets, both in Williams and at the South Rim, were just average. My only other negative comment is that the sound syatem at the pre-train show was very poor. No one could hear any of the dialogue. This was our thrd time at the Grand Canyon and we thought the train was a pleasant change.

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