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Обилазак Хамера са потписом Гранд Цаниона са опционим погледом на залазак сунца

Узмите своју посету Великом кањону на виши ниво и упустите се у Национални парк Гранд Цанион на двосатном обиласку Хамера. Авантура почиње када се укрцате у Хуммер посебно дизајниран за разгледање. Сваки Хамер може да прими 13 путника, а седишта у стилу стадиона пружају одличан поглед са свих седишта. Путујте до неких од најпопуларнијих видиковаца које парк може да понуди и научите занимљиве чињенице о својој историји док возач/водич даје коментаре од тачке до тачке. Обавезно снимите невероватне погледе на ово искуство Великог кањона који се дешава једном у животу!
Цити: Национални парк Гранд Цанион
Sat 16 Nov
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Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $114.99
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Прилагођено разгледање Хуммер (на отвореном у топлијим месецима; затворено у хладнијим месецима)
Сваки Хамер може да прими 13 путника
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Седишта за бебе/дете су доступна на захтев<ли>Код облачења је смарт цасуал<ли>Инвалидска колица која се могу склопити и чувати могу да се сместе на овој турнеји.<ли>Ова тура се одржава у Националном парку Гранд Цанион и не укључује преузимање из Лас Вегаса (отприлике 5 сати).<ли>Ако се пријављујете у: наша канцеларија, налазимо се на 469 Стате Роуте 64 Тусаиан АЗ 86023, ПРЕ него што стигнете до улаза у национални парк. НЕ налазимо се у селу Гранд Цанион. <ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку <ли>Маске: НПС одређује када су маске потребне у Хамерима. Захтеви се могу мењати сваке недеље.
Шта да очекујете
Национални парк Гранд Цанион
Посетићемо 3-4 видиковца у Националном парку Гранд Цанион Соутх Рим. На сваком видиковцу гости ће истражити област, са довољно времена за фотографије.
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (912)
Jun 2019
First of all, you can't beat leaving the driving to someone who knows the place – particularly on that trip back after the sun goes down and the roads get pretty dark. I had one evening at the Grand Canyon to enjoy the sunset, and who knows how I would have managed on my own? Buck Wild took out the guess work, eliminated the map work, drove us straight to the … point, and on time for spectacular views of the setting sun. BONUS: Our guide, Marc Montana, was pretty much an attraction all by himself. Quite the character, quick with a quip, not above a mild prank or two (you've been warned). That he is knowledgeable goes without saying. You can tell Marc gives something of himself to every group he escorts – if you get chilly during the ride, he might just have a blanket, too. I will always be glad I chose Buck Wild to hook me up with such a beautiful, unforgettable experience.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
Thank you for taking time to post a review. We are so happy to hear how much you enjoyed the tour and that Marc was incredible guide. He knows the best places to take his guests and offers exceptional service. Thank you for going BUCK WILD with us, and we hope to tour with you again. Sincerely, Marci B.
Jun 2019
Did this tour as part of a combo with flight first then Hummer ride/tour with Marc Montana as our guide. When we initially set this up, we were afraid a bit that it this part of the tour/sightseeing was going to be "not as good as" the flight over the Grand Canyon... let me tell you that, yes from the air the "Canyon" is cool, but when standing on the edge (safely) with Mr. Montana, the awe-inspiring view is magnificent!!! If given a choice now just to choose one way to see the G.C. it would be by ground and with Buck Wild Hummer Tour. Not only did Marc get us the best insiders views, but he also taught us all about the Canyon and its' people both native and supportive full-timers. We did the tour mid-afternoon, and it was a comfortable ride with just about everything you could wish for from the experience. Thank you Buck Wild and Marc Montana!!!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
We're thrilled to hear how much you enjoyed the tour and that Marc was incredible guide. He knows the best places to take his guests. We pride our fleet of customized vehicles for providing a comfortable and fun ride for our passengers. Thank you for going BUCK WILD with us, and we hope to tour with you again. Sincerely, Marci B.
Jun 2019
It was my first time visiting the Grand Canyon and I had no idea what the best way was to get the most of the trip. Luckily, I booked with the Buck Wild Hummer Tours and was blessed beyond measure. I was even more fortunate to have Gerry for a tour guide. HE WAS AMAZING! His knowledge of the canyon and local culture was second to none, and he engaged in direct conversation with everyone in the group. By the end of the tour he called us all his new 'friends', and he was so sincere and genuine. I would definitely recommend requesting him for a guide if possible. Additionally, the Buck Wild tour facility was inviting and friendly, and the Hummer was very comfortable and felt safe. This tour was an A+ and truly a highlight of my entire trip! Thank you Gerry!!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
Jerry is an incredible guide and loves nothing more than to share his rich heritage with his guests. We're happy to hear how much you enjoyed the tour. Thank you for going BUCK WILD with us! We hope to your with you again. Sincerely, Marci B.

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