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Обилазак Хамера са потписом Гранд Цаниона са опционим погледом на залазак сунца

Узмите своју посету Великом кањону на виши ниво и упустите се у Национални парк Гранд Цанион на двосатном обиласку Хамера. Авантура почиње када се укрцате у Хуммер посебно дизајниран за разгледање. Сваки Хамер може да прими 13 путника, а седишта у стилу стадиона пружају одличан поглед са свих седишта. Путујте до неких од најпопуларнијих видиковаца које парк може да понуди и научите занимљиве чињенице о својој историји док возач/водич даје коментаре од тачке до тачке. Обавезно снимите невероватне погледе на ово искуство Великог кањона који се дешава једном у животу!
Цити: Национални парк Гранд Цанион
Wed 06 Nov
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Са почетком у $114.99
Wed 06 Nov
Са почетком у $114.99
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Прилагођено разгледање Хуммер (на отвореном у топлијим месецима; затворено у хладнијим месецима)
Сваки Хамер може да прими 13 путника
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Седишта за бебе/дете су доступна на захтев<ли>Код облачења је смарт цасуал<ли>Инвалидска колица која се могу склопити и чувати могу да се сместе на овој турнеји.<ли>Ова тура се одржава у Националном парку Гранд Цанион и не укључује преузимање из Лас Вегаса (отприлике 5 сати).<ли>Ако се пријављујете у: наша канцеларија, налазимо се на 469 Стате Роуте 64 Тусаиан АЗ 86023, ПРЕ него што стигнете до улаза у национални парк. НЕ налазимо се у селу Гранд Цанион. <ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку <ли>Маске: НПС одређује када су маске потребне у Хамерима. Захтеви се могу мењати сваке недеље.
Шта да очекујете
Национални парк Гранд Цанион
Посетићемо 3-4 видиковца у Националном парку Гранд Цанион Соутх Рим. На сваком видиковцу гости ће истражити област, са довољно времена за фотографије.
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Коментара (912)
Teresa F
Oct 2018
We recently visited Las Vegas to celebrate both my husband's and my special birthdays. We had booked a trip to the Grand Canyon with our tour operator but opted to pay an additional £158 to upgrade this to a more personal Hummer Tour with Buck Wild. In our Hummer were 5 other people and our fantastic guide Gerry, a local Navajo who had been born and bread in the National Park so certainly knew more about it than our previous coach driver who relied on a recorded commentary. Being in a smaller vehicle we were able to stop in various spots a large coach couldn't (including the side of the road to get within a couple of meters of a mother elk and her calfeveral as well as visiting a Hopi Native American House) Throughout the tour our guide Gerry gave a unique, genuine and thoroughly entertaining commentary about the National Park it's inhabitants and it's history. To end what was a perfect first trip to the Grand Canyon National Park, on finding out it was to be my birthday Gerry sang to me in Navajo. We cannot recommend Buck Wild and especially Gerry enough. This may be your one and only ever chance to see the breath taking Grand Canyon. If it is, you need to ensure you get the very best from your trip ... PLEASE book with these guys! We have already vowed to return one day and hope that Gerry and the team are still there.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2018
Jerry is an incredible guide, and we're honored to have him on board with us. We're happy to hear that he made your tour even better, especially on your special day. Thank you for going BUCK WILD with us, and Happy Birthday! Sincerely, Marci B.
Oct 2018
We enjoyed our HUMMER Tour to the Grand Canyon. Easy to find right outside the Park entrance. Nice facility. Good parking. Excellent staff and our tour guide Kelly was great !! As a former teacher she sincerely shares great info about the Canyon, the wildlife, the rocks and assorted locations. Very friendly and attentive. We have done assorted tours and this is UP there as a Great One. It was smooth to get into the Park, see the beautiful sites and have bushes identified, animals spotted, and learn interesting facts that you wouldn't learn on your own. Only advise is-sit in the upper seats- the front window is HIGH and front seats can't see out the front !! Thanks again Kelly -was an informative and fun tour. !!!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2018
Thank you for taking time to post a thorough review. We appreciate the feedback and we're happy to hear how much you enjoyed the tour. Thank you for going BUCK WILD with us! Sincerely, Marci B.
Oct 2018
Visiting the Grand Canyon was a dream come true and we came all the way from Jamaica to experience it. Buckwild Tours enhanced the experience. My adult son and I decided to invest in this private tour in addition to the tour we were already on. Our tour guide, Trey was very passionate and shared each view with pride. We, along with two other families, including an elder in a wheelchair had a life changing experience. I would highly recommend this Humvee tour. Excellent, 5 or more stars. Dr. Erica Veitch and Idris Veitch, Kingston Jamaica
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2018
We are so happy to read your review and hear how much you enjoyed the tour experience! Trey offers amazing service to his guests and we're thrilled to hear he made the tour an unforgettable memory for your entire family. We hope you enjoyed the rest of your visit to the Grand Canyon! Thank you for going BUCK WILD with us. Sincerely, Marci B.

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