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Обилазак Хамера са потписом Гранд Цаниона са опционим погледом на залазак сунца

Узмите своју посету Великом кањону на виши ниво и упустите се у Национални парк Гранд Цанион на двосатном обиласку Хамера. Авантура почиње када се укрцате у Хуммер посебно дизајниран за разгледање. Сваки Хамер може да прими 13 путника, а седишта у стилу стадиона пружају одличан поглед са свих седишта. Путујте до неких од најпопуларнијих видиковаца које парк може да понуди и научите занимљиве чињенице о својој историји док возач/водич даје коментаре од тачке до тачке. Обавезно снимите невероватне погледе на ово искуство Великог кањона који се дешава једном у животу!
Цити: Национални парк Гранд Цанион
Sun 03 Nov
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Са почетком у $114.99
Sun 03 Nov
Са почетком у $114.99
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Прилагођено разгледање Хуммер (на отвореном у топлијим месецима; затворено у хладнијим месецима)
Сваки Хамер може да прими 13 путника
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Седишта за бебе/дете су доступна на захтев<ли>Код облачења је смарт цасуал<ли>Инвалидска колица која се могу склопити и чувати могу да се сместе на овој турнеји.<ли>Ова тура се одржава у Националном парку Гранд Цанион и не укључује преузимање из Лас Вегаса (отприлике 5 сати).<ли>Ако се пријављујете у: наша канцеларија, налазимо се на 469 Стате Роуте 64 Тусаиан АЗ 86023, ПРЕ него што стигнете до улаза у национални парк. НЕ налазимо се у селу Гранд Цанион. <ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку <ли>Маске: НПС одређује када су маске потребне у Хамерима. Захтеви се могу мењати сваке недеље.
Шта да очекујете
Национални парк Гранд Цанион
Посетићемо 3-4 видиковца у Националном парку Гранд Цанион Соутх Рим. На сваком видиковцу гости ће истражити област, са довољно времена за фотографије.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (912)
Nov 2022
Stoney was a great tour guide! He connected with children of all ages and made our experience informative and adventurous!
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
We agree that Stoney is a great guide, and that he is great with kids of all ages. We are so happy that you enjoyed your tour with him, and thanks for the great review!
Nov 2022
Pro: The tour guide was very friendly and offered blankets to keep warm and complimentary waters. They picked us up and dropped us off at our hotel, a 5 minute walk, for free. Con: I am sorry, but I am gonna say it - the guide spent 75% (at least) of his time talking about Navajo culture. I don't mean to be rude or inconsiderate to him or the Navajo people, but I am not interested. I came for a Grand Canyon tour, and that is what I want to hear about. I observed many of the other patrons, and think they felt the same way. Please dial that back a bit. If someone asks, share - but no one did. May sound weird, but I went back and fact checked (becasue it didn't sound right) some of the GC related answers the guide gave me to my questions - answers were mostly incorrect, ie. age of GC, formation, stargazing, etc. If I ask the question, it's becasue I wanna know. I also felt like this was kinda pricey for three stops that I had already been to on my own. I have been called "cheap" before, but I don't feel like the value is there. This tour may work for people who are like, "I got two hours to kill - there it is, the GC, got a picture, I'm out." I understand that this is a pricey area to do business, with lots of overhead, and hummers/diesel aren't cheap, and they are competitively priced with other tours in the area, but the wife and I just didn't think it was worth the money.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
Thanks for your review, we appreciate the feedback. We are happy that you found your tour guide friendly and that you appreciated the blankets, water and pickup from your hotel. We are sorry that you found the amount of information about the Navajo History and Culture was too much. The history of the Native American Tribes and the Grand Canyon is a long and involved one, and it would be hard to give a proper overview of the Grand Canyon without including the history of the people who lived there long before it became a National Park. We are also sorry that you felt it was pricey, although the pricing is competitive with other similar Grand Canyon Tours in the area. We are pretty upfront about what viewpoints we visit, and we are sorry that you had already visited the viewpoints on your own. All of the viewpoints in the Grand Canyon National Park South Rim are accessible by the general public, the benefits of choosing a guided tour is that you don't have to drive, or park, and the guide provides a lot of history and information. We are sorry that you felt some of the information your guide provided was inaccurate, and surprised because our guides are pretty familiar with the Grand Canyon and provide accurate information. If you would like to send us more information about the inaccurate information provided, we will definitely address it with our guides. You can email us at [email protected] Again, thank you for your review.
Nov 2022
Rene was a fantastic guide! Very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the Grand Canyon and all that inhabit the area. She was so personable it felt that we were doing a tour with a close friend. Highly recommend using Wild Buck!

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