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Гранд Цанион Соутх Рим из Лас Вегаса

Путовање до једног од седам светских чуда на оводневној турнеји из Лас Вегаса. Након преузимања хотела из већине хотела на Стрипу, упутићете се у прелепи Соутх Рим на 3 сата. Ваш водич ће вам пружити неке предложене руте које ће вам помоћи да максимално искористите своје време овде. Тура ради само понедељком и средом.
Цити: лас Вегас
Tue 24 Sep
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Tue 24 Sep
Са почетком у $102.00
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Гранд Цанион Соутх Рим
По доласку аутобусом у јужни обод Националног парка Гранд Цанион, ваш туристички водич ће вас обавестити о најважнијим деловима Великог кањона како бисте могли да искористите своје време овде. Имаћете три (3) сата слободног времена да својим темпом истражите ово чудо света. Ваш ручак у стилу деликатеса можете понети са собом да уживате на једном од видиковаца.
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Коментара (438)
Feb 2019
My family and I did the full day Grand Canyon South Rim tour from Las Vegas on Feb 1st 2019 and couldn't have been more pleased. The bus driver/tour guide, Wally, was friendly, great driver and very knowledgeable. During our drive out, he gave us all sorts of history on Las Vegas, Hoover Dam, Route 66, Grand Canyon and surrounding areas. We also watched a few short videos on the Hoover Dam build and on the Grand Canyon which I enjoyed very much. Our light breakfast consisted of a juice, banana, 2 mini muffins and a breakfast bar (4 in the pack), was very yummy and ever had some food left over (I am a breakfast eater normally and it was plenty of food). We got a 15 minute stop at Hoover Dam for a picture opportunity and rest stop, then continued on-route to a truck stop in Kingsman for another rest stop and leg stretch. We were given our lunch at this point. My whole family got the same meal which we ordered ahead of time: Water, Turkey sandwich (all condiments on side - loved this), apple, cookies, chips and a mint! It was the best boxed lunch I ever had! We continued on to Seligman/route 66 where we got to get out, wander the town a little and shop in the gift store. This town is a little treasure and sad to see such an iconic area dwindle away. We then boarded the bus again to head off to the south rim of the Grand Canyon. To walk the rim fully while stopping for pictures takes about 1.5 hours and well worth it. Such a better experience than standing on a glass floor only (west rim). You get to see the true expanse of this natural wonder. Only thing I wish was there to be a way to hike down from the beginning area and then back up again where pick up was. On the way back we watched a couple of movies which were great. It would have been nice to stop somewhere different for dinner besides the truck stop in Kingsman again. Only thing to eat was a Sub after having a sandwich for lunch. Bus was nice and clean, bathroom worked, TV's worked, had shades to pull down if sun was in face. No Complaints! All in all, i would definitely do the trip again and recommend this company any day. Its a long trip but you get to see and do so much. Best Price out there and providing food! What a wonderful experience.
Feb 2019
Shuttle was right on time. They picked up a few more people and took us to where we boarded our bus. We were greeted with coffee and our breakfast box. Good variety and plenty of food. The bus was comfortable and the movies they played were decent. The driver was knowledgeable and shared some cool facts along the way. She also gave us a sticker of SWEETours and repeatedly told us to keep the stickers visible. She also ensured we remembered the bus number and her name. First stop was Hoover Dam... Quite impressive! We had plenty of time for pictures opportunities then we continued our way to the Grand Canyon. We did another stop at a gas station/Subway. At that point, we got served our lunch box that consisted of the sandwich we had previously chosen and a few other things... All in all, it was ok. Third stop was in a small town on the old route 66! That was pretty cool to see, espacially if you're a fan of the Disney movie, Cars. The weather wasn't on our side that day making it for a very difficult drive to the Canyon. Never would have I thought that wed be caught in a snow storm... seriously!!! When we got to the main lodge at the South Rim, it was pretty much apocalyptic (ok, I might be exaggerating a bit lol) It was super cold and visibility was close to none. After an hour or so, the sun started to come out! It was truly amazing to see the Canyon unveil... Breathtaking! We were able to walk around a bit and enjoy the views... The bus was on time picking us up at the lodge. The ride back was ok but would have liked more options for dining and not just Subway (same one we stopped on our way to the Canyon). Only one criticism is that it would be nice of them to mention, on their website, that it is possible to encounter 4-5 feet of snow and be caught in a snow storm at the Canyon during the winter months. I did expect colder weather but never in my life could I have expected that! And I wasn't the only one as everyone on my bus had the same reaction as I did! I ended up spending money to buy mittens, warmer socks and a hoodie! Although they make for good souvenirs, It would have been nice to be better prepared.
Jan 2019
Great tour company, FABULOUS guide. Wally, our guide was very knowledgeable,had a great sense of humor and was very patient if we asked questions.

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