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Обилазак хеликоптером Гранд Цанион Вест са вожњом чамцем и опционим оброком

Ова узбудљива хеликоптерска авантура у комбинацији са крстарењем понтонским чамцем нуди гостима Западног Рима авантуру пуну могућности за разгледање и фотографисање. Док се ваш хеликоптер спушта невероватних 4000 стопа до дна кањона, бићете сведоци промена боја и текстура зидова кањона са обе стране вас. Ваш хеликоптер ће слетети близу обале реке Колорадо која јури скоро миљу испод ивице кањона. Укрцајте се на понтонски чамац и уживајте у мирном крстарењу дуж ове древне реке, која наставља да еродира и резбари кањон до данас. Након обиласка бродом, укрцаћете се у хеликоптер да бисте се вратили на ивицу кањона.
Цити: Кингман
Mon 23 Dec
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $299.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $299.00
Шта је укључено
Шатл трансфери дуж обода Великог кањона
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Лет хеликоптером до дна Великог кањона
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Коментара (23)
Dec 2022
Flew in dropped us at the boat. Boat went less than a mile then flew us back out.never got a meal. Didn't feel like much of a "tour" and was in the helicopter between 5 and 10 minutes total. For the money I would pass.
Sep 2022
So I booked a helicoptor ride, for 299 dollars. Here is my experience. I walked up to the counter. Told them I had a reservation at 3. They looked at me and said we have no reservations at 3. So I gave them my confirmation number. They find my manifest. The guy hands us a paper and walks away. Tells us nothing. then the other guy says, come back, we need to weigh you. He then directs us to sit for the safety video. Well, it wasn't playing and there were no instructions on how to watch it. Next thing we know we were being directed to the helicoptor. So, no safety video. I will say I felt they were careful to make sure we were buckled in properly and gave us good instructions with getting in and out of the helicoptor safely. The pilots were nice, both of them. The flight was incredible. We were dropped off. No one telling us what was next. We were very confused. A man led us to a boat, then looked at our paper and said, oh, you don't have a boat ride. So we say ok, what do we do then? He says go over there for the helicoptor to pick you up. Now? we thought. We just got here. Well, no not now because there were TONS of people under a structure, waiting to be picked up them selves. It was absolutely sweltering down there. There were jugs of warm gross water. We took a few pictures, can only take so many of the same view. Then we sat down and waited. and waited. We were the last to be dropped off so you guessed it, the last to be picked up. Total time of sitting in the sweltering canyon was about 8 helicoptors and 1 hour, 45 minutes. All for a beautiful 7 min helicoptor ride and a few pics. Once we were the last guests waiting to be picked up, we were left with the staff, who began telling crude jokes and reciting crude lines from the movie Space Balls. It was rather uncomfortable and by that time we were over all of this. Finally, we get our flight with some of the crew. Again, another beautiful flight, where my cousin was able to chat with the pilot with a head set and he gave her a few quick facts. I did not. Plane lands, we are safely guided away. We leave. All this to say our experience, besides the beautiful helicoptor ride and the photos, was a disaster. The staff in the airport were very disorganized. Even as we waited for a video we would never see, we could hear them sounding very confused, can't find this, what about that. Not super reassuring. The pilots were great. The staff in the canyon were rude and dismissive. Crude at times. Very unprofessional. I will say towards the end an Indian employee scolded the 2 guys with bright vests on for not offering us cold water, which he then did. That was kind. I definitely would not book with this company again. I would not recommend this company. I feel like the discription of the excursion I paid for was very misrepresented with what I ended up receiving.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2022
We are sorry that you had a bad experience with us. We want to look into the matter further. If you could email us your reservation number and full name to [email protected], we would appreciate it.
Aug 2022
My AirBnB host encouraged me to drive to the west rim of the Grand Canyon, as it wasn’t too far. He was right, and you have the flexibility of stopping anywhere you want as well of course (Hoover Dam, Dolan Springs). Anyway, we used the money we would have spent on a bus tour, added to it, and got this helicopter trip to the canyon floor, boat trip on the Colorado river when down there, then SkyWalk experience at the top again. Going over the edge of the Grand Canyon is something I wish everyone could experience. It was just the four of us in the helicopter and in the boat, and it felt very special. Papillon were wonderful. Advice beforehand, confirmation the day before, driving directions, very professional AND friendly staff. This was a trip neither I nor the rest of my family will ever forget.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2022
We appreciate your feedback! It sounds like you had an amazing experience on your Grand Canyon flight. We agree that the views are truly stunning, and we are glad you chose to fly with us!

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