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Обилазак хеликоптера Гранд Цанион Вест Рим

Погледајте Западни обод Великог кањона из ваздушне перспективе током сликовитог обиласка хеликоптера са аеродрома Боулдер Цити. Путујте са стилом уз луксузни хотелски превоз до аеродрома, где ћете се укрцати у свој хеликоптер. Уживајте у невероватним сликама са прозора који се окрећу око хеликоптера док се вините изнад пејзажа. Задивите се Хоовер брани, језеру Мид и зеленој врпци реке Колорадо која вијуга из дубина скулптурираних зидова од пешчара Великог кањона. <бр><бр>Одаберите опцију надоградње за Вегас да бисте укључили луксузне хотелске трансфере и лет преко Лас Вегас Стрипа по повратку из Гранд Цаниона!<бр><бр>** Имајте на уму: на снази за резервације направљене од 21. марта 2022. , приказана цена не укључује накнаду за гориво од 30 УСД по особи. Ова накнада се плаћа директно добављачу на дан вашег путовања **
Цити: лас Вегас
Tue 25 Feb
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $379.00
Tue 25 Feb
Са почетком у $379.00
Шта је укључено
Лет преко Лас Вегас Стрип-а (ако је изабрана опција за надоградњу Вегаса)
Превоз и одлазак у хотел шатл аутобусом (полазак из Боулдер Ситија)
70 минута прибл. лет (полазак из Боулдер Ситија)
90-минутни лет (ако је изабрана опција надоградње Вегас)
Луксузни хотелски трансфери (ако је изабрана опција надоградње Вегас)
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Бебе деце сматрају се дететом у крилу ако су млађи од две године и имају доказ о старости, као што је пасош или копија извода из матичне књиге рођених<ли>Сви путници старији од 18 година морају да покажу државни ИД са фотографијом<ли>За удобност и тежину/равнотежу авиона, путници који теже 300 лбс или више ће морати да купе додатно седиште. Ово се плаћа директно организатору путовања на дан обиласка<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Транспортна возила редовно дезинфицирано<ли>Водичи су обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Плаћена политика боравка код куће за особље са симптомима
Шта да очекујете
Гранд Цанион Скивалк
Подигните се изнад задивљујућег Западног руба Великог кањона и погледајте доле на вијугаву реку Колорадо и видиковце као што је Еагле Поинт, где се налази Скивалк са стакленим дном.
Гуано Поинт
Поглед на Велики кањон Запад укључује Гуано Поинт, популарни видиковац унутар кањона.
Хоовер Дам
Прелетите чувену Хуверову брану на путу до Западног Великог кањона.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (143)
Kevin A
Feb 2018
We had originally booked to land in the Grand Canyon as part of our tour but this was cancelled. Papillon kept us informed of our options and we went for the flight only tour. It was fantastic. Our pilot, Scott gave us a running commentary of each landmark we passed. We flew over the Hoover dam, lake mead as well as the canyon. The view from above is spectacular, well worth it.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2018
Thank you for taking time to post a review, and we're happy to know how much you enjoyed the tour despite the change in plans. We appreciate your business! Sincerely, Papillon Management
Feb 2018
Took the shuttle to papillon base in Henderson, not that long of a ride, did check in, pilot gave a short safety briefing, loaded up and away we went,,,, the view from the copter was out of this world. Looking at the canyon gives the guest a birds eye view, when we set down near the Colorado river breathtaking, This is must do, hope you enjoy it as much as we did.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2018
Thank you for choosing us to fly you to the Grand Canyon! We sincerely appreciate your business. Respectfully, Papillon Management
Neil R
Jan 2018
Booked our flight the day before and received an email asking me to call them and confirm it as it was booked so little in advance. On that call was advised the pick up point would be the 'Valet Parking Entrance' at the MGM Grand. Next day we are at the valet parking and I double check the email in case I'd need to show it and noticed the email said the pickup point would be the 'West Wing Entrance' which is a different entrance so we double-timed it over to the West Wing Entrance. Our pickup time was 11:35 and at 11:36 (checked on my phone) I placed a call to the company to ensure we hadn't missed the pickup. I was told at 11:37 that we were "5 minutes late" and had missed our pickup. The man on the phone was rude and couldn't resist having a rant at me only to tell me that the driver would make his way back. Would hardly let me speak to explain the confusion was started by his colleague the previous day and on top of that that he was accusing me of being 5 minutes late less than 5 minutes after my scheduled pick up time. Infuriating stuff. As first impressions go it was abysmal. Luckily the driver of the bus was welcoming and told us not to worry about it. From then on the whole experience was excellent. The facilities at the airfield are ideal. The chopper flight itself was perfectly smooth and our pilot's (John I think - said he was nearly there a year) local knowledge was excellent throughout. He seemed to have a genuine love for the Canyon and the area in general which came across in his conversation during the flight. You could tell he wasn't just rhyming off by the numbers. Anything he couldn't answer he didn't try and bluff either. He mentioned that he likes to raft trough the canyon with friends in his spare time and his knowledge showed it. I was sat in a middle seat of the back row but still had great views out of the large windows in the front and sides. The bose headsets blocked out almost the entire engine noise so the flight was comfortable throughout. The whole thing was very reasonably priced and the whole thing took less than 4 hours from Hotel to Hotel so didn't take up a whole day. If they were able to bring their entire staff to the same level of friendliness and professionalism as their drivers and pilots it would be a 5 star review next time but their transfers staff member that day let them down.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2018
Thank you for taking time to provide a balanced review. Your feedback is extremely important to us, especially as it concerns a problem with our customer service. We sincerely apologize for the confusion over your shuttle pick-up and that it started your tour off on the wrong note. This is important for us to know and it will be addressed. We're happy to know that we were able to make it all up to you with a thrilling tour and a great pilot. Thank you for choosing us to show you the Grand Canyon, and we hope you enjoyed the rest of your stay in Las Vegas. Respectfully, Papillon Management

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