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Гранд Централ: Опен Сесаме Багел Тоур

Treat yourself to a sesame bagel and an inside peak at the inner workings and secret treasures of one of the world’s top attractions, Grand Central Terminal in New York City. A triumph of architecture and transportation for its era, Grand Central has been renowned as a premier destination for more than 100 years. These days, the terminal is also a destination for deliciousness exhibited at an exceptional range of top food establishments.
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Sat 29 Mar
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Са почетком у $50.00
Sat 29 Mar
Са почетком у $50.00
Шта је укључено
Локални водич
континентални доручак
Local guide
Continental breakfast
Local guide
Continental breakfast
Local guide
Додатне информације
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller
  • Service animals allowed
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Transportation options are wheelchair accessible
  • All areas and surfaces are wheelchair accessible
  • Travelers should have at least a moderate level of physical fitness
  • Children must be accompanied by an adult
  • Minimum age is 10 years old
Шта да очекујете
Гранд Централ Терминал
Тријумф архитектуре и транспорта за своје доба, Гранд Централ је био познат као врхунска дестинација више од 100 година. Возови као што је 20тх Центури Лимитед поставили су највиши стандард луксузног путовања за своје време. Гранд Централ, који је добио статус знаменитости 1976. године, остаје једна од великих туристичких дестинација Њујорка са много прича за испричати. Ових дана, терминал је такође дестинација за укусе изложене у изузетном спектру врхунских ресторана. Посебна разноликост ових укусних ужитака може се искусити на Гранд Централ Маркету и у неколико ресторана на нижем нивоу. Започните турнеју тако што ће сви добити врућу свежу пециву, култни симбол Њујорка! Затим истражујемо терминал почевши од главног ходника, прелазимо у чекаоницу Вандербилт и излазимо напоље и гледамо чувену фасаду терминала. Посетите чувени Апартман Цампбелл (чак и врло мали број Њујорчана зна да постоји!) и идите на локације као што су Соба за пољупце и Галерија шапата.
Цампбелл Апартман
Цампбелл Апартман
Бен'с Багел Тоурс
Бен'с Багел Тоурс
Гранд Централ Маркет
Гранд Централ Маркет
Grand Central Terminal
A triumph of architecture and transportation for its era, Grand Central has been renowned as a premier destination for more than 100 years. Trains such as the 20th Century Limited set the highest standard of luxury travel for its time. Granted landmark status in 1976, Grand Central remains one of New York’s great tourist destinations with many stories to tell. These days, the terminal is also a destination for deliciousness exhibited at an exceptional range of top food establishments. A special variety of these yummy delights can be experienced at Grand Central Market and at several eateries on the lower level dining concourse. Begin the tour with everyone receiving a hot fresh bagel, the iconic symbol of New York! We then explore the terminal beginning with the main concourse, move on to the Vanderbilt Waiting Room, and go outside and look at the famous facade of the terminal. Visit the famous Campbell Apartment (even very few New Yorkers know it exists!) and on to such sites as the Kissing Room and Whispering Gallery.
Campbell Apartment
Campbell Apartment
Ben's Bagel Tours
Ben's Bagel Tours
Grand Central Market
Grand Central Market
Grand Central Terminal
A triumph of architecture and transportation for its era, Grand Central has been renowned as a premier destination for more than 100 years. Trains such as the 20th Century Limited set the highest standard of luxury travel for its time. Granted landmark status in 1976, Grand Central remains one of New York’s great tourist destinations with many stories to tell. These days, the terminal is also a destination for deliciousness exhibited at an exceptional range of top food establishments. A special variety of these yummy delights can be experienced at Grand Central Market and at several eateries on the lower level dining concourse. Begin the tour with everyone receiving a hot fresh bagel, the iconic symbol of New York! We then explore the terminal beginning with the main concourse, move on to the Vanderbilt Waiting Room, and go outside and look at the famous facade of the terminal. Visit the famous Campbell Apartment (even very few New Yorkers know it exists!) and on to such sites as the Kissing Room and Whispering Gallery.
Campbell Apartment
Campbell Apartment
Ben's Bagel Tours
Ben's Bagel Tours
Grand Central Market
Grand Central Market
Grand Central Terminal
A triumph of architecture and transportation for its era, Grand Central has been renowned as a premier destination for more than 100 years. Trains such as the 20th Century Limited set the highest standard of luxury travel for its time. Granted landmark status in 1976, Grand Central remains one of New York’s great tourist destinations with many stories to tell. These days, the terminal is also a destination for deliciousness exhibited at an exceptional range of top food establishments. A special variety of these yummy delights can be experienced at Grand Central Market and at several eateries on the lower level dining concourse. Begin the tour with everyone receiving a hot fresh bagel, the iconic symbol of New York! We then explore the terminal beginning with the main concourse, move on to the Vanderbilt Waiting Room, and go outside and look at the famous facade of the terminal. Visit the famous Campbell Apartment (even very few New Yorkers know it exists!) and on to such sites as the Kissing Room and Whispering Gallery.
Campbell Apartment
Campbell Apartment
Ben's Bagel Tours
Ben's Bagel Tours
Grand Central Market
Grand Central Market
Grand Central Terminal
A triumph of architecture and transportation for its era, Grand Central has been renowned as a premier destination for more than 100 years. Trains such as the 20th Century Limited set the highest standard of luxury travel for its time. Granted landmark status in 1976, Grand Central remains one of New York’s great tourist destinations with many stories to tell. These days, the terminal is also a destination for deliciousness exhibited at an exceptional range of top food establishments. A special variety of these yummy delights can be experienced at Grand Central Market and at several eateries on the lower level dining concourse. Begin the tour with everyone receiving a hot fresh bagel, the iconic symbol of New York! We then explore the terminal beginning with the main concourse, move on to the Vanderbilt Waiting Room, and go outside and look at the famous facade of the terminal. Visit the famous Campbell Apartment (even very few New Yorkers know it exists!) and on to such sites as the Kissing Room and Whispering Gallery.
Campbell Apartment
Campbell Apartment
Ben's Bagel Tours
Ben's Bagel Tours
Grand Central Market
Grand Central Market
Show 17 више заустављања
Политика отказивања
For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (21)
Oct 2024
Had a blast on this tour this past weekend. It was just us with Ben but he was personable, knowledgeable, and brought great bagels too! I would gladly do his tours again and think everyone else should too.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2024
Thank you so much for your very nice review!!
Oct 2023
Great experience of Grand Central. So much history and knowledge by Bob. Impressed by technology compared to other guides.
Mar 2022
Excellent tour. Knowledgeable and engaging. Next time I’m in NY I’ll do one of Ben’s other tours. Can’t wait.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2022
Thank you so much and look forward of taking you on one my many other tours Ben Wagenberg Ben’s Bagel Tours

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