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Обилазак Гранд Денали-а из Талкеетне

Дефинитивни обилазак Деналија који покрива већи део Аљаске него било која друга доступна тура. Пратите речне системе Талкеетне преко долине Суситна у невероватан пејзаж ледопада, глечера и снежних врхова. Истражите дубље у опсегу Аљаске, укључујући глечер Кахилтна, најдужи у Националном парку Денали, који се протеже 45 миља са задивљујућим гребенима земље и леда. Прећи ћете преко ланца Аљаске и свједочити арктичкој алпској тундри на сјеверној страни удаљене унутрашњости Националног парка Денали. Додајте слетање на глечер у обилазак летова за животно искуство (ово вам додаје 30 минута времену путовања).
Цити: Аласка
Sat 16 Nov
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Са почетком у $405.00
Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $405.00
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Преузимање и одлазак у хотел за одабране хотеле у Талкеетни (не укључује хотеле у Националном парку Денали)
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Бебе морају да седе на крило одраслих<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Локални трансфери су доступни у оквиру Талкеетне до аеродрома. Позовите да договорите локацију и време преузимања. Путници који се налазе изван радијуса од 3 миље од Талкеетне морају доћи на аеродром Талкеетна где се налази наша канцеларија. Физичка адреса је 14212 Е. Сецонд Стреет, Талкеетна АК, 99676<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за путнике на јавним местима<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за водиче у јавним просторима<ли> Маске за лице обезбеђене за путнике<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Провере температуре за путнике по доласку<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
Шта да очекујете
Талкеетна Аир Таки
Своју екскурзију ћете започети тако што ћете се пријавити у нашу канцеларију брвнаре на државном аеродрому Талкеетна 45 минута пре поласка вашег лета. Обавезно понесите наочаре за сунце, лагану јакну (љети) и довољно меморије на фотоапарату. Укрцајте се у наш авион опремљен за скијање и уживајте у коментарима ваших пилота о геолошкој историји и локалним дивљим животињама на вашим индивидуалним слушалицама. Наставите свој лет изнад Талкеетне и преко речних система долине Суситна док улазите у невероватан пејзаж ледопада, глечера и снежних врхова. Бићете задивљени Великом клисуром глечера Рут, испуњеном реком леда дебелом 4000 стопа, што ову клисуру чини једном од најдубљих клисура на свету. Путујте даље у опсег да бисте истражили седам главних глечера који покривају јужну страну ланца Аљаске. Додајте слетање са глечера на своје путовање да бисте упечатили свој одмор на Аљасци. Ово ће додати 30 минута вашем времену путовања за ову прилику да уживате у пејзажима који изазивају страхопоштовање.
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Коментара (158)
Sep 2021
Grand Denali Tour with Glacier Landing--- I have traveled up through Talkeetna on to Denali National Park numerous times over the last 10 years. I had never, up until this trip, taken advantage of the Talkeetna Air Taxi service; and all I can say about that is "Shame on me!". First, know that I have tried to take the flight out of Denali in the past. While I was not successful because of the weather, this trip I was advised that while the company out of the park is a great company, the flight into would potentially be better. The flight out saved 6 hours of bus time, and weather permitting saw some cool sights, but the flight in, with glacier landing would amaze. They were 100% right. Second, know that I was thinking of saving some money and not doing the glacier landing. I called Talkeetna Air and spoke with one of their employees. That employee did not pressure sell me at all. She explained what people like about the flight options, those with and without glacier landings, she gave me an honest account of the time in the air (15 minutes into the park, the a lot of time flying around the summit, then a landing if chosen, than a nice flight out) for a total time much longer than the flight out of the park (mind you). She also explained what she thinks of landing on the glacier. Explaining to me that while I have been to Alaska and hiked and seen glaciers, being on one in the Denali range in the mountains would amaze me with the vast openness and quite. Again, she didn't try to sell me, she simply tried to explain pros and cons. In the end, there weren't many cons other than a bit more money---and let's be honest, if you are forking out the money for the flight, you might as well not be cheap like I was going to be. We settled on the flight and landing and it was worth EVERY PENNY! I kid you not. Everything about the flight was amazing. Our pilot-- She was amazing. There was a time when she said--ok, we are going to fly into the face of the mountain now to give you an idea of how big it is--but don't worry, we are at least a mile from the face. It seemed like we were right next to it!! She warned us when it might get a bit bumpy, and why, and then we were prepared and could still experience the sights that the bumpy air allowed us to see. And the glacier landing was amazing. To land in snow in a mountain and take off in snow on a mountain is a modern feat. These planes they use are amazing. And the pilots the best! So there is that all by itself. But to step out and see it and listen and just exist was the best. Every person on that flight was blown away. Every person on that flight had a smile from ear to ear. I am not going to lie to you--- we had perfect weather on August 21st---some of the best they had seen in a couple of weeks. We saw Denali in all her beauty. In fact, we saw her driving in to Talkeetna, on the flight and the next day on the bus tour (which I have done 4 times and it never gets old). So we were blessed! But Talkeetna air does not shy away from being honest with you about the weather. They will not go up in the weather is bad. And if the clouds are in but weather ok to fly, they will be open about that tour. And they go out of their way to rebook you if necessary. In fact, later that week while in Seward on a whale/glacier tour with Alaska Saltwater Lodge & Tours (who I highly recommend as well) we met a mother and daughter that tried to fly the day before us. They could not because of weather. And Talkeetna worked with them and their very busy trip (already planned) to accommodate another flight. With that, what I recommend is you book your travel days (if going by car mind you) to Denali park a couple of days apart. Plan the flight on the way up there. If it doesn't work out, try to plan a reschedule for your day out of the area if going back towards Anchorage. Bottom line-- I will absolutely do this experience again. I will absolutely use Talkeenta Air Taxi. I will absolutely do the flight and glacier landing. And I will absolutely love it. Oh, and one other thing. I had my mom and dad with me. Both in the mid 70s. Mom a bit leery of small planes and nervous. She did fine. In fact, she did better than fine. She was not once scared nor flight sick nor anything but amazed. It was one of the highlights of her trip and it set the stage for more adventures. Thank you Talkeetna Air!
Sep 2021
Great experience. Weather was changing and pooled made decision on safety. Nice explanation of where we were and local attractions like ideriod trail.
Sep 2021
We had a flight arranged for a day that was going to rain so I called to see if they would switch our day and time and we were able to do it. Very accommodating and friendly people! We also landed on a glacier which was amazing. The pilot gave us a lot of information about Denali and the surrounding mountains - not only beautiful scenery but learned some new things. Highly recommend!!

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