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Греат Воодсман Зиплине Цанопи Тоур Брансон

Добитник награде УСА Тодаи'с Бест Аериал Адвентуре Парк у 2019! Потпуно нови Схепхерд'с Адвентуре Парк има невероватан обилазак зип-лајн балдахином! Проћи ћете кроз прелепу земљу Схепхерд оф тхе Хиллс и доживети природне лепоте Озаркса на имању које је све почело. За људе који само желе да испробају зип-лајн по први пут имамо прелепу туру која не захтева скоро никакво пешачење или пењање по степеницама, што га чини пријатним и за старије и за децу, без жртвовања било чега на страни узбуђења. Можете или да кренете у наш краћи обилазак од 4 кабла или да закопчате свих осам прогресивно проширите на веће и дуже каблове и на крају ћете спојити скоро 6000 стопа кабла. <бр><бр>Позадина нашег Зиплине-а је прелепа Хеннинг Цонсерватион Ареа од 1500 јутара. Обиласци трају само 30 минута или чак 2 сата у зависности од величине групе. Максимално 12 људи по групној тури. <бр>
Цити: Брансон
Mon 21 Oct
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Са почетком у $96.60
Mon 21 Oct
Са почетком у $96.60
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лоше кардиоваскуларно здравље<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе
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Коментара (189)
Apr 2022
We had a great experience. Taylor and Brian are great guides! They interact with you so it’s not all awkward the whole time your out on the zip lines. It’s really easy to stop at the end of the lines. I would recommend trying this out if your y’all are in the area and have wanted to give zip lining a try.
Apr 2022
Ohhhhh how I wanted to zipline here in the mountains! I see zipline - I want to zip! We don’t zip in the flatlands of the Texas Panhandle. None of the old people wanted to partake in the “risk taking behavior.” I did finally convince my husband of 22 years that it’s an experience that he won’t regret. It’s just so freeing! Enter Tayler and Brian (pictured) who were amazing guides. So fun and down to earth! I should have asked if they would take us again since it was just me and the hubs and it went super quick! Lol The hubs liked it and said he would do it again. There are other places to zipline in Branson, but the place that had most of the reviews had comments about their brakes being insufficient. That was a no go for me… The Shepherd of the Hills has good brakes! If you want video or pictures ask them to take them. I regret not having them video us, but am so thankful they don’t sell them…. However if they did…. I would have bought them… This is not a tourist trap - they are good people and amazing people who guide you through!
Ashley M
Apr 2022
I would recommend this activity for a group of people who have fun hanging out regardless of what they are doing. I also think it would be a lot of fun for older kids - a great family activity. I did it with just my husband and we probably wouldn’t do it again because so much time was spent waiting for the rest of the group (people we didn’t know). Like 10 minutes or so between each ride of just standing there waiting in line in the sun (we didn’t expect to get sunburned in the woods, but it was early spring and the leaves weren’t filled out on the trees yet). We were in the woods for around 2 hours with only I think 7? or maybe 9? zipline runs, and for us all the waiting was tiring and overshadowed the actual ziplining, but I can imagine that if I had been there with a bunch of my friends or my nieces and nephews I would have had fun even while waiting for my turn. I will say our guides were great and did their best to help everyone have fun with banter and music while we were waiting.

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